Season 4, Episode 7: "Blackblood Singing in the Dead of Night!" Report Report in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Season 4, Episode 7: "Blackblood Singing in the Dead of Night!" Report

General Summary

The Dream Team rallied around Tesin as she awoke from her slumber, and confirmed that the Lashunta has successfully recovered her idenity. After catching up with the crew, Isra received a warning from the Forge, returning just in time to see Vaughn Blackblood landing on the planet, peddling much-needed supplies, and some interesting opportunities...  
  • Melody traded one of her favors with the merchant in return for the parts for an Access Beacon, pushing the responsibility of repayment on Mist, and then swiftly returned to Ezorod to begin her work.
  • Isra traded use of the Forge's exterior portals to Vaughn in return for weekly supplies -- a tight, three-year contract that would see to the needs of the Children of the Forge in their weakest times.
  • Inspired by Cornelius's strange attraction to Mooncakes, the group inquired about the parent company, Aballonian Mooncakes Inc., and discovered that the owner (Faustian Tingle) was in great debt to Vaughn. They agreed to a venture with the Oni, taking 55% ownership and responsibility for creating profit, and acquired Mr. Tingle as an employee (after a brief trip to Hell).
  • As part of his obligation to the Order of the Mirror, Vaughn gave Mist a one-time research pass to land at Ukulam with Esowath Conservancy sponsorship.
  Then, with both of their minds fully restored, Lockette and Tesin focused on repairing T.R.A.V.I.S., beginning with an intense psychosurgery to repair the damage dealt by Jun Zhao. Although there were some close calls, the duo was largely successful, and the A.I. began to slow process to recovery.   At last, Mist convinced the Dream Team to follow him to Castrovel, so that he could check on his family in the Ikal Expanse. The journey through the Drift aboard the Shift was arguably their longest ever, taking 6 days, during which they were gifted dreams of their party on Golarion.   Landing at the Esowath Nexus, they were given access to a rudimentary boat, and meandered their way north, up the Ralhoma River. At mid-day they arrived at Wexa -- where the recent signs of battle were still evident -- and Mist reunited with his parents, Dances with Leaves and Warmth in the Clouds. Although the pair were ecstatic to see their son and meet his friends, they revealed that Mist's cousin (Flame Through the Night, a.k.a. Flay) had been missing for days, after leaving to hunt down the Quigs the Cult of the Elder Mythos left behind. The party set out almost immediately, heading further north, searching desperately for signs of the Ysoki's flight.   They found her just as the sun was setting, in a tense battle against a Quig far larger than the rest, and carrying a vile spawn in her belly. The Dream Team jumped into action, taking heavy hits as Flay recovered from her injuries, and then worked together to bring the beast down. For the first time in three years, Flay and Mist shared each other's company, and told stories of the past. Flay revealed she had recently been blessed by the Dreamer, and that she had begun to see a strange UI in her vision... Convinced something was afoot, the party camped out for the night, and their questions were answered.   In their dreams, they saw events of the present, as Sarge and a band of cultists crashed their starship into the Caliria Maze, seeking the head of Unari Dama...

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes.
  • Sensei's Sword (Flay)

Created Content

New and updated articles for:


  • I have spent too much time researching Hostess Brands since this game ended.
  • Aballonian Mooncakes Inc. is now a Level 1 Organization.
  • The Children of the Forge are empowered, and become a Level 8 Organization.
The Centurion's Riddle
Flame in the Night
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0
Report Date
04 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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