Tanngorray is a pirate trade town on a cresent-shaped tropical island. Pirates can sell their ill-gotten goods here to merchant ships that dont ask questions because the price is cheap. When a pirate crew gets a new crewmate, they give the new pirate a pirate name and then go ashore to celebrate. Sailors from the barely reputable merchant ships that come to Tanngorray to buy pirate goods have taken on this tradition when in port.

Meet the crew of the Moonwaker

The Moonwaker, a pirate ship reknowned for her speed and ability to find the most secretive of treasure ships, came to Tanngorray ahead of a terrible gale. She reached the safety of the harbor just in time. The gale was very strong, though, and it shifted the sandbars, closing the harbor until it gets dredged. With little to do, the crew goes into town.   Unless your DM tells you otherwise, CHOOSE YOUR PIRATE! Click the image of the character you are interested in. This will take you to an interactive stat block. Simply click the red buttons to make your rolls, unless you are using your own dice.



It has been a long day aboard the Moonwaker. The ship took little damage in the gale so Captain Tarheel ordered a thorough cleaning; inside, outside, including the crew! Ropes of laundry fill the top deck, wet clothes flapping in the strong breeze that is a last lingering breath of the gale.   But now it is dark and its your turn to go ashore. You can really use before tomorrow, as Captain Tarheel has promised it be a day of scraping barnacles off the hull. All gussied up, you are ready to enjoy some Tanngorray nightlife. You can go to the rowdy inn Anchors Away, Brutemon's House of Flapjacks, or to a beach party.

Anchors Away Inn

A night of gambling on cards or knucklebones while swigging ale is just the thing after a day of soap and scrubbing.   You reach the inn but don't make it inside. A crowd pours out of the inn, and forms a large circle around two pairs of sailors glaring at each other while spectators places their bets. A nissling moves to the railing and begins to play a war tune on his bone whistle.

Bootlegger Trilla's Beach Party

A ragtag band of sailors with instruments led by a nissling with a bone whistle play toe-tapping, knee-slapping jig while shark steaks cook in the fire. A hulking minotaur serves drinks into coconut shells from a stack of ale barrels.   A circle of torches make a salle where two sailors glare at each other while they impatiently wait for the crowd to place their bets.

To Brutemon's House of Flapjacks

The thoughts of sweet jams, fluffy flapjacks, and maybe even bacon served with Brutemon's hard cider is just too sweet to resist. The walk to Brutemon's House of Flapjacks on the other side of town has your bellies grumbling.   The street is blocked by a ring of folks around two sailors glaring at each other while they wait for the crowd to place their bets. On a rickety cart, a nissling sits tailor fashion playing a marching tune on his bone whistle.

The Yokes On You

A cool breeze drifts by, carrying with it a taste of Tanngorray.
  Have the Players roll Perception DC: 18. (They are very distracted unless someone specifically states they are keenly alert in which case its DC: 14).   Those who succeed at the Perception roll  
Very strong scent of eggs fried in butter reaches you. As you turn to look for who is making them, a flock of giant over-easy fried eggs, each some two feet across and soaring on their egg whites, flies down towards the crowd, spitting melted butter. Some of them are coming for you and your crewmates!
  They get to make a DEX SAVE to dodge the melted butter.   On a NAT 20: All further butter attacks never touch them fort he rest of this encounter.   On a success: the butter goes harmlessly past them and they can move normally. Roll a d8 1d8 to decide which square around the PC the butter lands in.   On a fail: the PC's feet are covered in butter and they can only move 5' (not as a 5' step).   On a NAT 1: the PC falls prone onto the slippery butter and can't try to move again until their next turn. An additional Acrobatics or Athletics DC: 14 is required to stand up.   Those who fail at the Perception roll  
Suddenly a flock of giant over-easy fried eggs, each some two feet across and soaring on their egg whites, swoops down, spitting melted butter at you!
  The PC then must roll a 1d6:
1-2: the PC is struck by melted butter.   They take 1d4 fire damage Fire Damage and have disadvantage on their weapon attacks as they are now covered with slippery butter.   This lasts until the melted butter is washed off or removed.
3-6: Melted butter strikes the ground at their feet, covering the ground of their 5' space with slippery butter. To move they must first make an Acrobatics or Athletics DC: 14 or stumble, reducing them to a movement speed of 5 for that turn only. If they roll a Nat 1 they fall prone onto the slippery butter and can't try to move again until their next turn. An additional Acrobatics or Athletics DC: 14 is required to stand up.
Some in the crowd are howling at the hot butter covering them while others have fallen and are tryin to get up. Flying Fried eggs are circling you, your crewmates, and the rest of the crowd ready to attack again!
  There is one flying fried egg for each PC. The Flying Fried Eggs remaining attacks will be attempts to wrap themselves around a PCs head and drown them in runny yoke. Flying Fried Egg Stats

