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Highland army rations

This article is about the diet of the soldiers of the Highland Army during the Giant Wars. It resembles the common Highlander diet in many ways, but with the restrictions caused by sourcing the rations on the move during the advance to Aradwen.  

Goat-based resources


In the highlander culture goat meat is the main meat type consumed by all. However, on the move goats were a precious resourse for the army, also serving as pack goats, so the goats were not slaughtered often. Often goats were given as offering to the gods, in order to read the omens, and the meat was then distributed to the soldiers.   The meat of the working goats was tough, but provided the soldiers with much needed protein.  


Goat milk is usually only consumed by the herders, because it does not keep well. During the advance, the army kept lactating nanny goats (in addition to pack goats, that were usually spayed males) for the production of fresh milk. Because the milk keeps badly, the goats were be milked daily, and the milk consumed.   Goat milk cheese and oçtäńarän, a type of yogurt, were also produced to keep the milk for a longer time. Usually fresh yogurt is produced by mixing fresh milk with a seed of the old yoghurt.   Fermented milk, or pusü, is the main source of alcohol for the soldiers. It can be prepared in the camp, and left to ferment while on the move. The fermentation process makes the milk keep well, and produces a low alcohol content. The drink is suppemented by beer when possible to obtain it buy buying or trading. Wine, or vinegar typically consumed by soldiers later, was not yet available for highlanders at this time.  


All parts of the goats were used. The organs were eaten just as the meat, and the bones were used for making broth. Goat wool was weaved into clothing, and goat skins were valuable for both clothing and equipment.  


On the fronteer there are not very many goats for slaughter, so a lot of the meat is sourced by hunting. The soldiers often hunt when they have free time, but the women and auxiliaries of the camp also hunt. A wide selection of animals, from wild goats and deer, small mammals to birds are cathed.  


Gathering is done mostly by the woman and auxiliaries of the camp. What plants are gathered?  

trading & raiding

In the beginning of the advance, while in friendly territory, the soldiers traded many resources from the local villages, further on the advance they turned more to rading, taking all the resources they could use in the enocountered settlements. The main resource traded was grain, although salt and spices were also precious.
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Aug 15, 2023 11:10

Wonder how many soldiers get sick of having to eat nothing but goat and goatmilk-related products during the advance. I do like how you take into consideration of trading and hunting, as well as using all parts of the goat.   Definitely curious though what kind of plants are common in the army rations, hope to see more of it after the contest is over!

Aug 18, 2023 20:13

Thanks! I assume there could be quite curious plants to find, because the Old Forests were still doing well, and many magical things were living there. But what exactly, I'll have to see! :D

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!