Verdun Bay Geographic Location in Tarien | World Anvil

Verdun Bay

Verdun Bay, or Phelandria Bay as it used to be known, has always been an excellent harbor for ships seeking refuge from the storms that rage across the Eldorian Sea. Cut into the north side of the Island of Eldoria along the Cliffs of Talbourne, it was deep enough for large ships and even prompted people to cut into those cliffs and build the great, terraced city of Phelandria. When Verdun fell on the city in 580 AC, more than just the name of the bay changed.
As the moon hit the city itself, collapsing cliffs and terraces into the sea, it caused waters to recede further inland. The shores of the bay now alongside the sea are now even further away from the newly built city than ever before, making the bay seem almost like a completely separate body of water. The falling rubble did not - as many mariners feared. Instead, the moon drove so deeply into the floor that even now, nearly two centuries later, no one has found the bottom. Water temperatures rose precipitously in the aftermath but have since cooled and, being deeper than the nearby sea, are now colder. This change - in depth and size and temperature - has lead to one unexpected side effect. Large schools of sardines flock to these waters every winter, blanketing the surface of the bay. Several pods of dolphins and the razor sharp fins of sharks invariably cut through water after them, flanked by sea raptors who, several times during the winter, put on quite a show as they corral the sardines into a thick carpet on the surface of the bay to feed.
Alternative Name(s)
Phelandria Bay
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