Sartrix Profession in Pandemonium | World Anvil
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Sartrix are those who know how to alter the fabric of reality by stitching the threads of vita into a patch for the weave. Language focused with thoughts and will can shape intent, and grasp the threads of the weave. They do this by empowering their Ojo through years of meditation and introspection. They practice the Ardent path of vita manipulation using kinetic energy as fuel. For safety, either a Hem (containing circle) or a Curio (artificial vita point) is normally used to hold the threads. They keep their known patches in a book called a template.



Most students start as young as 21 years of age. After studying the trivium and quadrivium, and completing their masters degree, those who can afford the lessons go to the tower of Banupte atop the floating island of Ban Isle. Some students are taken at a younger age if they show an aptitude for stitching threads of the weave.

Career Progression

The Apprentice takes beginner classes and spends most of their time in meditation. Journeymen take beginner classes, but are allowed out into the world for practical experience. Fellows assist in teaching those beginner classes, and take intermediate classes. It is at this point that they've earned the right to call themselves Sartrix. Masters assist in teaching intermediate classes, and take advanced classes. They are allowed to be present for general council meetings, but not allowed a say. Grand Masters teach beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes. They are capable of combining two elements or advancing one. Minimum level needed to lead a guild, they sit on the general council. The Magus sits on the Senior or Star Councils. It is the highest rank they can achieve, and are all leaders of not just guilds, but fellowships.

Payment & Reimbursement

Their daily wages provided by the fellowship amount to 70 copper, equivalent to low level aristocratic income. Much of which is spent on guild dues and material components for their trade. Any further income is generated through side projects.

Other Benefits

A degree of respect is afforded to Sartrix due to their membership in the college of clerics. But in many parts of the world, they are simply feared.


Social Status

They are members of the aristocracy by virtue of membership in the fellowships.


The vast majority are Arres men, as most female clerics are members of the church. And most Einjar are affiliated with one of the druid circles. The membership makes up less than one percent of the total population.



All sartrix carry various curio to aid in their threading. No more than seven can be carried at one time. Some carry acus, elixirs, or mends for specific use.

Provided Services

They manufacture and sell acus, elixirs, mends, and golem. Some times they sell their own services as body guards or escorts.

Dangers & Hazards

Threading vita without the proper protection can lead to nerve damage. Mishandling a patch can backfire with varying results from fizzling out to exploding.
Alternative Names
Stitchers, Witches (wicked stitcher), defiled ones
Their services are a luxury afforded to those can pay the price.
The crowns of various nations support their operations. Stitching of patches and weaves outside their supervision is illegal.
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