Sladkóro-in-Arawn Building / Landmark in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Sladkóro-in-Arawn is the easternmost of the six temple-campuses of the Wild Dynasty religion, where Clerics and Warrior Monks of Arawn are trained. It is carved into the cliffs of the Blue Mountains at the western edge of Scalados, roughly two days' travel south of the town of Ramdailos. Primo Zadok te-Arawn has led the temple-campus since Y960.

Purpose / Function

Sladkóro-in-Arawn trains clerics and warrior monks in the ways of the god of death and the hunt. The temple's near-inaccessible location further serves to require exceptional fortitude from its disciples.   Several friars at Sladkóro are famed elven swordmakers. Students who prove themselves highly skilled warriors, and who do not already carry a family blade, are offered the opportunity to stay behind after their studies and have a weapon crafted for them, made of Ramdailos steel.


The temple-campus is carved into and built atop the cliffsides of the Blue Mountains. Narrow stone staircases wind in and out of the various buildings. The building itself is made of stone, mortar, and wood, decorated sparsely and painted with pigments built to withstand the area's cold, wet winters.


Sladkóro-in-Arawn has little need of defenses. Its location is remote, rocky, and desolate, and any invading forces brave enough to reach it are quickly rebuffed by the cloister of highly skilled warriors who reside there. Generals in the War of Great Sorrow famously avoided the temple in their march towards Scalados, calling it Vieldraakenshöhle, or the "den of many dragons."
by Stephen Shephard
Sladkóro-in-Arawn's buildings, as viewed through the morning fog.  
The uniforms worn by the students and staff of Sladkóro-te-Arawn.
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