Neverwinter Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


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Жители Невервинтера! Я здесь не как завоеватель, но как защитник. Солдаты, которых я привёл сюда, укрепят оборону города и положат конец беззаконию, угрожающему всей проделанной вами работе. Вместе мы не просто отстроим город, мы создадим Новый Невервинтер!
— Дагульт Неверэмбер, Лорд-Защитник
  На диком, лютом севере Невервинтер был маяком цивилизации и тепла. Даже после того, как Магическая Чума пронеслась по миру, Жемчужина Севера утратила лишь часть своего блеска. Уничтожение города шокировало многих обывателей, не обращавших внимания на предзнаменования грядущей опасности. «Пустые пророчества и странные события, отголоски Магической Чумы, ничего серьёзного», — считали они. Даже начавшиеся подземные толчки не могли поколебать уверенность горожан в светлом будущем.  
  Пришёл день, когда гора Хотноу, расположенная глубоко в чаще Невервинтерского леса, пробудилась, словно могущественное злое божество. Город ничего не смог противопоставить этому противнику. Земля разверзалась прямо под ногами, целые кварталы обращались в руины, а на ровном месте вздымались новые горы. Незамерзающая зимой река взрывалась шипящими струями пара и лавы, а раскалённые облака пепла плыли по улицам города сродни наступающей армии. В тот день вместе с городом погибли тысячи жителей.   Понемногу жизнь вернулась на искалеченную землю. Некоторые пытались отстроить то, что потеряли, однако другие увидели в трагедии шанс получить то, что давно желали. Но те, кто сражался за свои жизни на улицах города, не смогли увидеть заразу, проникшую в Невервинтер. Прямо у них под ногами тёмные силы боролись за контроль над городом.  
  Около полувека назад гора Хотноу (близлежащий вулкан, который постоянно подогревает текущую через город реку) изверглась, в процессе разрушив значительную часть города, убив тысячи его жите¬лей и оставив после извержения огромный зияю¬щий разлом, разделивший город на части. Невервин¬тер лежал в руинах, и самые разные внешние силы, включая Нетерил, Тэй, Лорда Дагульта Неверэмбера из Глубоководья и даже посланников нижних пла¬нов, попытались заполучить контроль над городом. Многие приняли участие в борьбе с этими угрозами, и в итоге в Невервинтере наступило некое подобие мира.   С тех пор, как Дагульт Неверэмбер был свергнут с позиции Публичного Лорда Глубоководья, он сконцентрировал свои усилия и внимание на вос-становлении города, который якобы является его родиной. Что бы ни думали люди о его претензиях на Невервинтерский трон, трудно поспорить с тем, что за последние годы он продемонстрировал незау¬рядные лидерские способности, и население в итоге приняло его как Лорда-Защитника. Он организовал запечатывание Разлома и ремонт Главного Тракта и теперь разрабатывает прочие меры по восстанов¬лению и улучшению города. Теперь, даже если ему не удастся доказать свое происхождение из рода Лорда Нашера Алагондара, люди Невервинтера и так приняли его руководство городом. (Моя якобы имеющая место личная неприязнь к Лорду Неверэм- беру не имеет отношения к моей оценке его компе¬тентности как руководителя; просто я считаю его невыносимой кокеткой).  
  Влияние Неверэмбера проистекает из Анклава Защитника с центром в Зале Правосудия. С тех пор, как Тир вернулся к жизни и его учение стало вос-станавливать былую популярность, Лорд-Защитник переехал в скромную частную виллу. Такая жертва, а также восстановление храма Тира в предыдущем месте жительства Лорда для многих является еще одним доказательством, что Неверэмбер достоин править Невервинтером. Пока что Замок Невер остается опасными руинами, но Неверэмбер плани¬рует расчистить его и отстроить заново, как символ возрождения города.  
  Последователи Огмы прибыли в Невервинтер, чтобы восстановить Обитель Знаний в ее былом величии, а кроме этого разные часовни всевозмож¬ным божествам стали появляться во всех уголках города.   По мере восстановления города неизбежно воз¬никнут запросы на произведение в ранг дворянства и на привилегии, которые оно с собой несет, и, конечно, возникнут торговые интересы. Но Лорд-Защитник Неверэмбер, конечно скажет, что он всего лишь протектор, а не король, так что у него нет права никого возводить ни в какие ранги. Возмож¬но, возникнут гильдии, но разрастание какой-либо из них до такой степени, что она сможет подавлять конкурентов, точно займет годы, а то и десятиле¬тия.   Все чаще звучат призывы населения заменить наемников из Минтарна своей собственной, уважа-емой, стражей, у которой будет личная заинтересо-ванность в защите Невервинтера. Эти обществен¬ные настроения привели к тому, что в некоторых районах было создано местное добровольное ополче¬ние, и Лорд-Защитник старается избежать конфлик¬тов между своими наемниками и такими отрядами. Как результат, Неверэмбер постепенно снижает количество солдат из Минтарна, по мере того, как горожане, выросшие защищая самодельную Стену от угроз из Разлома, раз за разом доказывают свою способность быть полноценной вооруженной силой. И Врата Балдура, и Глубоководье предлагали свою помощь по подготовке и обучению новой стражи Невервинтера, но Лорд Неверэмбер предпочитает лучше пригласить опытных приключенцев, чем унижаться, принимая помощь от своего бывшего города. С восстановлением соседствующего Гонтлгрима Невервинтер надеется обрести близкого союзника, который сможет обеспечить его крепкой броней и сильным оружием. Хотя городу в настоящий момент есть мало, что предложить, торговая деятельность Невервинтера развивается бурными темпами по мере того, как слухи о его возрождении привлекают корабли из Моря Мечей, товары с севера и золото с юга. В город прибывают приключенцы в поисках работы или следуя за слухами о сокровищах, кото¬рые заодно часто вовлекаются в зачистку опасных уголков города или охрану многочисленных карава¬нов, идущих по Главному Тракту. Лорд-Защитник надеется, что с ростом бизнеса и, соответственно, доходов, и возвращением талантливых ремесленни¬ков, Невервинтер когда-нибудь снова станет досто¬ин эпитета «Город Умелых Рук».  
  Оппозиция власти Неверэмбера все еще существу¬ет, но без единого лидера и без какой-либо другой власти в городе, к которой можно бы было апелли¬ровать в отношении действий Лорда, повстанцы постепенно переходят от сопротивления к активной помощи в восстановлении города. Многие из Сынов Алагондара, повстанческой группировки, которая первоначально была против Лорда Неверэмбера, начала добровольно замещать минтарнских наемни¬ков, патрулирующих город. Если Неверэмбер сможет объединить свои цели с намерениями Сынов Ала¬гондара, для него это может стать возможностью подать сигнал богатым глубоководским аристокра¬там, которые до сих пор не горели желанием связы¬ваться с падшим Публичным Лордом, которого, по факту, изгнали из Глубоководья, что они могут без¬опасно инвестировать в город и, возможно, заново отстроить некоторые из вилл в регионе, в которых эти аристократы могли бы останавливаться, когда будут пребывать в Невервинтере по своим коммер¬ческим делам.   Теперь, когда Разлом запечатан и стена, отделяв¬шая от его ужасов остальной город, снесена, на ее месте образовалась большая полоса пустого про¬странства, никем не заселенного и богатого здоро¬венными кусками камня, притащенного из руин в других частях города. Любой желающий теперь мо¬жет занять здесь участок земли и построить на нем здание для жилья или работы. Пока что не сфор¬мировалось гильдий, которые бы ограничивали бы занятия ремеслом или строительство, и нет никаких дворян, которым бы надо было подавать петиции или просить разрешения.   Желающим построить дом или основать свое дело ничто не мешает в этом, и даже те, у кого нет навыков или денег на это, могут использовать свои руки и спины пока не подберут себе подходящее место.   Вдоль реки многие купеческие виллы присваива¬ются и восстанавливаются людьми, которые на¬слышаны чем когда-то был Невервинтер, и чем он может стать вновь. У некоторых нет ни навыков, ни средств, зато у всех есть желание работать и разбогатеть в процессе работы. Новые магазины и мастерские появляются каждую неделю, и безра¬ботные без каких-либо навыков предлагают свои услуги в качестве рабочих или подмастерьев; те, у кого не выходит на одном месте работы, переходят к следующему, пользуясь огромным количеством возможностей, которые сейчас предлагает город. Если нет других вариантов, люди идут чистить городскую канализацию или наносить на карту ее схему для Лорда-Защитника - необходимость в этой работе возникла в результате катаклизма, образовав¬шего Разлом..   Как и любого другого города у Невервинтера есть свои недостатки. Хотя большинство жителей честно трудятся, есть среди них и те, кто зарабатывает на жизнь воровством, зачастую грабя тех, у кого и взять-то особо нечего. Иногда случаются перебои с едой, если владельцы таверн и гостиниц недооце¬нят количество посетителей, которое им предстоит принять, или если у торговцев просто закончится их товар. Думаю, потребуется еще несколько лет, чтобы город преодолел эти проблемы, и для многих именно они делают Невервинтер таким привле¬кательным. Для купцов, особенно тех, кто торгует продовольствием, которое так необходимо городу, это шикарная возможность помочь в его восста¬новлении и одновременно с этим сколотить себе состояние.  