Flying Fried Egg CR: 1/2

Small monstrosity, any
Armor Class: 11
Hit Points: 22hp (5d6+5) 5d6+5
Speed: , fly: 30 ft


16 +3


12 +1


13 +1


2 -4


10 +0


4 -3

Skills: Stealth +3
Senses: Blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge Rating: 1/2


EGG SPLAT Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one creature. On a successful hit, the fried egg wraps itself around the target's head. The target is blinded, deafened, and muted. Unless the egg is killed or removed from the victim, the victim must make a CON SAVE: 14 each turn to not passout. If they fail, the victim falls prone and begins rolling Death Saves until they drown in runny yoke. The victim can try to break free once on each of their turns with a STR DC: 14. This deals 1d6 + STR (of victim) bludgeon damage to the Flying Egg.   MELTED BUTTER SPIT Can be used once per encounter. Range Weapon Attack: +5 to hit. Range 20ft., one creature. On a successful hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage Fire Damage and has disadvantage on their attacks for the rest of the encounter as they are now covered with slippery butter.   On a failed hit, melted butter strikes the ground at their feet, covering the ground of their 5' space with slippery butter. To move they must first make an Acrobatics or Athletics DC: 14 or stumble, reducing them to a movement speed of 5 for that turn only. If they roll a Nat 1 they fall prone onto the slippery butter and can't try to use their movement again until their next turn. An additional Acrobatics or Athletics DC: 14 is required to stand up.

A fried egg some two feet across that flies through the air like a manta ray.
  PLEASE NOTE: All buildings are now locked and/or barred with those inside refusing to let anyone in. It is the way of things in Tanngorray when trouble happens.   AFTER COMBAT, CONTINUE.  
As the last egg attacking you splats to its end, the remaining flock of Flying Fried Eggs fly away.   "Helps!" The nissling with the bonewhistle calls out as several eggs are flying off with him. "Oh no! They takings me to the Flappy-Jacks house. HELPS! I dont wanna fries in the butters!"   "Arrrgh!" a gruff pirate covered in yoke grumbles. He takes a hand out of his belt pouch and tosses crushed cookies to the ground. "They turned me coins into cookies!"   Wails of despair and rage come from the crowd as they, too, find that their coins are now butter cookies.

Jamming in the Alleyways

  Have the players roll Perception DC: 14
If PCs succeed:
The night air suddenly fills with the scent of jam. Strawberry Jam. You see nothing in the narrow muddy street.
They are not attacked.
Those who fail:
The scent of strawberry jam is so strong its all you can smell.
Each must roll 1d20.
If all PCs succeed:
The night air suddenly fills with the scent of jam. Strawberry Jam. You see nothing in the narow muddy street.
Each must roll 1d20.
Suddenly, a thick tendril of strawberry jam swings down from a rooftop and slaps (the unlucky PC) with sticky sweetness as it lands on the ground. A living ooze of strawberry jam flows down its own tendril until all of it rests on the ground, spoiling for a fight.
  The unlucky PC has disadvantage on all range attacks and must make a Spell Ability DC: 14 in order to cast any spell with a Somatic (S) component due to being sticky. Melee attacks are unaffected. This effect lasts until the sticky jam is washed off or removed.   Jam Ooze Stats

