
Dikran's mace glowed with divine light as he swung it through the air, disintegrating a skeletal warrior that lunged at him. The cavern echoed with the clattering of bones and the guttural moans of the undead. Yet, amidst the chaos, his mind found a moment of serenity.   He thought of his mother, Cindela, her Shadar-Kai eyes always tinged with a sadness that spoke of the Shadowfell. She had taught him the first prayers, the ancient words that now fueled his spells. And his father, Mouran, a Human with an indomitable spirit, had shown him how to wield a mace, how to stand tall in the face of adversity.   As he chanted another incantation, his mace flared brighter, banishing the shadows that sought to engulf him. He felt their combined strength coursing through him—his mother's depth of emotion, his father's unyielding resolve.   "By the light and the shadow, I stand," Dikran whispered, his voice tinged with reverence and hope.   With a final, sweeping arc, he shattered the last of the undead, their remnants crumbling into lifeless heaps. The cavern was silent once more, save for Dikran's steady breaths.   As he sheathed his mace, a smile crossed his lips. He was their son, a blend of light and shadow, and he would carry the legacy of the House of Sasounyan forward, one divine spell at a time.



In the realm of Rolara, where the Stars of Power once dimmed and Magic ebbed away, a unique caste of spiritual practitioners emerged—Clerics. These are not mere priests or shamans, but conduits of divine energy, the last vestiges of a world once brimming with arcane power.  

Education and Qualifications

  The path to becoming a Cleric is not one of mere academic pursuit but a journey of the soul. Across the diverse cultures and species that populate Rolara, the common thread is a profound connection to the divine. This connection manifests early in life, often as inexplicable miracles or acts of grace. The aspirant is then usually taken under the wing of a seasoned Cleric or a religious institution, where they undergo rigorous training in theology, ethics, and the rudimentary arts of healing and combat.  

The Role in Society

  Clerics are revered and feared in equal measure. Their ability to perform minor miracles, heal the sick, and even snatch life back from the jaws of death places them in a unique social stratum. They are not bound by the laws of kings or the edicts of emperors but answer to a higher calling. Most Clerics are wanderers, either by divine mandate or circumstantial necessity. They roam the lands, offering their services to those in need, often acting as arbiters in disputes and as healers in times of plague.  

The Wandering Life

  The life of a Cleric is one of eternal pilgrimage. Whether driven by a quest for spiritual enlightenment or the need to spread divine grace, they are seldom found in one place for long. This nomadic existence is not without its perils. From the malevolent Cult of the Maw to the encroaching darkness of the Shadowfell, threats abound. Yet, it is in the face of such adversity that the Clerics of Rolara shine brightest, their divine powers rekindled by the re-ignition of the Stars of Power.

Career Progression


  The first stage is that of the Novitiate, where the aspirant learns the basic tenets of their faith and the rudimentary skills of divine Magic. It is a time of learning and introspection, often spent in secluded monasteries or under the tutelage of a seasoned Cleric.  


  Upon completion of their novitiate, the Cleric becomes an Acolyte. This stage involves active participation in the religious community, performing rites, and administering sacraments. For Clerics of the Raven Queen, this often includes the solemn duty of guiding souls to the afterlife.  


  The Disciple stage marks the Cleric's first forays into the wider world. Armed with greater divine powers and responsibilities, they are expected to undertake quests or missions that align with their Deity's dogma. It is at this stage that many Clerics first encounter the darker elements of Rolara, from the insidious Cult of the Maw to the creeping shadows of the Shadowfell.  

High Cleric

  The title of High Cleric is not easily earned. It signifies not just mastery over divine magic but also a deep philosophical understanding of one's faith. High Clerics often serve as spiritual leaders, guiding entire communities or even nations.  


  The final stage is that of the Oracle, a title reserved for those who have reached the pinnacle of their spiritual journey. These are the visionaries, the prophets who speak directly to the gods. Their words can shape the destiny of Rolara itself, especially in these tumultuous times following the re-ignition of the Stars of Power.

Payment & Reimbursement

Communal Support

  The lifeblood of a Cleric's existence often flows from the community they serve. Whether they are Priestesses of Love dedicated to Isolde Edlosi or Shamans of the Hordelands, their sustenance is woven into the fabric of communal life. Offerings of food, shelter, and sometimes even artifacts of minor magical significance are common. These are not payments but heartfelt tokens of a community's gratitude and respect.  