Recent History

This information can be easily gleaned in a little more detail from the Forgotten Realms Wiki and the supplements, but we’ll outline it here in any case. Neverwinter was once a centre of excellence, making magical water clocks, magical lamps and all manner of mechanical devices. This was over a century ago under King Alagondar. Then disaster struck when the nearby volcano erupted in 1451, creating a huge crevasse across the southeast quarter of the city causing devestation. This stretched down to the Underdark and all manner of dangerous creatures crawled out and attacked the population, causing mass panic and large portion of the population to flee. It also killed off the ruling family. In 1467, Lord Neverember decided to take on rulership of the city, and hired 400 Mintarn mercenaries to secure the city and declared himself Lord Protector. He set up in the southwest quarter of the city and built a wall between this quarter and the rift. There then ensued about ten years of chaotic events in and around the city as various factions, some monstrous, vied for control of the city, mostly covertly. This included a small invading force of orcs who eventually withdrew. Over time the city became more stable and some time in the late 1480s the rift was sealed by powerful magic, at great expense to Lord Neverember. Since that time, such creatures that had previously troubled the city by crawling up from the rift, were no longer a nuisance and it was now deemed safe enough to tear down the wall between the Protector’s Enclave and the quarter where the rift lay. Although this created some relative safety for the city much of the city walls are still in ruins, and as such some monsters and bandits do still trouble the various areas from time to time, keeping the varied militia busy. It is into this situation that your good party walks.

