Tatharian Spelljammers

The Tatharian Empire had aimed to train and develop a stronger fleet of Spelljammers. At that time, the only Spelljammer at their disposal was the Starpetal. Its primary mission, however, was to serve the top-secret multinational Wildspace Defense and Exploration organization called Spelljammer Fleet.   The Tatharian Spelljammers were dedicated to maintaining and expanding the Empire's influence and reach into the realms of Wildspace. Their organizational structure allowed them to train, coordinate, and deploy their magical and highly specialized assets effectively. The top-secret multinational Wildspace Defense and Exploration organization, Spelljammer Fleet, played a crucial role in supporting the Tatharian Spelljammers' efforts.   The Supreme Starweaver was the highest-ranking commissioned officer of the Tatharian Spelljammers, responsible for overseeing the entire Spelljammer fleet and coordinating with the other branches of the Tatharian Military. Under the direct leadership of the Supreme Starweaver, the Starweaver Command was responsible for strategizing, coordinating, and deploying the various assets and resources of the Tatharian Spelljammers.   The public agenda of the Tatharian Spelljammers was shaped by their commitment to protect and expand the Empire's influence in Wildspace, as well as to maintain the delicate balance between the various powers and factions vying for control over this vast and mysterious realm. They aimed to explore the uncharted reaches of Wildspace, establish relations with other civilizations and factions encountered in Wildspace, and ensure the safety and security of the Empire's interests in Wildspace. The Tatharian Spelljammers also aimed to maintain the delicate balance of power in Wildspace, preventing the escalation of conflicts and mediating disputes between rival factions.   Although the Starpetal was currently the only publicly known spelljamming vessel in the Tatharian Empire's possession, there was speculation that the Empire may have other, undisclosed vessels. These secretive vessels could serve a variety of purposes, such as conducting covert reconnaissance missions, pursuing diplomatic initiatives under the radar, or providing a hidden reserve force in case of emergencies.   In addition to their spelljamming vessels, the Tatharian Spelljammers possessed a variety of unique and specialized assets, resources, and personnel to help them maintain and expand the Empire's influence in Wildspace. These magical and highly specialized components ensured that the Tatharian Spelljammers were a formidable force to be reckoned with, including Void Wardens, Astral Sentinels, and Arcane Artificers, as well as Starforge Engineers, Astral Cartographers, and Voidseer Sages. The Tatharian Spelljammers also used powerful magical artifacts such as Astral Beacons, Planar Anchors, and Starstone Crystals.   Recently, a reporter for the "Wildspace News Network" had an opportunity to interview a member of the Tatharian Spelljammers. They discussed the cramped Starpetal trips for missions to the surface of one of the Moons for training. The interviewer asked some soft-ball questions about the interviewee's life, but then turned to pressing on conspiracy theories and other public interests, causing the interviewee to get flustered. The article ended with leading questions meant to build hysteria, since the interviewer was ill-intentioned.


The Tatharian Spelljammers, dedicated to maintaining and expanding the Empire's influence and reach into the realms of Wildspace, have an organizational structure that allows them to train, coordinate, and deploy their magical and highly specialized assets effectively. The top-secret multinational Wildspace Defense and Exploration organization, Spelljammer Fleet, plays a crucial role in supporting the Tatharian Spelljammers' efforts.  

