Ankhurans Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Found only in their homeland in the Tsendarkar Mountains of far western Akados, Ankhuran dwarves are a quiet, almost taciturn group, who usually wear elaborate tunics, shirts, and trousers embroidered with mandalas and geometric patterns. Unlike many other dwarves, they favor bright colors such as reds and yellows, sometimes garishly contrasting with darker blues or greens.   Ankhuran dwarves tend to wear their hair long and often woven into multiple braids. Embroidered, soft conical hats with the top pulled forward are common headgear, as are skullcaps and headbands. The Ankhurans do not make quite such a fuss about beards as other dwarves, and male Ankhurans often go unshaven or wear short beards that are sometimes shaved into elaborate patterns. Ankhuran women favor face paints or tattoos, also in traditional geometric patterns that are often quite beautiful and extensive. Males usually do not decorate their faces, save for ear- and lip-rings.


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