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Irgian-Valone Pact

No troop, only trade

More than a century, the Valonia Empire and the Irgia Republic used to join an economic alliance under the agreement known as Irgian-Valone Pact. Forming in 106 BVE until 50 VE, they exclusively trade each local valuable resources for the benefit of both, claiming as one of the most powerful alliances in history.


According to the pact, it covered only those two nations. The vassals under each members, if they had one, were considered as one of whom controlled, and so the Protectorate of Erkin and Protectorate of Garol, two Irgian's vassals, were not part of the pact but in the name of the republic and could not fully demand without the lord's appointment.

Each nation has their own emissaries, who stationed on government-provided embassies where where any formal meeting were held, which was the Valonian's House of Wisdom and the Irgian's Centralium.

Speaking of embassies, to strengthen their relationship, the annual meeting had to be held for about two weeks. During the events, both heads of government were meeting each other at one of the embassies to discuss politics, trades, and current affairs, before touring around and giving the best quality tributes at the end.


Irgia Republic

The southern republic bordered by the long ridges, it had an abundance of metal ores and temperate floras for sell, with large amount of fleets for fully defenses.

They're the reason to form the pact in the first place.

Main Exports
  • Iron
  • Bronze
  • Olive
  • Wine
Valonia Empire

The western empire with the vast territory throughout the west and the middle of the South Estisia driven by quatity of inventions and mounted faunas.

Desprite all of these, they rarely acquired common ores despite their expert craftsmanship.

Main Exports
  • Marble
  • Gold
  • Horse
  • Pepper
  • Iron/Bronze goods

Public Agenda

Unlike a regular alliance, the pact only covered on exchanging resources, meaning that military voluntary of any wars was unaccepted. In fact, it wasn't a purpose to they did not interest it in the first place either; both have their own self fighiting spirits.


Irgian had first met Valonian as the kingdom in the early 1st century BVE. At the time, the kingdom's economy was growing, while the republic suffered from recently getting rid of Empire of Kritus from the Gate Lowland.

Since the enemy of their enemy are their friends, it could have been an acceptable idea to form an alliance with the Valonians but that was not the case when the republic was profiting the colony. This was until the republic lost the whole colony and the mightly fleets to the Maritime Kingdom in the war of 110 BVE, that they realized it was a time to need a help.

As such, in 107 BVE, the Irgian senator invited the Valonian king to negotiate for economic agreement. Since both saw each other as no threats, they eventually signed the pact and took effect a year later. Both countries developed with interdependence; The republic got craftmen to reinforce their fleets, while the kingdom got refined metals to repair craftmen's tools. In only a few decades, the republic was back on track as the king of the sea again, and the Valonian's Age of Wealth and Peace was continued.

In 30 BVE, Valonia was being occupied by the Empire of Kritus. Due to the fear of being invaded again, Irgian secretly helped the rebellion to succeed its independence.

After the Kritus was defeated, the alliance continued to active, stringer than they had ever been.

The Deal for the Bang!

Not all trades were agreed. Since the rise of Gunner Legion, the republic attempted to negotiate for acquiring Valonian's powerful Crystal Projectile - claiming to enhance their already upgraded warships to be stronger. The Valonian declined with the reason of those thing was hardly to supply, in order to hold their pointiest stick. It might be possible in the future, only if conditions were right.

In 43 VE, the empire eventually agreed for such revolutional, important trade. If everything was according to plan, the trade would be in effect for 10 years.


two years later, the republic was waging the war against the Maritime Kingdom, while the empire waged them with weapons and supplies. The action was not conflicted with pact in every ways possible, and so they were helping each other. Since 43 VE, many officers cited them as one of the biggest diplomatic attempts in alliance history without broken the pact. However, everything turned upside down in the year seven.

During that year's annual meeting, several assasinations occured within weeks, especially the death of the emperor's heir who married Garol princess as one of their closing ceremony in the annual meeting. As the empire found out that was all the republic's plan, the empire changed the side and declared war. As such, after the 160 years of international bond, the pact benefiting them all, was effectively dissolved.

Trade & Transport

The only way to meet each other was by the sea and the wall, which was far from any member's capital. However, they still had the nearest route. By travelling through the Quarry Range, the mountain range between Valone and Irisone, any caravans could go trading easier despite how rocky it was.

/*The alliance had the biggest trade power , to superior. Maritime Kingdom, Irgian's recent rival.*/

Diplomacy Diagram not available

106 BVE - 50 VE

Alliance, Generic
House of Wisdom
Building / Landmark | Mar 28, 2019
Building / Landmark | Nov 28, 2022

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Author's Notes

The entry for The Alliance Challenge!
17/12/2021 - Flag added (for diplomacy web)
8/1/2023 - Major updated: The pact was dissolved

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