Foljeim Province Nobles, their Estates, and Key Landmarks in Tariek Rough Collection

World Codex


  • Tolvar Baruntacht
    The lands and settlements attached to the title and deed of the Tolvar Baruntacht
  • Moss Bay
    The seat of power of the Romain Family, and the principal city of the Foljeim Province.
  • Varde Baruntacht
    The map detailing the settlements and lands under the dominion and responsibility of the Varde Baruntacht Estate, and whomever holds the position and title of Fiolag in the region.
  • Romain Duchy
    The lands directly under the sphere of control of the Romain family, those that they hold directly with their title, instead of being held by banner oaths, in trust by clan chiefs or fiolags under them.
  • Evani Baruntacht
    The lands and settlements under the direct influence, trust, and political control of the Evani family.