Fiolag Brizzak Lomivmac Tolvar Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Fiolag Brizzak Lomivmac Tolvar

Fiolag Brizzak is well known as a skilled and competent warrior himself. He is a military and security mind, and holds his concerns as such. He is the mind Lady Protectorate Kassandra leans on when she needs advice, guidance or policy in such veins. He is well respected, holds the loyalty of his clan and his people. He is also known as a scientifically minded dwarf, and one to embrace new tech and weaponry whole heartedly, having developed a favoring for new weapons developed adjacent to the steam engine, those known as 'Chymech' weaponry. In particular Brizzak is known to have a preference for the dwarf invented and christened 'Bedgathirr' also known as the 'Volcano-Spitter'. Brizzak embraces science and so do the people under his direct sphere of control.

The dwarf himself cuts an imposing sort, having done time in the Suranthi Engineering Corps, and still bears that military demeanor and look. Loam colored hair kept tied back, shoulder length, with his beard kept at midrib length, a layered and symmetrical cut to it, not a hair out of line, prim and proper. His eyes are of a amber sheen. He dresses well, but in a functional style, based very much off the military, though in his clan colors of course. His hands show signs of mild chemical burns, old and long healed, but that speaks to his role and weapon of choice during the tail end of his service, having trained as one of the first generation of 'Erupters' the infantrymen whom wield the harrowing 'Volcano-Spitter'. In truth those burns extend far up his arms, and he wasn't one of the first but is THE first, and the inventor of the weapon design that now, after nearly a century of tinkering and trying to build support in the military and from the scientific community, is seeing more widespread usage within the Suranthi Armed Forces. Most every company will have an Erupter specialist in their ranks, and now its on the brass to, when opportunity presents, learn how they can best use this new weapon and specialist to the gain of the mission and the unit in given scenarios. After all, training only goes so far, eventually it is field time that is required.
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