Tower of the Elephant Building / Landmark in Qir | World Anvil
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Tower of the Elephant

Purpose / Function

The Tower of the Elephant is one of three towers that stand at the northern end of the Islish Noble District and organize the noble bloodlines of the empire. While the tower is identified by the sculpture of an elephant at its apex, the space inside is dedicated to the political and administrative work of the familial houses in its shadow.   The Tower of the Elephant oversees the following noble houses:  
  • House Abad
  • House Hajar
  • House Kajid
  • House Qadiz
  • House Samra
  • House Sanur


The tower stands at a height of about 80 feet, making it the tallest of the three towers. The inside diameter is about 30 feet but there are only 4 floors and no separation of chambers on the inside. Many of the original houses in the Elephant's shadow were known as tacticians and strategists, and designed the interior of the tower towards these purposes: large halls with long tables for military strategizing and discussion.   Adding around 15 feet to its height, the tower is adorned on its apex with a sandstone sculpture of a mighty elephant standing upright but lifting its front right leg.


The Tower of the Elephant was constructed in 112 AQ, 8 years after the noble bloodlines of Islis consolidated power and Muqad separated into its own enclave.
Founding Date
112 AQ
Parent Location


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