Spiritual Rewards

  Beyond the material, the true reward for a Cleric lies in the spiritual realm. The miracles they perform, the souls they guide, and the hope they instill are their own form of Celestial currency. These acts strengthen their connection to the divine, often resulting in visions, prophecies, or even direct communion with their Deity.  

The Weight of Responsibility

  Yet, this symbiotic relationship between Cleric and community is not without its burdens. The expectations weigh heavy, and the line between reverence and dependency is often blurred. In times of crisis, the eyes of the community turn expectantly towards their spiritual guides, and the Clerics must rise to the occasion, fortified by their faith and the tangible support of those they serve.

Other Benefits

Clerics occupy a unique space, one that is both elevated and fraught with contradictions. Their position affords them certain privileges, yet these very benefits often cast a shadow over the purity of their spiritual pursuits.  

Social Credibility

  A Cleric's reputation often precedes them, granting an immediate aura of credibility and respect. Their words carry weight in matters both spiritual and mundane, and their counsel is sought in times of crisis. This social capital can open doors that are closed to others, from the inner sanctums of power to the humble hearths of common folk.  

The Allure of Fame

  While the Clerics are not immune to the intoxicating allure of fame, such recognition comes at a cost. The very visibility that elevates them also places them under the scrutiny of both their Deity and their followers. The irony is palpable: a Cleric's renown can both amplify their influence and dilute their spiritual essence, turning them into objects of veneration rather than vessels of the divine.  

The Hypocrisy of Public Piety

  The paradox extends to the realm of piety. In a world where the divine is palpable yet elusive, the Clerics who bask in the limelight must tread a fine line between humility and hubris. Public acts of devotion can easily slip into displays of spiritual vanity, undermining the very principles that define their calling. The famous Cleric, therefore, lives a life of constant vigilance, ever wary of the seductive trap that turns the sacred into the profane.



Healers of Body and Soul

  In a realm where maladies of both the flesh and the spirit abound, the Clerics serve as the ultimate healers. Their divine Magic can mend broken bones, cure diseases, and even, in rare instances, snatch the dying back from the brink of the afterlife. Yet their healing extends beyond the physical; they are the balm to troubled souls, offering counsel and solace to those in spiritual distress.  

Educators of the Faith

  The role of the Cleric as an educator is pivotal in shaping the moral and spiritual compass of Rolara. They are the lorekeepers, the chroniclers of divine wisdom. Through sermons, sacred texts, and direct engagement with the community, they disseminate the teachings of their faith. Their words serve as both warning and guide, teaching the public how to ward off evil and live in harmony with the divine.  

Protectors Against Evil

  In a world teetering on the edge of darkness, the Clerics are also the shield against malevolent forces. From the insidious whispers of the Cult of the Maw to the creeping dread of the Shadowfell, they are the frontline warriors in a battle for the soul of Rolara. Their presence in a community often serves as a deterrent to evil, their very existence a testament to the resilience of the divine in a fractured world.

Social Status

Reverence and Respect

  The most prevalent perception of Clerics in Rolara is one of reverence. Their abilities to heal, guide, and protect elevate them to a status akin to community leaders or even local heroes. In times of crisis, their counsel is actively sought, and their presence in a community is often seen as a blessing.  

Ambiguity and Scrutiny

  However, this elevated status is not without its complexities. The very powers that make them revered also make them subjects of scrutiny and, at times, suspicion. Their close relationship with the divine places them in a position where they are continually evaluated both by their community and by their religious peers. This scrutiny can sometimes border on skepticism, particularly when a Cleric's actions or decisions are not immediately understood or appreciated by the lay populace.  

The Double-Edged Sword of Divine Connection

  The Clerics' direct line to the divine is both their greatest asset and their most significant point of vulnerability. While it grants them a form of social immunity, it also places upon them the heavy burden of moral and ethical responsibility. Failure to live up to these lofty expectations can result in a swift and dramatic fall from grace, both in the eyes of their Deity and their community.
Player Class
Alternative Names
Shaman, Priest/Priestess
Famous in the Field


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