Crystal Projectile Technology / Science in Terraloga | World Anvil

Crystal Projectile

Work in progress. Subject to change.
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The Crystal Projectile is type of ranged weapon that powered by Catastropium. It was developed by the scientists form Royal Research Academy (R.R.A.), the scientific institute in the name of Valonia. The term was firstly to describe an early version of firearms, but later changed to describe any type of existing weapons powered by crystal.


At the time, Valonia was being controlled by the rivalty, the Empire of Kritus. Valus Rarmon, abolished by those when he was a child, secretly formed a rebellion to fight against them. However, their arsenals was too weak, and the stake was so high that if he fails, his bloodline would end.

He believed in a myth of a magical powerful crystal that, whoever hold it could bring the strengh and powerful. Hoping it would save his country, he even sent a team to find one. Sadly though, as he acquired a piece, he was very disappointed that it gave no strengh to himself, nor a cast to activate them, but that wouldn't stop him. To prove that the myth was actually real, he sent it to Parlov Indus, the R.R.A. administrator and Valus' close friend, to extract its power along with an expedition log that made him believed in continuing.

Development Progress

The study was unschedule as secret and as possible to prevent any recognization from Kritus, or the rebellion will be compromised. They has been studying it for months, but still has no possible solution...

...Until one day, the scientists were experimenting to see how size was related to growth rate, in which they had to reduce its size by cutting it with chisel and hammer. However, an accident happened as they hit it too hard it shattered and a flashy explosion happened. The blast was so strong it throw the hammer and chisel away, struck into the wall.

no one could tell if it's comedic or not, but what all agreed that, thety found the answer.

The first thing they created was a cannon called Catasoon. Using a crystal chunk as fuel to shoot an iron ball, it could breach the wall in only a few shots. It was more powerful and effective than catapult, however, it was too heavy and consumes more resources. Although they tried to make smaller one, no barrel couldn't resist.

The solution was changing to powder. Since they found out that the smaller the chunk, the more reactive it got and thus more adjustable. This led to Catasia, the first working handgun ever created.

They sent it to Ferrum Faber to manufacture immediately.

Because they must kept it secret, the schedule was tightened and only a few knew about an experiment. Some accidents obviously happened too, causing more delays, and sometimes death. Overall, it took about two years to experiment and production until the first stock of arm is completed, estimated of 10,000 arms being produced.


All parts drafting in separated blueprints will be sent to various blacksmith under Ferrum Faber. They are responsible for mass fabricationing, though without knowing the source of a secret fuel. Then, they will send all components back to R.R.A. to be assembled.

Parent Technologies

The gun has main 4 parts: barrel, ignitor, trigger, and handle. The most important mechanism is the ignitor; When the trigger is pulled, the steel head will be released, smashing a crystal powder inside the chamber, like mortar and pestle, causing them to crack and igniting, shooting a projectile at an incredible high speed.

Related Items

Articles under Crystal Projectile


Author's Notes

12/12/2022 - Post-SC edit #1: Major edit and tags added

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