
Caduvar is usually considered the gateway to the Channel Lakes, a water route cutting through southern Libynos. Most of the city is less than 250 years old, having been rebuilt after Alcaldar’s conquest of the Kingdom of Ka’dufaar. Formerly built almost entirely of wood, government, commercial, and religious buildings, as well as the homes of the wealthy (and the city wall), are now made of imported stone; this makes them less vulnerable to the fire that ravaged the old city during the siege.   A major port city, Caduvar is also home to a fleet of the Imperial Navy. The fleet has been deployed close to the city for the past year, providing protection against warships of the Castorhagi Navy that have been anchored off the coast for that entire time. (Happily, these warships have yet to try to interfere with ships entering the Channel Lakes system.) The port sees relatively little trade; it is primarily a first stop for ships coming from afar and heading through the channel, or a last stop before ships head out along the coast or (more likely) across the Sinnar Ocean to Akados. The port also provides protection from the wild storms that sometimes form in the southern part of the ocean.   Although San Caseo was founded as the capital of the Channel Lakes, it was in a relatively unpopulated area while Caduvar was in an area of established farms and small villages. Several exceptional soldiers were ennobled and granted the lands in the region of Caduvar, resulting in that now being an area full of haciendas; while some are the usual size, others are smaller than those of nobles with older titles. Nobles in this area include the duque of Texedor, the marquesa of Benifallim, the marqués of Tormos, and the conde of Millena. Abandoned, though, is the coastal hacienda of the duquesa of Berrocal that had half its population butchered by orcs more than a decade ago, and the other half stolen away as slaves. Even though the village and some farms were still habitable, any people who survived or managed to return had no desire to stay. Most of them moved to Alcaldar (or even farther) to be far away from the scene of the slaughter and the unlucky estate has been allowed to fall into ruin.


Caduvar, City of
Archon Lope-Ederono, Conde of Sorzano

archon (city governor) appointed by queen of Alcaldar; bureaucracy

9,127 (almost all Alcaldrich)
Owning Organization


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