Opreunox Geographic Location in Pandemonium | World Anvil
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The southern continent of the northern hemisphere, reaching from the start of the tropics to the equator. A semi circle opening to the Sostaut Sea in the north, it spans over 5,000 miles across from east to west, and the northern most tip is over 2,500 miles from its southern most tip.


Large land mass of over 7 million square miles in the northern hemisphere surrounded by water on all sides, ridged with mountains and hills, forests and jungles scattered through out, and massive rivers. It is separated into three main sections from west to east, each bordered by low mountains. Climate zones go from subtropical in the north to tropical in the south. The west and east each have a long meandering river that brings life and power to the area, they flow north into the sea. The center section is more dry and desolate with the occasional lake providing its fresh water. To the north is the warm Sostaut Sea with many smaller islands. To the west is the Great Ocean and to the east is the Endless Ocean.


The prevailing winds travel from west to east, and the low peaks aren't high enough for snow. Intermittent rains and a long dry season make for a dry environment, coupled with irregular flooding this continent doesn't have much good farming land. High insect populations breed diseases a plenty, making it hard to maintain livestock. Many of the animals that thrive are cold blooded and usually venomous.

Ecosystem Cycles

The whole of the continent has only two seasons, dry and wet. In the north there is an arid desert climate with high temperatures and very little rain. The south has a monsoon climate defined by high temperatures, soaring humidity, and heavy seasonal rains.

Fauna & Flora

The main natural vegetation cover is tropical and subtropical forest. Conditions for growth are not favorable. Western and Central Opreunox have mostly willow, cypress, fig, palm, and broadleaf; with beech, oak, redwoods, and eucalyptus to the north. Along the south you can find laurel and ebony trees. Deciduous trees predominate in most of these forests, and during the drought a leafless period occurs, which varies with species type. Because trees lose moisture through their leaves, the shedding of leaves allows trees such as teak and mountain ebony to conserve water during dry periods. The newly bare trees open up the canopy layer, enabling sunlight to reach ground level and facilitate the growth of thick underbrush. Trees on moister sites and those with access to ground water tend to be evergreen. Infertile sites also tend to support evergreen trees   Diverse animal populations cover the continent. With large maned cats in the mountains, black and spotted cats in the jungles, and striped cats in the grasslands there is no shortage of predators. All the water ways are filled with equally dangerous predators. From large constricting serpents to small venomous ones, giant aquatic reptiles, and water behemoths, every living thing kills to survive. Grass snakes, frogs, tortoises and turtles, and varied birds like parrots and toucans can be found across the landscape, all brightly colored. Gazelle roam the plains, long horned goats trek the mountains, and horned sheep graze the meadows alongside cows and pigs. Striped horses and spotted donkeys can be found in scattered populations. Long necked horses roam the north western plains.

Natural Resources

A multitude of resources can be found and exploited across this land. Forests and jungles provide various types of wood and wild life while mountains provide stone, precious metals, jewels, and more animals. High plateaus make steps up and down across the landscape, turning even the mildest of streams into rapids. This also causes many lakes to form. The open seas are home to whales, dolphins, sharks, and innumerable fish. Plants and herbs can also be found in great quantities for those who know what to seek. The greatest resources are gold, ivory, jewels, and people.


Formed when Kab-Rael fell from the heavens and impacted the world. The crater and shock waves left behind one large continent rising from the ocean. Over time the beings that roamed this land affected change in the landscape to suit their own needs. This ongoing conflict resulted in the continent being cut in half, the northern part being Esborea and the southern being Opreunox.
Alternative Name(s)
Land of Jewels
Related Ethnicities
Characters in Location


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