Paranai History of the Western Continent Timeline
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History of the Western Continent

  • 2413 btT
    First Druidic settlements

    2413 years before the human conquest of the continent, the first local tribes of orcs, gnomes, halflings, firbolgs etc. appear in the forests of Sealance.

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  • 2001 btT
    Circle of Druids is born
    Political event

    400 years after the first gatherings of simple living people rose to existence, they peacefully unified into one seamless country run by a Circle of Druids and named the same way.

  • 1778 btT
    Dwarves colonize the Northern Crest

    The earliest evidence of mountain colonization by the dwarves date back to this year. While it is not known exactly where the dwarves came from, they started colonizing the western side of the Northern Crest and, thanks to their innate affinity with working stone and metals, they quickly created the first settlements between the valleys and within the mountains themselves. To the later part of this year date the first buildings of Whitefist.

    Northern Crest
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  • 1713 btT
    Earliest appearance of Elves in documents
    Political event

    To the 1713 btT dates the earliest mention of the elven race in any documents still existing. In this document, now conserved in the libraries of Monastery Lonepeak, elven traders from Loraillyria are mentioned as the main source of enchanted wood for high profile members of the Circle of Druids.

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  • 1589 btT
    Green Gorge is founded

    A horde of goblins, hobgoblins and trolls invades the eastern Northern Crest, quickly eliminating the small dwarven villages eastern border of the Whitefist kingdom, and settles in a huge mountain pass, creating the settlement then known as Green Gorge.

    Northern Crest
  • 1571 btT to 1071 btT
    War o' Peaks
    Military action

    The name War of Peaks, or War o' Peaks, groups the exact five hundred years of conflict between the newly founded Green Gorge and its unrelenting hordes of goblins, hobgoblins and similar creatures against the two most civilized races of the continent: the dwarves of Whitefist, standing alone initially, and the elves of Loraillyria, who joined the war later on.

  • 851 btT
    Disappearance of the Elves

    A document written in the Circle of Druids language and dated 851 btT is the last recorded occurrence of elves in the known world. From this year on, no new documents talk about the elven race or make any reference to Loraillyria.
    Later scholars identify in this or the following year the disappearance of the elves from the world.

    Forest of Lorai
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  • 661 to 632 btT
    Second War o' Peaks
    Military action

    The second War o' Peaks started in a very similar way as the first one, but ended significantly faster, as the dwarves of Whitefist had refined their military capabilities and were this time supported by the Circle of Druids, who had taken as their mission to protect the elven forest, now without the elves protection.

    Northern Crest
  • 121 btT
    Humans appear in the Western Continent
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first humans appear in the Western Continent. Shortly after small numbers show up in the eastern side of the Northern Crest, between dwarven and goblinoid settlements, a huge horde of them arrives in the mountain passes between the peaks.

    More reading
    Western-Humans culture
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  • 118 to 108 btT
    Human-Goblin skirmishes
    Military action

    Small skirmishes burst between the human tribes marching through the mountains, and establishing temporary camps on the southern side of the Northern Crest, and the goblins of the Green Gorge.

    More reading
    Western-Humans culture
  • 104 btT
    Colonization of Enverdoon

    Some of the human tribes arrived in the continent the decade before detach from the main horde and start settling the region now known as Enverdoon.

  • 104 btT to 0 btT
    Humans-Druid war
    Military action

    The colonization of the Enverdoon region by those members of the human tribes least interested in warring left the horde in the hands of people thirsting for conquest and glory, two concepts they had learnt from the dwarves and towards which they were naturally inclined. Drifting away from the mountains the climate of which they were not suited for, the human tribes invaded the regions claimed by the Circle of Druids and started a conflict with them.
    The experience of the druidic tribe helped them hold the wave of humans for a while, but the sheer number of people the invaders could field and their superior military technology eventually overrun the defenders.

  • 12 btT
    Foundation of the Kingdom of Sealance

    The Kingdom of Sealance is founded after roughly 60 years of war.

  • 0 otT
    Foundation of the Kingdom of Evenfarm

    After the fall of the local tribes in the Sealance region, the Circle of Druids had clearly lost its last chances at winning, and in the year 0 btT the last bastion of the druidic culture fell to the human hordes.

  • 181 otT
    Evenfarm - Sealance alliance
    Political event
  • 642 to 739 otT
    Brother's war
    Military: War

    War between the human kingdom of Enverdoon and the souther allianca made of Evenfarm and the Duchy of Sealance

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  • 1376 AK; 850 otT
    Vassalization of Enverdoon
    Diplomatic action

    Unexpectedly, the current ruler of the Enverdoon Kingdom swears vassalage to Queen Ashista, now renamed Empress.