Who Keeps Order

As in most locations of the North, the military and police are one and the same. As mentioned above, Lord Neverember’s Mintarn mercenaries now mingle freely with a citizen’s militia. With open revolt against Neverember’s rule now muted, the various parties of Neverwinter have more or less banded together to protect the city. Although there is very little information about law and order in the city, we can probably intuit that it corresponds to most other cities around, such as Waterdeep down the coast with a mixture of imprisonment, floggings and fines with hangings for troublesome crimes, probably including smuggling knowing Lord Neverember. This will likely be coloured by a few more influences though. Firstly, the mercenaries who keep order are described as “ruthless” once or twice, so they will likely imprison suspects first, and ask questions later. They’re also likely inclined to crack skulls whenever they feel someone is flouting the law. Secondly, the main religion of the city is Tyr, God of Justice with the Hall of Justice in the Protector’s Enclave being the main temple, and also Lord Neverember’s “base of operations”. Neverember will likely want to be seen to be just to align himself with the religious public body and from his record so far he seems to have succeeded in this. Thirdly, Neverember is a businessman at heart, so the outcomes of his judicial body will be primed to please his Lordship’s business interests. Taxes are collected at a “steep rate” mainly in the port and in the Enclave market. Those evading these taxes are likely to face stiff penalties, at the very least heavy fines and possibly floggings. Interestingly, since Lord Neverember was unceremoniously kicked out of Waterdeep as the Open Lord amidst a scandal of missing funds, he now has a distinct aversion for others in authority. To this end there are no GUILDS and no nobles. Lord Neverember has restricted guild establishment, likely so that they would be on his terms, and nobles face a very stiff tax in the city. The Lord Protector is ably protecting his investment and monopoly.

The Districts

There are four districts to the city, each conveniently encompassing a quarter of the compass, eg. The Protector’s Enclave in the southwest, Bluelake District in the northwest, etc. Each district has its own city gate and the curtain wall is mostly intact, with the exception of the Rift District in the southeast quarter of the city. The River Raurin runs east to west through the city, dividing it into two halves, north and south. The only bridges are in the western end of the city, with three old bridges Let’s take a brief tour through each district to see what the party might expect to find there.

Protector’s Enclave

Neverwinter’s seat of government, the Hall of Justice, Temple of Tyr, can be found here and correspondingly this is the most strongly patrolled area. It is also home to the Enclave market and it is a safe bet that the wealthier abodes can also be found here. The buildings are in generally good condition, and much trade flows through these streets. The only other major temple, the House of Knowledge, a temple of Oghma, stands in this district in the River Raurin, and is only recently restored. It is also home to the Tarmalune Trade House and south end harbour where trade flows from the Sword Sea. Tethered to the south end harbour is an earthmote flying island with a famous inn atop it, the Moonstone Mask. A terrifying bridge walk connects the two. In addition there are two more earthmotes around the harbour: Fisher’s Float and Pirate’s Skyhold. Fisher’s Float in the south harbour is home to a village of fishermen and which floats low enough to have jetties which can be accessed by ropes and ladders. The boats are moored to the jetties by long ropes. Pirate’s Skyhold floats at a much hgher altitude above the north harbour and is home to Company Yargo, a Halruaan mercenary company who took over the island in the 1480s after the dragon there was killed. It is rumoured that there is an arrangement between Neverember and the halfling family of Company Yargo, to prevent them from harrassing shipping bound to or from Neverwinter. It would certainly be in keeping with Neverember’s goals for him to have dealings with a mercenary company such as this.

Bluelake District

The northwest quarter of the city was formerly known as the Blacklake, but has been renamed Bluelake in recent years. When Mount Hotenow erupted, a huge fire swept through this area causing devastation and levelling the population. It also left the lake “more like a midden pit of sludge than a lake.” However, many locals have made efforts to dredge the volcanic ash from it and today it is all but restored. Along with the many businesses and households of Bluelake, the area also holds a large number of noble manors which, although damaged by fire, are perfectly salvageable and as the city regenerates have been claimed by ambitious land developers, especially around the Bluelake and along the river. Many of the manors are somewhat defensible, providing a measure of safety to those taking the empty properties for themselves. Although there are still a number of empty properties available for new claimants, the choicest estates have already been taken. The district is now fairly safe but a heavy military presence is necessary to keep it so and the heavy¬handed Mintarns are ever present. The north end docks also technically fall within the Bluelake District including the Pirate’s Skyhold earthmote which floats above, however these are often referred to as separate to the Bluelake District. Castle Never sits along the northern bank of the Raurin and might reasonably be said to reside within the Bluelake District. This once splendid fortress is now a ruin, since the eruption of Mount Hotenow, and those venturing into its sub levels have brought rumours of dangerous monsters beneath, including a beholder. Of course, many simply don’t come back. Lord Neverember has stated that he wishes to reclaim this castle as a symbol of the city’s rejuvenation, however, it appears that this is currently beyond the abilities of most. Also lairing in this part of the city, down in the sewars near the Bluelake is a wererat gang called the Dead Rats. A gang of thieves they still make mischief for the city despite the militia’s sincere attempts to drive them out.

Tower District

This area was previously known as the River District and before the eruption it was a reknowned area of wealthy merchants. “The houses were sturdily built, and although they are not ostentatious, most are large enough to have held a family of six or eight plus servants. Guardhouses and security walls abound .„”  Like much of the city it became a lawless jungle after the chasm opened, and for the most part it was dominated by orcs from the Many Arrows tribe who decided to stay, using the Cloak Tower as a base. The Cloak Tower used to be the base of an order of wizards known as the Many-Starred Cloaks who helped protect the city. But when the spellplague hit, they all vanished. It lay abandoned until the orcs claimed it. In recent years, however, the city’s militia has reclaimed this part of the city, and after a skirmish with the orcs, the tower was reclaimed. Many of the orcs have scattered into abandoned buildings and the sewars. (The) Fallen Towers another landmark, the base of an old wizard’s tower which has long been a tavern which hosts a nightly display of phantoms. The orcs took over this building too, but because they have made peace they have been allowed to stay and so it remains orc run. Hanging over the half abandoned district is the city’s fourth and final earthmote, the Shard of Night, a “bleak tower of black stone”. Everyone who has ever investigated it have disappeared forever, so most folk leave it well alone. As further warning, “it casts no shadow during the day.”

