The Gravemarch Military Conflict in Ravare | World Anvil

The Gravemarch


Also known as the "Last War", the Gravemarch was a world-changing battle between the forces of the living and the Unfallen. Though it may have ended in failure, it also lead to the construction of Shatterhold. Though the price of the Gravemarch was high, it is the only reason the Verdant Expanse has not fallen.

Summary of Events


During the beginning of the end Haven held the belief that the Fall of Lady Death was going to be the problem of a single generation. The Unfallen threat was predomantly around the fallen city of Scourge and the Blistered Expanse. This lead the the budding of an idea within the Gravehunter's Guild that perhaps one massive campaign against the Unfallen could finish the problem for good.

Raven's Call

Blessed by Ram himself, the Raven's Call is constructed at the top of Ravenpeak as a means to send a single message to all Gravehunter's within Haven. The message was simple, the Gravehunter's were preparing to go to war.


Two months are dedicated to the preperation of the Gravemarch. The scientists of Seawatch, who at the time held no agreements with the Gravehunter's Guild, were hired to find a way to mass produce food that was transportable leading to the invention to the modern, well-preserved rations of Haven.
Despite having months to plan, it was obvious to those planning the March that there would not be enough food to sustain the army for long. Agreements are made with Verdant to supply food for the March in return of promising to retrieve certain artifacts lost to the Blistered Expanse.

First Steps

With nearly every member of the Gravehunter's Guild present the Gravemarch stands roughly 12,000 men and women strong. Stationed outside of Graystone proper, the army is well funded and well-armed for the coming conflict. On the first of Midflame, 31 AF the March begins the journey to the Blistered Expanse.
It is during this first month of travel that Urlog and several Angels join the March and begin taking charge of the growing chaos in the Gravemarch's ranks.

Troubled Ranks

With the vast majority of the Gravehunter's Guild being well-armed mercenaries, the command hierarchy quickly becomes more chaotic as the days go by. With the Leader of the Gravehunter's Guild never being seen, many believe that there should be no true ranks within the Guild and begin hunting Unfallen in the way they see fit.

First Contact

Due to the size of the Gravemarch army, the travel from Graystone to the Red Peaks takes over a month. The first contact with the enemy, outside of wandering strays, is made on the 4th of PastFlame, 31 AF. The army makes quick work of the horde that seemed to stand vigil between the Gorgewald Forest and the Red Peaks.
Within a week the framework of what would become Shatterhold is constructed of tents, stolen lumber, and the bones of the enemy. Plans are made to hold this location no matter if the Gravemarch succeeds or fails.

War at Last

On the 13th of Pastflame, 31 AF the order to engage the enemy is made. Split roughly in half, the Gravemarch flank around the Red Peaks to strike from two fronts. No more than a mile in the Gravemarch is met with strong resistance in the form of mindless Unfallen hordes. Many lives are lost to the seemingly endless tide of Unfallen but the conflict seems to be in favor of the living despite little progress being made to progress further into the Blistered Expanse.
Despite the guidance of Urlog's angel, the battlefield tactics of the Gravemarch seem to be guided more by emotion than logic. Many lives are lost to the fervor but progress begins to be made once the Magi find their vantage points and begin blasting the Unfallen with pyromantic spells.

Unfallen Towers

Worked into a violent fervor by the {ANGELOFBLOODLUST} and finding themselves within a two-day ride from Death's Cradle, the Gravemarch begins to throw caution to the wind. The strange, crypt-like dwellings constructed by the Unfallen are raided, any structures constructed are torn down and consecrated, and hundreds of elite Unfallen spirits are slain in the name of the living.
During this time, however, the Unfallen had been throwing their number at the construction of three massive towers made of unliving flesh and bone. Once constructed, they were used as magical artillery against the Gravemarch by hurling massive balls of necrotic energy at strategic points. One of these points being the {ANGELOFBLOODLUST} herself.

Angelic Unfallen

For the first time in Haven's history, one of the Divine are brought down by the Unfallen plague. But worse yet, it seems the call of undeath is too strong even for the Divine themselves. The Gravemarch is nearly brought to its knees as the Unfallen Archangel of Bloodlust reigns divine war against them. Urlog himself is forced to go head-to-head with this divine abomination. At this point, nearly 7,000 had fallen to her cursed blades.


With so few left to fight, it is decided that the promise made to hold the line will be kept. Hundreds of the remaining Magi group together with the assistance of Dwarven craftsmen in constructing of the fortress-city now known as Shatterhold. Morality, pride, and caution are all thrown to the wind as the bodies of fallen Gravehunter's are used as the materials to build the walls, fortifications, and structures of Shatterhold.

The cost

Over two dozen Magi burn themselves out during the construction of Shatterhold and many more are left broken and mindless. Two raiding parties are sent into the Gorgewald Forest to steal supplies from Verdant leading to the grudges between the Gravehunter's Guild and the capital that hold strong today.

Maeleaus' Ascension

During the construction, the Unfallen begin to send their own war parties comprised solely of elite Gravehunter's. With the Red Pass being an open road directly into the heart of the fortress, a group of Gravehunter's under the Rosecoast Pact stand guard. Wave after wave of elite Unfallen siege the Pass, untiring and unyielding. Fueled by the faith of the entire Gravemarch, the remaining Pact mate after a month of siege stands strong. His very soul and mind now one with the city of Shatterhold Maeleaus is ascended to the Lesser God of Protection.

Final Days

On the 18th of Newgrowth, 33 AF, over two years later, the Gravemarch is called to an end. Though seen as an obvious failure in the eyes of those who marched, the Gravehunter's Guild decides it best to inform the world their true goal was the construction of Shatterhold. Despite this, most hope for a better life is lost in this time and the Church of Quirrilion falls to shambles as one of the few Exarch's not aligned to the Nine nearly fade away.

General Information

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1st of Midflame, 21 AF
Ending Date
23 AF


The Gravemarchers
The Unfallen


Over 12,000 Gravehunters and few Angels and Archangels.
An endless tide of the living dead.


Over half the army, including the Archangel of Savagery.
Thousands, but only a dent in the larger war.


To reclaim the Blistered Expanse for the living.
To be the end of all life on Solith.

Cover image: Blistered Expanse by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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