Hectalmë Tradition / Ritual in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Hectalmë (Elvish: "those we reject") is the practice of designating certain individuals as removed from the religion of the Wild Dynasty. In-hectëa range from the non-faithful to active desecrators of the holy orders.


Four basic levels of pronouncing hectalmë exist, each with their own requirements and restrictions.  
By default, the te-Múndana (Elvish: "from the world") consist of anyone who does not actively worship one of the major or minor gods of the Wild Dynasty. Alternately, a person can be officially declared te-Múndana by any quorum of three of the Aistanë. This declaration most commonly occurs when someone training for the priesthood voluntarily leaves on amicable terms. The te-Múndana are not singled out for any particular punishment from the Wild Gods or their religion, though they are warded and barred from entry to certain places, such as the interior of the Taras Telumë.  
A person declared te-Valanaï (Elvish: "not from the gods") has typically committed some act against the WIld Dynasty religion. The condition can be conferred by any quorum of either seven Aistanë, three Aishimë, or one of the Aikasë. The te-Valanaï are not permitted within temple-campuses or at the Citadel of the Wild, and are unable to magically teleport into these locations or use any magical abilities while within them. While they can physically enter these spaces, they bear a magical sigil visible only to the aishimë and the aikasë, marking them for shunning on sight. Some have also reported feeling a sense of paranoia and unease while entering these locations.  
The te-Malunoth (Elvish: "from the darkness") are people deemed actively dangerous to the religion of the Wild Gods and/or its practitioners. The designation can be granted by an Aikasë alongside a quorum of at least three Aishimë. It is impossible to speak the names of the te-Malunoth while on the consecrated land of any temple or shrine, as well as within the Citadel of the Wild. The te-Malunoth are unable to enter these locations without suffering extreme full-body pain, exposure to which causes permanent blindness within a matter of minutes.  
The designation of te-Anaethèma (Elvish: "from the Nine Hells") is reserved for the most egregious offenders against the gods and their people. Someone can only be declared te-Anaethèma by a quorum of at least three of the Lebemnë, or by the Valòmar themselves. One declared te-Anaethèma cannot enter consecrated lands by any means, magical or mundane. The names of the te-Anaethèma are automatically appended with this designation in all holy texts upon declaration, and all depictions of their likeness on consecrated lands are made blank. If an angel or other celestial being in service to the Wild Gods is on the Material Plane, they immediately know the location of any te-Anaethèma and are hostile towards them.


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