Balgrimmon Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Located on the east coast of the Ruby Sea, Balgrimmon is the largest Numedan port on that sea and handles most of the cargo trade for the southern part of Numeda. Ships sailing in and out of Balgrimmon make sure to fly the flag of any powerful merchant group or noble patron they can claim to put off the unwanted attention of any corsairs. Ships with no such sponsor hire as many marines as they can afford and pray to the gods for protection.   Several wealthy noble families live in the southern part of Numeda, so Balgrimmon does receive visits by ships from Axuum as well as distant places such as Far Jaati and Ur, bringing exotic, expensive products for the palaces of emirs and the tents of sheikhs. From here, caravan routes run north and south along the coast as well as to many mining towns in the Murat Hills.   Balgrimmon has a prominent temple to Anumon, and many people from the surrounding area travel here to attend the rituals. The truly ancient building has tall pillars holding up the ceiling, which is carved inside and out with storm clouds and bolts of lightning, and a large hall for the devotees to chant together in community.


Balgrimmon, Town of

Emir Ratip


21,994 (20,641 Numedan, 1,345 other human ethnicity, 8 dwarf)

Owning Organization


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