

Built out of Wyldwood and Dwarvish ruins, Verdant is a lush paradise for those who believe that government and general rules only impede on civilization rather than guide it. Verdant appears more like a jungle than a city. With the rise of undeath, Oul finally placed down a singular church within Verdant to help protect her followers.
Once we worshipped our Goddess within hidden henges and groves, but now it seems civilization has caught up even with our Lady. Praise be to her bestial visage, may we wander the world as free as she. Even if this means turning our back on the old ways.
— Arch-Druid Ellneti

General Information

Alternative Name(s)
Oul's Grove (Archaic)
Location under
Included Locations

Articles under Verdant

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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