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Táldaran (singular: táldar) are spirits of deceased people, who continue their existence on Salan in the spirit form. 'Ghost' can be used synonymously to táldar, while 'spirit' can also refer to various kinds of immortal Spirit beings.

This article is about the ancestor spirits as creatures.
For the associated rituals, see: Faren ancestor worship
For the small family altars that are build for the homes for these spirits, see: táldaranim feles.
For more information on burial customs, see: Faren funerary traditions
For death as a condition, see: Death

Physical characteristics

The táldaran are usually invisible or appear only faintly, and cannot be touched, but can cause noise and various sensations. Most táldar only appear to their former relatives and friends, who had strong connection to them in living. However, the neglected táldar might haunt all people.

The táldar usually appear near their earthly remains, and seem to hold some kind of connection to their former body, and place of death. It is possible to transport the táldar quite reliably, by moving the dead body or it's remains. However, while the decay continues, the táldar's bond to the flesh seems to become fainter, and the connection to the people interacting with them grows stronger in turn.

In art the táldaran are usually depicted wearing loose blue ropes resembling the common burial clothing (see the sidebar).  

Stages of death

The táldar of a deceased person usually rises within some days or weeks of the death. At first the new spirits appear confused (especially if they died unexpectedly), but after a short while, if they are cared for well by their relatives, they become more comfortable with their new existence, and are quite clear-minded and able to remember a lot of their living past.

If the spirits are not buried in a safe place, or are not cared for by their family, they continue to wander near their dead body, and can haunt any people passing near them.


The most spirits continue to be in active communication with their relatives for a couple of years at most, but some are known to have stayed active for even hundreds of years. Eventually they all begin to fade. They become harder to communicate with, forgetful and often confused and angry. Eventually these old dead pass into the realm of forgetting, Waumin. While the thought of being forgotten is scary for both the living and the spirits, it is thought to be a blessing for the old dead suffering in their fading, and thus rituals are performed to ease the passing. In Waumin the spirits are thought to serve Ulalte, the Lord of the Dead, until they finally pass through the waters of forgeting, and can be reborn.  


The living relatives communicate daily with their ancestors. The family shares food and drink with them on an altar in the house of the dead, a small shrine placed on the yard of the house. They also spend time remembering the deceased, usually by telling stories about their life on the shrine. The active ghosts are invited to take part in all the important family activities happening in the home, but the most spirits become quite shy in the presense of outsiders.   In return the spirits offer guidance to the living. They can, for example, help to predict good dates to organise weddings or help to solve compicated human relationships. They also protect the house from evil spirits. The old dead can also pass along memories from the past, but their memories are usually somewhat imprecise and unreliable.    

Associated cultures

The Farens have developed the practises of spirit communication the furthest, but their success in communication and resulting happy spirits have meant that neighbouring cultures have also started to adopt the practises. Especially on the West Island the Zeribians have began to frown upon their traditional rituals of death. However, the traditionalists believe that the godly revelations are much more reliable, and especially the commoner spirits are not worth worshipping.
Ancestors watching over a sleeping man
Encompassed species
Famous táldar
Fín Arnár

Important Ancestors

In addition to the recently decased ancestors, a number of ancient ancestors are also worshipped in a similar manner. These can be either known ancestors of the family, or mythical heroes (especially from the time of wander) that are considered to be the ancestors of all the people.  

Associated research topics

There has been much debate of the nature and properties of the táldar, by the philosophers, healers and clergy alike. It is a mystery what their relationship with the body is. Much research has focused on the process of fading, and possible means of slowing or accelerating it, for either conserving or banishing the spirits. Interesting also is the soul-killing properties of the Greystone weapons.

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