Supreme Starweaver

As the highest-ranking commissioned officer of the Tatharian Spelljammers, the Supreme Starweaver is responsible for overseeing the entire Spelljammer fleet and coordinating with the other branches of the Tatharian military.  
Starweaver Command
The Starweaver Command, under the direct leadership of the Supreme Starweaver, is responsible for strategizing, coordinating, and deploying the various assets and resources of the Tatharian Spelljammers.  
  1. Astral Strategists - Skilled tacticians and experts in the unique challenges of Wildspace combat, Astral Strategists are responsible for developing and implementing battle plans, as well as coordinating with other military branches.
  2. Spelljammer Fleet Liaison - This officer serves as the primary point of contact between the Tatharian Spelljammers and the multinational Spelljammer Fleet, ensuring smooth cooperation and sharing of intelligence and resources.
Spelljammer Academy
The Spelljammer Academy, led by the Academy Master, trains the officers and crew members of the Tatharian Spelljammers in the specialized knowledge and skills required to navigate and operate within Wildspace.  
  1. Astral Navigators - These highly skilled navigators are trained in the complexities of Wildspace travel, ensuring the safe and efficient movement of the Tatharian Spelljammers throughout the cosmos.
  2. Battlecasters - Specializing in the art of arcane combat in the vacuum of Wildspace, Battlecasters form the backbone of the Tatharian Spelljammers' magical might, wielding spells to devastating effect in battle.
  3. Spelljammer Engineers - Combining their expertise in arcane and engineering, Spelljammer Engineers are responsible for maintaining and enhancing the magical vessels, such as the Starpetal, that form the Tatharian Spelljammers' fleet.
Spelljammer Vessels
At the heart of the Tatharian Spelljammers' power and influence is their fleet of magical vessels, each designed for specific roles and missions within Wildspace.  
  1. Starpetal - The flagship and currently the only spelljammer of the Tatharian fleet, the Starpetal serves the top-secret multinational Wildspace Defense and Exploration organization, Spelljammer Fleet, in its mission to maintain the balance in the cosmos.
  The Tatharian Spelljammers, with their distinct organizational structure, are well-equipped to advance the Empire's interests in Wildspace and beyond.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Tatharian Spelljammers is shaped by their commitment to protect and expand the Empire's influence in Wildspace, as well as to maintain the delicate balance between the various powers and factions vying for control over this vast and mysterious realm.  
Exploration and Expansion
One of the primary objectives of the Tatharian Spelljammers is to explore the uncharted reaches of Wildspace and discover new territories, resources, and potential allies for the Empire. Through their efforts, the Tatharian Empire seeks to establish a strong presence in Wildspace, thus extending their influence and control beyond their terrestrial boundaries.  
Diplomacy and Trade
The Tatharian Spelljammers also serve as envoys and emissaries for the Empire, engaging in diplomatic missions to establish relations with other civilizations and factions encountered in Wildspace. By fostering trade and cooperation, the Tatharian Spelljammers aim to strengthen the Empire's position on the cosmic stage and secure valuable alliances that will benefit their terrestrial territories.  
Defense and Security
The Tatharian Spelljammers are tasked with ensuring the safety and security of the Empire's interests in Wildspace, including safeguarding trade routes, protecting outposts and colonies, and defending against potential threats from hostile forces. They are also responsible for monitoring and containing any magical or cosmic phenomena that could pose a risk to the Empire or the stability of Wildspace.  
Preservation of Balance
The Tatharian Spelljammers are committed to maintaining the delicate balance of power in Wildspace, as reflected in their motto "By Spell and Sword, We Keep the Balance." They strive to prevent the escalation of conflicts and to mediate disputes between rival factions, ensuring that no single power becomes dominant enough to disrupt the equilibrium of Wildspace.  
Speculation on Undisclosed Spelljamming Vessels
While the Starpetal is currently the only publicly known spelljamming vessel in the Tatharian Empire's possession, there is speculation that the Empire may have other, undisclosed vessels. These secretive vessels could serve a variety of purposes, such as conducting covert reconnaissance missions, pursuing diplomatic initiatives under the radar, or providing a hidden reserve force in case of emergencies. The existence of such vessels, while not confirmed, would greatly enhance the Tatharian Spelljammers' capabilities and influence in Wildspace.


The Tatharian Spelljammers, in addition to their spelljamming vessels, possess a variety of unique and specialized assets, resources, and personnel to help them maintain and expand the Empire's influence in Wildspace. These magical and highly specialized components ensure that the Tatharian Spelljammers are a formidable force to be reckoned with.  
Specialized Units
  1. Void Wardens - Trained in the arts of both arcane and martial combat, these elite warriors are adept at fighting in the harsh and unforgiving environment of Wildspace. Void Wardens are responsible for the security of the Tatharian Spelljammers' vessels and personnel.
  2. Astral Sentinels - These highly skilled scouts and trackers possess unique abilities that allow them to navigate and explore the vast expanses of Wildspace. Astral Sentinels gather valuable intelligence on potential threats and undiscovered regions.
  3. Arcane Artificers - Masters of magical craftsmanship, Arcane Artificers forge and maintain powerful enchanted items and equipment used by the Tatharian Spelljammers in their various missions and operations.
Support Services
  1. Starforge Engineers - Experts in both arcane and engineering, Starforge Engineers work to develop cutting-edge technologies and innovations to enhance the performance and capabilities of the Tatharian Spelljammers.
  2. Astral Cartographers - These skilled mapmakers and navigators are responsible for charting the vast expanses of Wildspace, creating detailed and accurate maps to guide the Tatharian Spelljammers on their journeys.
  3. Voidseer Sages - These learned scholars and loremasters possess deep knowledge of the many mysteries and secrets of Wildspace. Voidseer Sages offer their expertise and counsel to the Tatharian Spelljammers on matters of strategy, diplomacy, and arcane lore.
Magical Resources
  1. Astral Beacons - These powerful magical artifacts serve as waypoints and navigational aids for the Tatharian Spelljammers, allowing them to traverse the vast distances of Wildspace with greater ease and accuracy.
  2. Planar Anchors - Crucial to maintaining stability in Wildspace, Planar Anchors are magical devices that help to stabilize the shifting and chaotic energies of the cosmos, providing safe havens and staging areas for the Tatharian Spelljammers.
  3. Starstone Crystals - A rare and valuable resource, Starstone Crystals are used to power the magical engines and devices of the Tatharian Spelljammers, providing the necessary energy to sustain their operations in Wildspace.
  These unique and specialized assets and components of the Tatharian Spelljammers help to ensure their continued success and dominance in the realms of Wildspace, allowing them to protect and expand the Empire's influence across the cosmos.

"By Spell and Sword, We Keep the Balance"

Military, Space navy
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