Muqad Settlement in Qir | World Anvil
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Atop the Shamal Dune Wall created by the tides of the Ijinn Sea rests the enclave of Muqad. A vast swath of Islish territory is considered to be this religious city-state, though many would argue that with the political structure of Islis, Muqad is the heart of the empire.


The population of Templars who live and work in Muqad outnumber any other single populated area in the city. To be granted permanent residence in the enclave, one must be an adherent of the faith and chosen by the Qirish Circle, which oversees the administration of Muqad.


The enclave boasts its own inner sandstone walls - The Islish Empire could fall around it, and it would still stand.


The Grand Cathedral of Muqad stands higher than any other edifice in Islis. Surrounding it is the Islish keep, its outer wards a bustling metropolis unto itself. Templar soldier-priests live in the barracks or in one of several residential villa districts scattered across the ward. The rear yard of the cathedral itself serves as a training ground for the Islish army, comprised fully of Templars sworn to the church. Paladins and men of the cloth consort with Islish nobles in the inner wards, hiring their soldiers out to fund churches and other religious exploits.


The Grand Cathedral in Muqad and the surrounding villas are exposed to the sunlight from the moment the sun crests the eastern horizon over the Ijinn until it falls below the desert in the west every day. For this reason, the residential structures of sandstone and limestone are blindingly white, with faded aquamarine accents where ocean blue pigments once were.   Standing out from the villas due to its size and construction is the Grand Cathedral, built from marble and deep bluish-black volcanic stone. It's three domes are flecked with glimmering mica.
Alternative Name(s)
The Holy City, The Holy Enclave
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