Chasm District

Still the most dangerous part of the city, but gradually it is being repopulated. A number of households, shops and businesses have set up here, constructing their own buildings wherever they see fit. Without any city planning, and with few neighbours to complain, folk here can build whatever they like and there is no shortage of building material from the wrecked and abandoned buildings. Contributing to its lawlessness, the curtain wall in this district is still broken in places, allowing monsters to enter from the wilderness and those involved in skullduggery to enter the city without encountering the militia at a city gate.      


Enclave Locations 1. Neverdeath Main Graveyard An assortment of plots strongly featuring symbols of Tyr, the larger graves and sarcophagi often feature a sculpture of the balanced scales on a warhammer. An occasional blank scroll of Oghma is also to be found. 2. Neverdeath Pauper’s Section A sad collection of worn wooden crosses, largely untended and uncared for. 3. House of Knowledge Temple of Oghma, one of only two temples in Neverwinter, and this more modest in size and only recently restored after destruction. As much a library as temple, it has nevertheless become a centre of worship once more. 4. Dolphin Bridge Restored with carved stone Dolphins at either end of the bridge and other marine animals. 5. Winged Wyvern Bridge A large carved stone wyvern with spread wings looks over the river. 6. Sleeping Dragon Bridge 7. Militia Guardhouse A large barracks and drill ground which holds lodgings and armoury for a hundred men. It also has a smithy on the square where weapons and armour are forged and repaired. 8. Enclave Market A large bustling market spilling over into neighbouring streets. Everything can be found and haggled for here, provided it is respectable. Prices can be sometimes higher than the norm, due to the sturdy taxes imposed. 9. Hall of Justice Both an imposing temple of Tyr, with the balanced scales featuring strongly in the stonework, and also the city hall, where all the bureaucracy of the city government is based. All powerful clerical magic comes from this location only and although often even a raise dead can be bought, due to the restrictive availability of the magic, only those who are heavily vetted are allowed succor by the priests of Tyr. 10. Moonstone Forge A large smithy with a number of forges where weapons and tools are principally are made. 11. Moonstone Mask ladders. The boats are moored to the jetties by long ropes. 13. Tarmalune Trade House Home to traders from Tarmalune, the principal port of all the Windrise Ports in Laerakond. The canny merchants that operate from here also have an auction post nearby in the Enclave, and have become a powerful trading body within Neverwinter akin to a merchant’s guild. Neverember watches their rise in power with keen and wary interest. 14. The Dolphin Inn A popular inn with clean beds, which catches a lot of the south harbour travellers. There can often be trouble with boisterous sailors looking for fun, such that the innkeeper, Caroitin, always has a couple of bruisers on hand to keep things in order. Bluelake Locations 15. Pirate’s Skyhold To repeat that mentioned earlier, Pirate’s Skyhold floats at a high altitude above the north harbour and is home to Company Yargo, a Halruaan mercenary company who took over the island in the 1480s after the dragon there was killed. 16. Castle Never   This lavish inn is on an earthmote, floating 100 ft above the southern docks. It is “bound in place by thick chains strung to heavy anchors. A bridge that runs between the earthmote and the docks allows visitors to enter and exit the Moonstone.” 12. Fisher’s Float Fisher’s Float in the south harbour is home to a village of fishermen and which floats low enough to have jetties which can be accessed by ropes and Before the cataclysm shook the city, this was the Alagondar family’s seat of power. Now it is mostly ruined but a notable portion remains standing. Various monsters might erupt from the tunnels beneath it, but by and large it is safe at griund level, Delving under the castle however, would most certainly be an adventure in itself. See the NCS for more details.  17. The Bluelake Since the restoration of the lake, and its renaming from Blacklake, it has become more popular and some of the previous manors around the shore have been claimed by those hopeful of a rejuvenation of the city to ensure they have a property windfall. However, they are likely to have a long and dangerous wait, as a number of break-ins have occurred in the vicinity, several of which ended in mortalities. The Dead Rats wererats gang have their base in the sewars next to Bluelake. 18. Storvender Manor The Storvendors were shunned before the cataclysm, and the manor has stood empty ever since the great fire. It is the notorious abandoned haunted house that everyone stays away from. Some say they were vampires, others that a portal to the Abyss lies in the manor. No-one has the nerve to find out. 19. Pelevangarosunio’s Books A wizard has moved in here and set up shop with books bought and salvaged from the surrounding area. But unknown to anyone, Pelevangarosunio is not an old grey wizard, but actually a green hag in illusory disguise. If those who dealt with the wizard knew this they likely wouldn’t accept the devious bargains that (s)he often peddles. 20. The White Sails A tavern ran by a retired Mintarn mercenary. Although rather disparaging of the city and laying it on thick that the city owes Mintarn for its current safety, he nevertheless runs an excellent bar with a number of ales from up and down the Sword Coast and regular slow stews sourced from local ingredients. area. The soldiers here have done a good job of keeping order, however they have become more like an organised crime gang than a militia. There is even rumoured to be a torture chamber in the basement. Many of the locals fear the building and make Helm’s sign to ward off evil as they pass. 22. The Nine An inn ran by those loyal to The Sons of Alagondar who continue to keep an eye on the Mintarn mercenaries. Named after the Neverwinter Nine buried beneath Castle Never, the inn is drafty and uncared for, but cheap. 23. The Driftwood Tavern Fully outlined in NCS, p,154, it is a covert stronghold of The Sons of Alagondar and is filled with unusual bric-a-brac. It is ran by a slightly tipsy old gnome sea dog, called Galigru after Madame Rosene passed a few years back. 24. The Beached Leviathan This tavern is still ran by Harrag (NCS, p,154) a former pirate, although he’s quite infirm these days and it’s largely run by Len-Jes a scarred water genasi who is also Neverember’s harbourmaster. She controls the shipping in the harbour and serves as a counterpoint to the Tarmalune Trade House, keeping them in check. 25. House of a Thousand Faces (NCS, p,156) Popular tavern. “Named for the dozens of mirrors and mannequins positioned about the common room, the House of a Thousand Faces once was a fashionable boutique...” Ran by an elf called Theryis, who is also a Harper, and the place still has a meeting place for Harpers hidden in the cellar. 