Strawberry (or any flavor) Jam Ooze CR: 2

Large ooze, any
Armor Class: 8
Hit Points: 45hp (6d10 + 12)
Speed: 10 ft


15 +2


5 -3


14 +2


2 -4


6 -2


0 -5

Damage Resistances: Blunt, Pierce, Slash (magical or non-magical)
Damage Immunities: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning
Condition Immunities: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone
Senses: Blindsight 60ft., passive Perception 8
Challenge Rating: 2

Once a victim is reduced to 0 hp, the jam ooze with engulf that victim who then must keep making Death saves until they are removed from the Jam Ooze. If the victim gets 3 fails, they become another Jam Ooze the same flavor as the one that turned them.


TENDRIL WHIP. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 10ft, one target. Hit: 2d6 +2 Bludgeoning Damage Tendril Damage plus the victim is now sticky (disadvantage on all range attacks and must make a Spell Ability DC: 14 in order to cast any spell with a Somatic (S) component. Melee Attacks are unaffected.)


SPLIT. When Jam Ooze is hit by Acid, Cold, Fire, or Lightning damage, it splits into two medium oozes ( HP: 1/2 the reamining hp of the original ooze). When the medium ooze is hit with Acid, Cold, Fire, or Lightning damage its splits into small oozes each with HP:10. There are as many small oozes as it takes to divide up all the medium ooze's remaining hp.

A Jam Ooze is a great blob of any flavor of jam that can slide under doors and through narrow cracks as it hunts victims to turn into more jam. The Jam Ooze can also climb difficult surfaces and even climb upside down on a ceiling.

All Yoked Up

Snarls, growls, and the snapping of jaws sound from above you. Warm runny egg yoke rains down, quickly followed by a tumbling bundle of nissling and Flying Fried Egg. With a squishy splat, they crash to the muddy street. The nissling, all covered in yoke, stands up and kicks the no longer moving egg. As he does, he lets out a thunderous little burp.   "Mmmm, tasty. Buts still very bads egg!"
All interactions with Kipess are DC: 12   If the PCs attack Kipess
AC:16 HP:22 All Saves 16, All Checks 12, All SKills, 14. He will not fight the party. If attacked, he will do his best to get away and break a bead on his necklace. This will Dimension Door him straight up where he will then fly away.
  The PCs can question the nissling whose name is Kipess: "That's Kites with a P and lots of SSS."   Things Kipess knows:   1) "I escapes whens all the eggs chases Brutemon Wife runnings from flappy-jacks house in her nighty dress."   2) "Huge Stack-o-Flappy-Jacks busteds out the doors of the flappy-jacks house."   3) "Brutemon Wife screameds ... 'It cames out of pillow!'"   4) "Bads but tasty eggs gooed ups me bone whistle!"   WHEN THE PCs REACH BRUTEMON'S HOUSE OF FLAPJACKS, CONTINUE.  

Stacked Against You

The delicious scent of freshly made buttermilk pancakes fills your nose as you turn the corner onto Last Lane, a short street that ends at Brutemon's House of Flapjacks. The swinging double doors are broken and hang wide open. Out on the street before the doors is a pile of pancakes ten feet wide and stacked five feet high. It just sits there, smelling delicious.
  Once any of the PCs start to move towards the Stack-o-Flapjacks, have them all roll 1d20. The PC with the lowest roll is the target of the Stack-o-Flapjacks Stream-o-Syrup attack.   Stack-o-Flapjacks Stats

Stack-o-Flapjacks CR: 3

Large monstrosity, any
Armor Class: 14
Hit Points: 85hp (10d10+30) 10d10+30
Speed: 9 ft


