Tower of the Scorpion Building / Landmark in Qir | World Anvil
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Tower of the Scorpion

Purpose / Function

The Tower of the Scorpion is the newest of three towers that stand at the northern end of the Islish Noble District and organize the noble bloodlines of the empire. While the tower is identified by the sculpture of a scorpion at its apex, the space inside is dedicated to the political and administrative work of the familial houses in its shadow.   The Tower of the Scorpion oversees the following noble houses:  
  • House Ashah
  • House Huddin
  • House Kem
  • House Matar
  • House Maz


Standing about 50 feet tall, the Tower of the Scorpion is the shortest of the three towers. The interior for the most part mirrors that of the Tower of the Cat. Adding around 12 feet to its height at its apex is a sandstone sculpture of a menacing scorpion.


The Tower of the Scorpion was erected in 204 AQ, a century after Muqad broke from The Islish Empire. Many of the noble houses that fall under its shadow were brought into the fold at the time of the tower's construction, while others had been overseen previously by the Tower of the Elephant.
Founding Date
204 AQ
Parent Location


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