Tower of the Cat Building / Landmark in Qir | World Anvil
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Tower of the Cat

Purpose / Function

The Tower of the Cat is one of three towers that stand at the northern end of the Islish Noble District and organize the noble bloodlines of the empire. While the tower is identified by the sculpture of a desert cat at its apex, the space inside is dedicated to the political and administrative work of the familial houses in its shadow.   The Tower of the Cat oversees the following noble houses:  
  • House Barrak
  • House Ijin
  • House Ishik
  • House Noor
  • House Salaam
  • House Taarib


The tower structure stands 60 feet tall and the footprint has a diameter of about 20 feet. Within the tower, each floor consists of a circular mezzanine with stairs that spiral to the apex. Surrounding the mezzanine are 4-10 chambers on each floor where internal dealings among the six houses take place.   Adding around 12 feet to the height of the tower is a sandstone sculpture of an Eastern Desert Caracal in a seated rest pose.


The Tower of the Cat, erected in 190 AQ, was the second of the three towers to be constructed in the decades after the establishment of Muqad.
Founding Date
190 AQ
Parent Location


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