Custom WorldAnvil Themes

Custom Themes

Having created nearly 50 custom themes as of August, 2020, I am offering my services to help you achieve the perfect WorldAnvil Theme for your setting. Below I detail the various price points you can expect and the length of time it might take me for each step. Because of the growing complexity of WorldAnvil, the length and price of my Custom Themes will likely grow.


To request a custom theme, please just contact me on Discord. You can either click the link found on the left-hand sidebar to join Ravare's personal Discord or you can just simply private message me at .
15 USD - Recoloring a Public Theme
15 USD -Basic Color Blocking
15 USD - Background Image
10 USD - Theme Plotting (Shapes, Colors, & Fonts)
10 USD - Advanced Coloring (Variables)
15 USD - Timelines
15 USD - Tooltips
15 USD - Map Pages
15 USD - Article Blocks + Book Categories
30 USD - Custom Sidebar
30 USD - Custom Containers (Max 4)
30 USD - Organization Assistance
30 USD - Advanced Customization (Animations, on-hover affects, transitions)
Low End Package

45 USD
High End Package

120 USD
Complete Package

240 USD

Showcase of Previous Themes


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