Dodge in Tales of Justice | World Anvil


There are three kinds of Dodge in this game.


The first kind is "default". It's the automatic OV/RV that any Character, independently-moving Gadget, or object gets whenever attacked, with no real useful enhancements. It's often also known as "fail to Dodge".


The second kind is "declaring Dodge". A player who declares Dodge has his Character's OV against all Physical Attacks increased by +1 Column Shift for that phase.


The third kind is "acrobatic Dodge". Characters with the Dodging subskill of Acrobatics may add their APs of Skill to their OV instead of that +1 Column Shift bonus from the second kind. It's often also known as "full Dodge".


Dodging is an Automatic Action, but using the second or third kind of Dodge means that the character can do nothing but Dodge for one full Initiative cycle -- meaning that if the Character already acted during an Initiative, and then developed the need to Dodge, said character will continue to Dodge through the next phase's Initiative as well.


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