Libations of Ulalte Tradition / Ritual in Salan | World Anvil
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Libations of Ulalte

As is told in the Ásinnar's Journey to the Underworld, once Ulalte, the Lord of the Underworld, took hostage Leitandár , the god of wine, because there was no one that could make wine in the Underworld. No there was no wine on Salan for the mortals, nor was there dance, laugh or joy bacause everyone was mourning for the death of the god.   When the Hero and daughter of Leitandár Ásinnar came to look for him in the Underworld, she presented Ulalte a bottle of Deep crawler nectar she had received from the Stone Giants, and promissed that from then on Ulalte would receive his share of all wine growing on the earth.  


The gods and demons of the Underworld are feared by the mortals, and the people do not dare to address them directly. Because of this the rituals of Ulalte are usually simple and straight-forward. Libations of wine intended for Ulalte can be preformed when producing new wine, opening new containers or wine, or generally when wine is drunk. The libation is either poured on the ground, or in a small hole dug in the ground. In some traditions cloth soaked in wine is buried in the ground.  


The offerings ensure, that the Lord of the Underworld stays happy. This ensures, that he will never again take the god of wine from the mortals, and the production of wine will continue to ensure good fortune. The offerings also keep away the demons of the underworld, that can cause illness, items breaking, and general misfortune.
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