26. Neverember Manor One of the grandest manors in the neighbourhood, now claimed by Lord Neverember as his personal home, it has enjoyed much renovation over the last few years and numerous mercenaries stand guard. For years Neverember held court at the Hall of Justice, but has now moved out to his own manor, where he keeps court in private and allows the machinery of the city government to run things for him, now that he is confident that the city is moving towards stability. Few are foolish enough to test his security. Tower District Locations 27. Shard of Night (NCS, p,158) “A bleak tower of black stone hovers above a cluster of ruined apartments in the [Tower] District, seemingly sheared off at its base when it was torn from whatever location it once occupied.” It is notorious for casting no shadow during daytime, and those who walk under it lose their shadow until they have left its vicinity. Those brave enough to explore it have never returned, which is few as it hovers over 100 ft high. The truth? The tower used to be part of a Temple of Selune, but was torn off by the Netherese during a battle, sent to the Shadowfell, and then manifested in the material. Apparently it is simply “parked” in Neverwinter, but probably forgotten. A teleportation circle inside travels to Xinlenal, the first Netherese earthmote. It’s unclear if Xinlenal still exists or where it may actually be, but it’s more than likely that all the the Netherese flying cities have long crashed to earth. 28. (The) Fallen TowerNCS, p,157) Well over a hundred years old, this is just the base of the ancient tower, now a tavern, which nightly replays the deaths of the wizards who died here as a phantom spectacular, which attracts patrons regularly. Oddly, the tower is now ran by a small group of orcs who made peace with the city. But the resulting tavern is as crude as an orkish camp site, where only the bravest go to drink. 29. Cloak Tower (NCS, p,157) A tower once occupied by an order of wizards, but mysteriously abandoned during the spellplague, then believed to be haunted. However, the orcs moved in and fortified, but were then attacked and slaughtered by the militia who now use it as a base. The base has a much more even spread of locals and Mintarns, and has become a place where the two groups grudgingly work together. Walls and floors have been restored, and the place now makes for a passable keep. 30. Dorn House The abode of Kharaghius Dorn, the merchant lord of the Tarmalune Trade House. He surprised everyone one day by laying claim to a grand old merchant house in the area and investing a sizable sum into the property to make it into a lavish townhouse. Now those around have also been snapped up as this is now considered to be an upper class street. Several shops and businesses have sprung up nearby to take advantage of the new money in the area. 31. Shrine of Helm A large townhouse has been converted into a small temple, with little ostentation. A large gauntlet hangs over the entrance with a stylised blue eye on the back watching over all. 32. The Moot A broad square, where caravans gather for the journey north to Luskan and Mirabar. Although the port would seem a logical place to travel north from, the level of piracy makes it often more risky than land travel. The Moot is both the name of the square and an inn on the square, where travellers often stop. Men at arms often stay here and are hired for the journey. There are sometimes caravans of floating stones here from Mirabar, which have made the land journey down the Blackford Road and High Road, rather than entrust their goods to the port of Luskan. The inn is a dusty or muddy affair, depending on the season, and more like a barn with floors for sleeping than an actual inn. But it is much better than sleeping in the street. 33. The Crag An old abandoned building held by a few orcs who use this and the sewars to keep away from the militia. They are the holdovers from Cloak Tower, and nurse a grudge towards the militia who took their tower. 34. Straegal’s Straegal is a shrewd and mean old man who serves as both pawnbroker and fence for the area. He is also known to lend money and uses orcs from the Crag as muscle to protect his investments. 35. Vergadain Brewery The only brewery in the city, and there are few nearby. It is ran by two dwarven brothers, Norghiss and Perengrakh, the latter being a druid. They are known for forging all their own Equipment and supply ale to the taverns of the city. Chasm District Locations 36. Shrine of Ilmater A reclaimed old building, which once served as a town hall or similar. It is now a soup kitchen, a home for the homeless and shrine to Ilmater. They survive on donations and the priests here are regarded as sacred to the area. Many would have doubtless died if not for their generosity. 37. The Circus Because buildings take time, knowledge and tools, a large number of immigrants have set up tents here, and banded together for safety. This village of tents has earned the nickname of the Circus. They are not so popular with the immediate neighbours of the Chasm District as they are not shy of hammering iron pitons into the roads breaking up what little surfacing there is. A large market resides at the centre of the Circus from which anything can be bought, including poisons, stolen goods and thieves’ tools. Anything goes in the Circus. 38. The Kraken A ramshackle inn, cobbled together from pieces of other buildings. It has neverthless stood here for several years and earned its notorious reputation. The name originates from an urban legend that insists that a kraken actually lives under Neverwinter in the sewars. Don’t get the locals started! 39. Order of Mercury A large house which has been transformed into a magical academy, led by the transmuter (Volo's Guide to Monsters, p.218) Hermalix. The academy even has some parts floating above it, including two towers which seem to slowly orbit above the top layer. As well as taking on a handful of apprentices, Hermalix also offers more mundane services such as scribing, and buying and selling potions. His moods can change so much that rumour has it there is more than one mind or spirit inside Hermalix which vie for control. Others say that there is more than one Hermalix... 40. Eirgos the Chandler A rather smelly candlemaker’s workshop. Eirgos, a female gnome also sells lanterns and oil and trades such items in bulk with merchants passing through. 41. Walled Garden Several monks who moved into the area have taken over a large area of the devestated district and made it into a smallholding surrounded by a dry stone wall built from rubble. Mainly growing vegetables they also have a few goats. In addition to growing to feed themselves they also give some to the priests of Ilmater and sell at the Circus market as well. 42. The Raven A well-built tavern ran by a Shadar-kai called Thallgakoth. There is a secret door in the basement which leads down into the tunnels below now the chasm is closed, but this is not general knowledge. He charges for access. The tavern is another location like the Circus market where questionable goods and services can be procured. 43. Gizagen’s Tannery Another fetid but essential service, creating leather goods of all kinds, including everything from saddles to water bottles to leather armour. Baronda, a tall slim woman with half her face burned from when the orcs attacked. Half-orcs need not consider themselves customers. 44. Farpot’s Soap Factory A small family of Halflings, the Farpots, have a thriving cottage business making lye soap. They sell throughout the city and also sell in bulk to merchants passing through.  

