The House of the Meek Building / Landmark in Qir | World Anvil
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The House of the Meek

The House of the Meek is the name for the house chambers of the Old Islish Guard. Named in irony and opposition against the Templars of Islis, it is the center of the Old Islish Guard's insurgency and the personal residence of Issa, the "Mother of Templars."

Purpose / Function

If the Old Islish Guard are seen as the local government of Al-Taqab, then the House of the Meek is the congressional house for matters of society, law, and economy. Additionally, the inner circles of the organization itself use the House of the Meek as a headquarters.


To the average onlooker, the House of the Meek would appear to be a cluster of sandstone villas, such that one would see anywhere else in the city, that has been added onto and extended into a residential complex of sorts. Below the surface, the guild hall is the home and workplace of nearly 150 people.
Alternative Names
Chambers of the Guard
Parent Location


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