Fereth Geographic Location in The Discontinuum | World Anvil


The continent of Fereth is the third largest continent on the World of the Long Sleep. Like Trass, it is in the northern hemisphere but since it is almost on the opposite side of the world, it is considered remote from the important centres of civilisation in the Awakened World. Fereth sits at a slightly lower lattitude than Trass, being a little further away from the poles and closer to the equator. The closest populated land to the south is the archipelago of Helsporan and then further to the west, Equatoria and Allport are stepping stones on the traditional trading route to Trass.
  Fereth was unpopulated by humans during the Season Of Innocence and its population grew only slowly thereafter. However, as the city of Bledlyme became an increasingly important trading partner for the cities of Equatoria, the merchants of Trass looked for a more direct route to access the continent themselves. The opening up of a polar route in the age of the Succession Empires, closed a circumglobal trade gap, which connected Niderrock on Fereth with the northern outpost of Ulkvass on Trass, so that both cities benefited greatly from no longer being at the extremity of the shipping routes controlled by the tropical powers of Allport and Modyran.


Fereth is home to a larger number of alien plants and animals of all kinds than can be found elsewhere on the Awakened Earth. It has been suggested that it was used as a testing ground for some of the more extreme species in the Gene Sea. In the central woodland belt, wild super elks make for fine hunting and eating. The marmabbits that wander the downs to the south and east of Goldenstrum can be trapped for fur and meat.   In the islands off the northern coast, a kind of hybrid sheep and alien goat species found nowhere else, is farmed primarily for its wool.


  • The World of the Long Sleep - Fereth during the Pax Helsporan
Included Locations

Cover image: The Discontinuum by DMFW with Midjourney


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