The Factions

  There are a number of factions within the city each working towards their own goals. For a DM keen to explore these factions in more detail, the NCS (Neverwinter Campaign Setting), chapter 3, despite it being anywhere up to 20 game years old. To reflect this, the factions have been changed subtley in the outlines below  

New Neverwinter

  This faction is comprised of Dagult Neverember and his supporters which, in the years since the NCS have grown, and his detractors have largely thrown in their lot with him. Now that Lord Neverember has managed to consolidate the city’s economic power base, his most immediate goal now is likely to be taking over the ruined castle as a symbol of his right to rule. The dwarven mayor Soman Galt is the most important representative of the faction  

Abolethic Sovereignty

Aboleths congregate in secret deep beneath the city. Where once the chasm allowed their minions free access to the city, they now move more covertly. They seek to manipulate those in power and have enslaved mayor Galt to their will. Since their access is now more limited, their influence too has waned somewhat.  


  A cult of devil worshippers who hold Asmodeus in the highest regard. Despite the distinct lack of nobles in the city, the Ashmadai, still lead by the swarthy tiefling Mordai Vell, find a place amongst some of the more monied of the city especially since Vell and Neverwinter are on such friendly terms. This cult seems to be on the rise now, its influence felt across the city, warlocks and devils are hidden in abandoned ruins and aristocratic town houses.  


Valindra Shadowmantle was the main Thayan representative in Neverwinter, a lich in the service of Szass Tam. Her goals foiled, she has long since moved on to other stretches of Faerun.  


Since the ruin of the Netherese flying fortresses, this faction has fragmented and all but fallen. Xinlenal was a grounded flying enclave outside of Neverwinter which the Netherese were trying to resurrect. However, now with their faction in disarray across Faerun, it is now little more than a distant memory. resulting in the loss of shipping in the Sea of Swords of late. It is likely that the other members of the family are not fully aware of her skullduggery which could land them in very hot water with Neverember. The party is sent to investigate the piracy incidents which leads them to the skyhold. While visiting the skyhold, Salminka arranges for an assassin or dangerous creature to remove the party discretely before they can discover the truth. Remember, it’s a long way down. Negotiation and subterfuge rule the day.  

Plot Hooks

  If the party are doing more than simply passing through Neverwinter, the DM may wish to extend the adventures available in the city. Listed below are a number of possible scenarios which can be fleshed out. Tunnels Below Storvender Manor in the Bluelake District is currently being renovated, sponsored by new money in Neverwinter. However, upon exploring the basement they have discovered tunnels leading off from it to elsewhere in the city. The party have been asked to discreetly investigate these tunnels to see where they lead and how they were created. Reclaim the Castle This is a quest for a higher level party, since it is rumoured that a beholder is laired beneath the partly ruined old castle. But Neverember is determined to see the castle reclaimed and will offer a substantial reward to those successful, and likely make them nobles within the city. To do this dungeon justice, the DM should certainly obtain a copy of the NCS and study it, creating his own maps and encounters. Betrayal in the Skyhold The Pirate’s Skyhold is home to Company Yargo and it appears that one of their member, Salminka, has been working closely with the pirates of Luskan


As of 1370 DR, Neverwinter was inhabited mostly by Humans, half-elves, and a minority of Dwarves.   As of 1479 DR, the city became more cosmopolitan, with members of many races living alongside members of the common human and half-elven families. The rare eladrin, and even Tieflings were common sights among the citizens. A sizable delegation of Dragonborn mercenaries had been hired by Lord Neverember alongside the Mintarn ones. The River District was invaded by a tribe of orcs from Many-Arrows, and although most of them left Neverwinter when they were recalled by their compatriots in the north, around 1484 DR, a few orcs and half-orcs were still living in Neverwinter as of 1491 DR.


As part of his bid to create a mercantile empire in Neverwinter, Dagult Neverember created the title of "Lord Protector of Neverwinter", held by Neverember himself, in 1467 DR. However, it was questioned whether Dagult was the rightful ruler, as many factions vied for Neverwinter and the citizens were divided in loyalties. As he had to fulfill his obligations as Open Lord of Waterdeep, Lord Neverember left the day-to-day running of the city to General Sabine and Mayor Soman Galt.   In 1489 DR, Lord Neverember was exiled from Waterdeep and replaced as Open Lord by Laeral Silverhand. After being ousted of his city and former position, Neverember then focused all of his efforts to his role of Lord Protector of Neverwinter. Due to this commitment and his past accomplishments helping Neverwinter and its citizens, the Neverwintans finally accepted Lord Neverember as their rightful leader. Bitter over being exiled from Waterdeep, however, Neverember became more despotic than ever and enforced heavy-handed laws. He levied heavy taxes to noble families living in Neverwinter, preventing them from gaining significant power, while enacting harsh laws that prohibited the formation of new GUILDS and limited the power of existing ones.


