Thelmoth Organization in Roma Sector | World Anvil
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"Welcome to the jewel of Roma. Be sure not to push the rotting structure too hard, lest it all come crashing down." -Interrogator Gasto Nesin, shortly before being killed in action against unknown forces

Public Agenda

Thelmoth has no single public agenda, being divided upon several political lines. These divisions are so deep that a shadow war has begun between the parties, severely weakening the world, and thus the sector as a whole.
  The Thelmoth Worker's Coalition consists mostly of the impoverished working class in the lower levels of the hive. They wish for more protection in from the higher levels of society, however are the least popular among them. They have not managed to make much of a difference, but a unifying person can make all the difference.   The Council of Desparrois is the legitimate organization/party of Thelmoth, but they have been waning in power. With the inept Otho Desparrois taking the title of Lord Sector after the unfortunate death of his brother, the political party has been quickly losing it's grip.   The Sovereign State Group is a party of radical zealots, believing that the ruler is chosen by the God-Emperor himself. They let no heretic live, but have a very loose definition of heretic. Most violent actions is blamed on them, but with the Council of Desparrois controlling the media, it may not be the entire truth.

Several officials from all parties have suddenly died to "accidents".


Thelmoth was a bastion of the Emperor's Light during the centuries that the Xenos took over this sector. Their people were constantly embroiled in war, defending themselves from the onslaught. Once the Imperium arrived to liberate the sector, they come back into the fold enthusiastically, becoming the center for operations. They kept this up for the last 200 years.

Demography and Population

The population of Thelmoth are mostly highly-educated clerks and administrators, going day to day by ensuring the Roma Sector runs smoothly. There are still several billion workers toiling away in the lower levels, but the public image still stands.


The Thelmoth Guardians are the PDF which acts against planetary invasion, and handles high-level crime within the world. Much like the parties, their loyalties are divided, and are ripe with corruption.

Agriculture & Industry

No agriculture or industry on the world exists to export, but mainly to produce goods for their own populace and recycling food, just breaking even.
Founding Date
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Administration, consumer goods
Major Imports
Food, machinery
Legislative Body
Roma Supreme Legislature
Judicial Body
Roma Supreme Court
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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