Stun Condition in Tales of Justice | World Anvil


adapted from page 99 of "the White Book":
DC Heroes 3rd Edition by Mayfair Games


A Character who takes an amount of damage equal to or greater than his Body, Spirit, or Mind from a single attack -- regardless of the Current Condition being targeted -- is Stunned by that blow, even if the blow does not knock the target unconscious because he neutralized part of its effect through the use of Last Ditch Defense.
Stun can also be caused by intentional Knockback!


A stunned Character may take no Dice Actions during the phase in which they were Stunned if they have not already taken an action in that phase; and in either case, they may not make a Dice Action in their next phase.
Stunned Characters still receive their full OV, RV, and defenses against any and all attacks made upon them. This does not include performing an Acrobatic Dodge or Full Dodge, not even if the Character had already declared Dodge before being Stunned. Declaring such a Skill-based defense involves giving up at least one Dice Action, but Stun prevents all Dice Actions! This also does not include performing Martial Artist or Weaponry defenses via replacing OV or RV with the APs of Martial Artist (Blocking), Martial Artist (Defense), or Weaponry (Melee Weapons) subskills.
Stunned Characters may make Automatic Actions at the GM's discretion, which may depend in part on having an entertaining story-related reason for the Automatic Action to activate without the Character's volition.



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