As of 1372 DR, Neverwinter had a standing army, the Graycloaks, composed of 400 archers and spearmen, that doubled as a city guard and patrolled the High Road from Port Llast to Leilon. If the city's walls were threatened by orcs or Luskan attackers, the defenders could catapult explosive missiles down on the attackers. Both missiles and the specially designed catapults were devised by the best 'skilled hands' of the city's namesake. In desperate situations, Lord Nasher could call upon the wizards of the order of the Many-Starred Cloak for help.   As of 1479 DR, the army of the city, known as the Neverwinter Guard, was composed mostly by the Mintarn mercenaries hired by Lord Neverember, and a few independent militia forces assembled by the citizens also helped to protect the city in times of need. Lord Neverember also hired adventuring bands to deal with threats to the city that the Mintarn mercenaries could not handle.   With the city rebuilding in the late years of the 1480s DR, many of The Sons of Alagondar volunteered themselves to serve in the Neverwinter Guard, making Lord Neverember to depend less on the services of the mercenaries. Lord Neverember still hired adventurers and mercenaries to help to protect Neverwinter and train the local troops rather than to accept the help of the armies of the Masked Lords of Waterdeep, who he felt had betrayed him.  
    Lord Neverember initially defended Neverwinter with the use of mercenaries, mainly from Mintarn, under General Sabine. They kept order, but tended to be harsh. Meaning the general public soon feared and hated them. So the Wintershield Watchmen were formed (“newly formed” in their mention in SCAG) as a slightly gentler boots-on-the-cobbles police force, directed to try to truly understand the neighbourhoods they patrolled, so they’d be more readily accepted and obeyed by the populace and fewer citizens or visiting merchants would end up beaten, maimed, or slain by the “Protectors of the city.” The Neverwinter Guard is the city’s military (the same mercenaries, retrained and reorganized over time), responsible for mounted patrols outside the walls, staffing the walls and gates, mastering ballistae and catapults on the battlements to defend the harbour and the land immediately around the walls, and so on. Watchmen get trained at arms by veterans of the Guard, and injured Guardsmen do “observer duty” with the Watch, and vice versa, to give everyone broader skills.


Around 1370 DR, Neverwinter controlled much of the mining trade from dwarf and gnome outposts from the nearby Underdark by using hidden ways in various warehouses in the city. It also had a large fishing economy, and did good trade in logging from the Neverwinter wood. Neverwinter traded mostly with the nearby city of Waterdeep.   However, Neverwinter's true assets were its importance as a center of craftwork, learning, and magical innovation. Merchants and crafters usually practiced their works in buildings dedicated for such tasks. Street vendors were rarely seen in Neverwinter.   With the destruction of Neverwinter in 1451 DR, trade came to a total halt in the region.   After 1461 DR, as part of the rebuilding efforts Lord Neverember focused much of his resources to restore trade and to contract crafters to help restore the city's infrastructure. Merchants from the "new" continent of Laerakond began to trade with the Faerûrian cities of the Sword Coast some years before 1479 DR. In Neverwinter, a group of traders from Tarmalune, one of the Windrise Ports of Laerakond, approached Lord Neverember in hopes to establish permanent trade routes between the two continents.   Around 1491 DR, Neverwinter was a city full of opportunities. As word spread that Neverwinter was being restored, merchants from both the North and the southern lands became interested in trading with the city once again. Likewise, Lord Neverember began to work to forge a trading alliance with the restored Gauntlgrym, in the hopes of increasing the prosperity of both cities, while ensuring his advantage over the nobles and merchants from Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate.   Without GUILDS to restrict trade or construction, those who wanted to start a business in Neverwinter could simply do so, and those traders who dealt with basic products, such as foodstuff, became wealthy just by selling their goods in the city. Likewise, there was demand for many jobs, and those who wanted to offer their services either as workers or as apprentices had plenty of options despite the high competition.





Гильдии и фракции


Thousands of years before the founding of Neverwinter, queen Morag and some of her followers built a magical device known as the Source Stone to flee to another dimension as an ice age was devastating the world and their race was all but wiped out.[1]  