18 +4


13 +1


16 +3


2 -4


13 +1


8 -1

Condition Immunities: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone
Senses: Blindsight 90ft., passive Perception 11
Challenge Rating: 3


STREAM-O-SYRUP. (Recharge on a 1 on a 1d4 Recharge Stream-o-Syrup Range Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range (60/120), one target. If it hits, the target is now Sticky (disadvantage on all range attacks and must make a Spell Ability DC: 14 in order to cast any spell with a Somatic (S) component.)   TONGUE LASH. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+4 Bludgeon damage Tongue Lash Damage . The tongue is also sticky with syrup and the target is now stuck to it (considered grappled). At the beginning of each of its turns, the stuck target can attempt to break free STR DC: 13 with automatic disadvantage. Once something is stuck to the tongue, it begins pulling them towards its toothy maw at Speed: 5.   MAW BITE. Only when a victim is pulled into the Maw will it bite, doing 1d8+5 Piercing damage Maw Damage each turn the victim remains stuck to the tongue.

There is a ripple in the stack of flapjacks as they tip apart in the middle, revealing a terrible toothy maw. Suddenly a stream of what looks like syrup shoots at (the targeted PC)!
  After this opening attack, the combat begins.   Three rounds after the combat with the Stack-o-Flapjacks begins, Zudonym steps out of the House of Flapjacks.  
A shadowy figure wielding a scythe with a blade made of ... sizzling bacon?! steps out of the House of Flapjacks. Standing in the shadowy doorway is a sleepwalking Brutemon clutching a red silk pillow.
  Brutemon never moves or responds to anything, not even to dodge an attack. Zudonym Stats

Zudonym CR: 3

Medium fiend(demon), chaotic evil
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 66hp (12d8+12) 12d8+12
Speed: 30 ft , fly: 30 ft


1 -5


17 +3


12 +1


14 +2


13 +1


14 +2

Saving Throws: Dex +5 1d20+5 , Cha +4 1d20+4
Skills: Stealth+7
Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant
Damage Resistances: acid, fire, necrotic, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Damage Immunities: Cold, Lightning , Poison
Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Grappled (though he will never let go of the scythe if someone grabs it), Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained
Senses: Darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 11
Languages: Abyssal, Telepathy 120'
Challenge Rating: 3
by Vajr

INCOPOREAL MOVEMENT: Zudonym can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He takes 1d10 Force damage Movement Damage if he ends his turn inside an object.   LIGHT SENSITIVITY: While in bright light/daylight, Zudonym has disadvantage on his attack rolls as well as Perception rolls.   SHADOW STEALTH: While in dim light or darkness, Zudonym can take the Hide action as a Bonus Action.


SCYTHE WITH SIZZLING BACON BLADE. Melee weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one creature. Hit: 1d10+3 Slashing damage Slashing Damage and 1d4 Fire damage Fire Damage

A shadowy figure who wields a scythe with a blade of sizzling bacon.
Pillow Stats AC: 12 HP: 24 it has no other stats.   The pillow must be destroyed for everythin to return to normal, including their gold.
Brutemon Stats AC: 8 HP: 32 he has no other stats as he is unreactive due to being asleep because of the pillow.   IF THE PCs DO NOT FIGURE OUT THEY MUST DESTROY THE PILLOW, KIPESS RETURNS AND GIVES SUGGESTIONS.



  This adventure is designed for a party of four pirates (characters provided) and is 5E compatible.   'Sweet Dreams' can easily be placed into most any setting.  


by Vajr


Into The Pillow

Zudonym was positive he was once a large and mighty demon, though he cannot remember what type. His earthy form was destroyed by a trio of summoners, leaving only a shadow of his former self. As his shadow self began to return to the Abyss, the summoners bound him into a Dreamsilk Pillow. Unfortunately, their binding had been slow enough bits of his shadow brain had already returned to the Abyss, leaving him demented.  

