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Cildarth Forest (Sil-darth Forest)

The Cildarth Forest is located in the Kingdom of Thaxnorian where the borders of the Ardenals, Guildlands, and Uvani Hilllands convergence. The Forest gain a degree of autonomy in 533:Contempt when it was made one of the Kingdoms of Thaxnoria allowing it to be ruled by its own. The negotiations for the creation of Cildarth Forest country were difficult and led by Fornik of the Heroes of the Free States, the result was the creation of an autonomous Cildarth country. As part of the agreement the Cildarth Forest is required to send timber and Weaveite as tribute to the former lords of the region.


The Cildarth Forest is an ancient woodland, characterised by dense tree cover and abundant plant life. The forest is known for its rare herbs, attracting healers, shamans, and mages who venture into its depths. It teems with diverse animal life, including creatures thought to be extinct in the Arm of Runedastil. The forest's valuable timber, particularly the yews, is highly sought after for various purposes such as shields, bows, shipbuilding, and even luxury goods like furniture. The discovery of Weaveite veins during the Age of Blood has escalated conflicts over resource exploitation, pitting those seeking to profit against the well-being of the forest and its inhabitants.


There are no great cities within the Cildarth Forest, however, there are larger towns including Thornhollow, Crystalbrook, Silversong, Moonridge, and Whisperwind. The vast majority of the population, however, live within small villages and hamlets. Regardless of the size of the settlements, the settlements are very different to those of the rest of Thaxnoria as they are built in harmony with nature rather than at the expense of nature. In recent years more Human majority settlements have been established at the periphery of the Forest, built to better exploit the lands, people, and resources; they are viewed as a blight on the land and danger to the Forest. The largest of these cities is Tourbonn but settlements like Timberflow, Flotsam, and Fairhaven also look to rival Tourbonn in the coming decades.


The population of the Cildarth Forest is predominantly composed of dryads, elves, firbolgs, gnomes, goblinoids, and Lizardfolk, while members of other races can also be found throughout the region. The diverse inhabitants have long called the Forest their home, defending it against Human conquest throughout history.


Unlike most of the other countries that make up the Kingdom of Thaxnoria, save for the Guildlands, the Cildarth Forest is not ruled by a powerful noble family; instead the Cildarth Forest is governed by an Assembly. This Assembly was greatly influenced by Fornik, a famed member of the Heroes of the Free States, as a result the Assembly is made up of representatives of each settlement, township, clan and tribe within Cildarth. Dryads, elves, firbolgs, gnomes, halflings, Goliath, humans, and even small factions of orcs, Lizardfolk, goblins, and bugbears have equal importance. The representatives of the Assembly elect a First Among Equals, generally known as the shortened First, who leads the country for a ten year period.   The First appoints representatives to the House of Peers within the Kingdom of Thaxnoria, as well as serving upon it. The First also forms the Circle Council, so named for the shape of the table used within Council Meetings, which is required to be made up of the various and diverse peoples of the Cildarth Forest. The Circle Council serve as advisors to the First and representatives of the diverse groups that live within Cildarth. The Circle Council are typically drawn from members of the Assembly, and hold the First to account on Fundamental Law of the Cildarth Forest - No policy or decision may directly disadvantage or favour one people over another.

Racial Relations

The racial relations of Cildarth are, for the most part, remarkably positive. The Fundamental Law of the Cildarth Forest, no policy or decision may directly disadvantage or favour one people over another, has ensured that justice and fairness are kept at the heart of every action. The Law has also resulted in a system where all races are equal in law and practice, this has given many dryads, elves, firbolgs, gnomes, halflings, and Goliath the equal home in all of the Kingdom of Thaxoria; as a result of Fornik, a former member of the Heroes of the Free States, this has been extended to the so-called monstrous races such as goblinoids, Lizardfolk, and orcs with a degree of success.   This is not to say that the Cildarth Forest is wholly harmonious. Many humans are discontent with the reduction of their power and influence, as some believe that the elder races and monsters have overtaken their rightful land. Open rebellion from these groups are rare, instead small groups agitate and drink to the day when they will regain their rightful lands and titles. Additionally, whilst some of the so-called monstrous races have wholeheartedly joined with Cildarth and its society, others have clung to their traditional ways of raiding and living off the land causing trouble for Cildarth and the countries immediately around it.


The Cildarth Forest's origins trace back to the Elventine Empire of ancient times, although only sparse ruins remain as remnants of that era. Over The Ages, the Forest served as a sanctuary and stronghold for the elder races, resisting numerous attempts by humanity to conquer it. However, during the Age of Blood, the discovery of valuable Weaveite veins attracted hordes of Weave aberrations, causing widespread terror and suffering among the Forest's inhabitants. The aftermath of this dark period led to the Pacification of Cildarth, where the Knights Chivalric and other noble orders from the Ardenals seized control of the forest, enforcing taxation and dominance over its people. Following the Second Thaxnorian Civil War, the nobles who claimed the Cildarth Forest were replaced, and the Forest came under the jurisdiction of the Guildlands. This shift in power led to increased exploitation of both the Forest's people and its resources, which led to conflicts as nobles and the Forest's population vied for control and resist the encroachment of outside forces.   Cildarth unexpectedly gained autonomy as a country of the Kingdom of Thaxnoria in 533:Contempt. This autonomy was the result of an agreement between Fornik of the Hero of the Free States and High King of Thaxnoria Richard Gathral in the aftermath of the Wars of Undeath. The formation of a system of governance for Cildarth was initially difficult, as part of the agreement between Fornik and High King Richard Gathral required the export of timber and Weaveite. However, with the impetus from Fornik, Cildarth established its Assembly, First Among Equals, and Circle Council to protect and represent all of its diverse peoples; this was extended to the so-called monstrous races, some of who join with the society forming within Cildarth.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
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