Tree of All Seasons Building / Landmark in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Tree of All Seasons

The Tree of All Seasons is the geographical center of the Feywild. According to legend, it is a massive tree with wood as hard as diamonds and branches taller than the top of the Taras Telumë. Its branches bear dozens of kinds of leaves, fruit, and flowers. Roughly a quarter of these branches are leafless and covered in hoar-frost, though the frost seems not to affect even the closest branches. Depictions of such a tree are ubiquitous in elven tapestries and other artwork as a representation of the Feywild.

Purpose / Function

The entirety of the Feywild is said to have sprouted from the Tree of All Seasons. Legends differ as to who planted the tree in the first place; some attribute it to Danu, and others to Fricka. Some even believe that the Tree Herself is one of the Great Old Ones, whose magic powers all fey and archfey. Whatever the origin, the Tree acts as the central hub of the Feywild's complex ecosystem.   Many of the Fey have specific ceremonies that take place at the Tree of All Seasons on important holidays, particularly the equinoxes and solstices when the power of their season is at its zenith. The Eladrin, for example, can only reproduce in a special ceremony where the Tree grants each season two eladrin children. The Tanuki and Kitsune are also known to have particular rituals at the Tree. Outside of these ceremonies, the Tree also serves as a periodic meeting place for the Fools of the Fey, to discuss how best to protect mortal Planewalkers and other relevant interests in mortal-fey diplomacy.   Beneath the roots of the Tree of All Seasons lies an inescapable magical prison for the Caorthannach, set in place by Telwyth-Teg. Some stories depict the Solstice Man as living in the boughs of the tree, watching over his prisoner himself until her captivity ends.
Artist's depiction of the Tree of All Seasons.
Parent Location


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