The Dreamsilk Pillow

The Dreamsilk Pillow keeps its victim asleep and dreaming. With a shadow demon bound into it, the dreams of the victim become nightmares that come to life and murder the victim under the direction of the shadow demon.   Unfortunately for the summoners, Zudonym no longer thinks properly and when the pillow is used, the dreaming goes wrong.  

Journey to Tanngorray

A special courier, who must constantly wear the satchel protected by gleaming sigils that holds the Dreamsilk Pillow, booked passage on the Albatross in hopes of delivering it to the true victim of the pillow. Unfortunately, the Albatross was forced to run before the gale and shelter in Tanngorray.   The courier went ashore for a bit of amusement and got very drunk. On his way back to the Albatross he was ambushed by a greedy handful of pirates who murdered him. They took the body into the jungle of the island and opened the satchel that could not be removed from his body. The sigils released their deadly magic in a great fireball that left only one pirate alive. The pillow was undamaged due to its demonic resident. Cursing his misfortunes at having endured so much for a lousy pillow, the pirate sold the pillow to Ye Old Pawn Shoppe, unaware of its true nature.   Later that day, Mrs. Brutemon went shopping and bought the pillow for her husband, who used it that very evening to take a quick nap...  

So Begins 'Sweet Dreams'


  The PCs go into Tanngorray to have some nighttime fun.   They are disctracted by a fight where everyone is taking bets and music.   Suddenly, they are attacked by Flying Fried Eggs. Once they defeat the eggs attacking them, they discover their gold has been turned into butter cookies. {The nissling bard taken prisoner by the eggs shouts out a direction to go as he is hauled off in case the PCs wonder where to go}   As the PCs move through town, they find all the buildings locked and barred, with no one daring to let them in. They are soon attacked by Jam Ooze.   Defeating the ooze, the PCs witness the nissling escape from the eggs and can ask him questions, which will again point them towards Brutemon's House of Flapjacks.   Reaching Brutemon's, the PCs fight the Stack-o-Pancakes and Zudonym. If they destroy the pillow, their gold is once again gold and no longer butter cookies.  


Rumble In The Jungle
Plot | Sep 1, 2023

Cover image: Cover by NightMareDrug


Please Login in order to comment!
May 1, 2021 11:59 by EMBlevins

I love the monsters so much. I need this in my life. Looks like a fun trip!

May 2, 2021 01:51 by K.S. Bishoff

Glad you like my monsters. They were fun to make! So different from the usual nasties.

Come vist my worlds
May 2, 2021 20:37 by EMBlevins

Greatly enjoyed them! Very unique and fun, much more light-hearted than I'm used to. Not a bad thing by any means!

May 2, 2021 22:07 by K.S. Bishoff

Am trying to go against the trend of all dark and gloomy-ness of most adventures these days

Come vist my worlds
May 2, 2021 16:04 by Bob O'Brien

When Breakfast Fights Back! (You need an alchemist who can whip up pepto-bismol bombs!)

Check out my latest efforts:
Laurels & Loot is a new, lightweight TTRPG rules system that hearkens back to the early days.
May 2, 2021 22:06 by K.S. Bishoff

Oh, that would be hialrious!

Come vist my worlds
Jul 8, 2021 02:19

Very fun read. Nice work!

Jul 9, 2021 08:15 by K.S. Bishoff

Thanx! Glad you enjoyed it

Come vist my worlds
Apr 3, 2022 16:54 by Laurabones

I just ran this for two of my players and we had so much fun. It was easy to run and it had everything I needed to run a good cohesive game. I just nerfed some of the hp of the bad guys, to make the fights not a slog, and it was fine. Great job!

Apr 3, 2022 16:58 by Tillerz

We had a lot of fun with it. :D

Apr 4, 2022 01:03 by K.S. Bishoff

So glad it worked out well and you had fun! Thank you for giving the adventure a try!

Come vist my worlds
Apr 4, 2022 01:04 by K.S. Bishoff

Yay for having fun!!

Come vist my worlds