The founding

The first settlement in The Savage Frontier was an elven city known as Illefarn. In time, Illefarn became a bustling nation after the time of the Crown Wars, and lasted long enough to see the founding of the dwarven nation of Delzoun, the rise of Netheril, the founding of the original Gauntlgrym, and the harnessing of the primordial Maegera the Inferno beneath its lands. Eventually, Illefarn was divided into three nations, of which Iliyanbruen was the most prominent. Iliyanbruen frequently fought with the city of Illusk, which was a legacy of the Netherese.[2]   In the Year of Burning Glades, -10 DR, Lord Halueth Never, a sun elf hero, led the Elves of Iliyanbruen to victory over Illusk.[3] In the site of his victory he commissioned the building of Castle Never.[4]   With the fall of Netheril, Iliyanbruen was weakened by the orc invasions known as the Orc Marches, which paved the way for human settlers from Ruathym to spread to the North.[2][5] One of the first settlements founded by them, in the Year of the Hoar Frost, 87 DR,[6] was Eigersstor,[2] a small settlement built around Castle Never,[7] that eventually grew in importance.[8] Unknowingly to the founders, the city was built above the caves that housed the Source Stone.[1] Some believe Eigersstor was founded by Lord Halueth Never himself.[4]   A century later, in the Year of the Twisted Tree, 187 DR, the now large settlement was renamed Neverwinter,[2] a direct translation of its Illuskan name to the Chondathan language.[9]   The orc invasions became more dangerous over time, and Neverwinter was besieged at least twice, in the Year of the Fanged Horde, 306 DR[10] and in the Year of the Normiir, 611 DR.[11] Luckily for the Neverwintians, they counted with the aid of the gold dragon Palarandusk, who protected the city from the orc hordes and from raiders from the Moonshae Isles. This would not last, however, as, at some point before the Year of the Cold Claws, 940 DR, a group of adventurers attacked Palarandusk's house in Neverwinter and forced the dragon to flee from the city.[12]   The Orcgates AffairEdit To put an end to the orc threat, a group of wizards known as the Covenant founded the School of Wizardry in Neverwinter,[13] in the Year of the Unfurled Flag, 457 DR.[14] The wizards then rallied the human nations of the North against the orcs, and were able to stem the tide for a time. However, victory against the orcs that could have ended the threat for good was stolen from the human host when,[13] in the Year of the Telltale Candle, 955 DR,[15] the Red Wizards of Thay transported the orc horde to lands farther south.[13]   That event, known as the Orcgates Affair, triggered a long feud between the Covenant and Thay that erupted in Neverwinter over a century later. Red Wizards slew Aganazzar of the Covenant[13] in the Year of the Disastrous Bauble, 1081 DR, starting a wizardwar of titanic proportions.[16] For the next twenty years, the Red Wizards and members of the Covenant battled each other throughout the North and Thay. The conflict ended when the leaders of the Covenant either left Faerûn or went underground.[13]   The loss of the Covenant proved deadly when the largest orc horde in history swept down from northern lands to attack settlements as far south as Waterdeep.[13] After a long and gruesome campaign, humanity eventually won the war in the Year of the Trumpet, 1301 DR,[17] when the allied armies of Waterdeep, Neverwinter and Port Llast retook the city of Luskan, that was in power of the orcs, crushing the horde at last. But the North had paid a heavy toll and recovery was slow.[13]   Without the orc horde threatening its existence, Neverwinter became a center of civilization, peace and culture and was widely viewed as a marvel by visitors.[13]   Modern HistoryEdit Plague and WarEdit Around the Year of the Lost Helm, 1329 DR, the popular adventurer Nasher Alagondar became ruler of the city of Neverwinter. His rule brought prosperity to the city, and was considered uneventful until the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR.[18]   A disease known as the Wailing Death, that resisted even magical healing, killed much of the population of Neverwinter.[19] The cure was eventually found but the casualties by that time were catastrophic. It was soon discovered that the Wailing Death was merely the precursor of war between Neverwinter and its longtime rival, the city of Luskan. Although it was the Queen Morag who sponsored the war, as part of her Plot to return to Toril, rather than the Host Tower of the Arcane, the fighting (which ended in a stalemate, thanks to a plucky adventurer known only as the Hero of Neverwinter) soured the relationship between the two cities even more.[1]   Then, in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, the Spellplague struck.[20] Neverwinter was not hit as hard as other settlements in the Sword Coast, and when Lord Nasher died, his son, Bann Alagondar, founded the Alagondar royal family that ruled Neverwinter fair and well, allowing to city to prosper in the hard times after the Spellplague.[18] Unknown to the citizens of Neverwinter, however, was the fact that a small plagueland was formed in the Underdark below the city.[21]   The RuiningEdit The Alagondar line of kings and queens ruled their city fairly and well[18] until, at some point before Year of Knowledge Unearthed, 1451 DR, the Lords of Waterdeep put Lord Hugo Babris in charge of the city.[22]   In 1451 DR, Netherese loyalists led by Herzgo Alegni infiltrated the power structure of Neverwinter,[23] trying to take advantage of the situation of the city to locate old Xinlenal.[13] Although they took over the city, they didn't rule it directly, instead allowing Lord Babris to rule the Neverwinter in their stead.[23]   A few months later, a small adventuring party rediscovered ancient Gauntlgrym beneath the nearby Mount Hotenow. The party, consisting of Dahlia Sin'felle, Korvin Dor'crae, Valindra Shadowmantle, Athrogate, and Jarlaxle Baenre, made it all the way to the legendary forges. There, the latter two were betrayed by their Thayan allies, with Athrogate hypnotically forced to activate the forge. This briefly awoke the primordial Maegera, who, in a fit of rage, released a burst of energy so powerful that it forced the eruption of the dormant volcano.[22][24]   The resultant earthquake and combination of pyroclastic flow and lava destroyed much of Neverwinter. A great rift known as the Chasm ripped apart the southeastern quarter of the city, and strange ash zombies and plaguechanged horrors haunted the ruins, being released from the plagueland below Neverwinter.[25] Thousands of citizens died during the cataclysm, including the Alagondar royal family, while many others fled to other cities, leaving only a desperate few to carve out an ill existence among the ruins.[18]   The remaining Neverwintians were determined to survive in spite of the tragedy, however, and put a brave resistance against the plaguechanged horrors. They eventually built the Wall, using debris and other materials, sacrificing the southeastern quadrant but securing the rest of the city. The Blacklake District endured the cataclysm almost unscathed, and for a time it became the center of the city.[26]   In the Year of the Reborn Hero, 1463 DR, Thayans and their Ashmadai allies attacked Neverwinter, hoping to cause enough deaths to fuel a Dread Ring, but their plans were foiled with the help of adventurers and some Netherese agents. Due to the help given by the Netherese, the shadovar attempted a power grab in the city but were driven out when Herzgo Alegni was defeated in combat by Artemis Entreri and Dahlia Sin'felle, which inspired the citizens to revolt against Herzgo's Netherese 'Shadow Guard' and to evict the Netherese from their city.[27]   Around the Year of the Mages in Amber, 1466 DR, a contingent of orcs from Many-Arrows led by Vansi Bloodscar invaded the River District. Although her orders were to explore the ruined city and report back, Vansi defied Obould XVII's orders, seeing an opportunity to take power in Neverwinter as part of a future plan to annex the city to Many-Arrows.[28] Her forces eventually were able to subjugate the entire district.[28][29]   RebirthEdit See also: New Neverwinter In the Year of Splendors Burning, 1469 DR,[30] Lord Dagult Neverember, Open Lord of Waterdeep, seeing an opportunity to add to his financial empire, proclaimed to be a descendant of Neverwinter's former rulers and thus the rightful "Lord Protector" of the city, starting the New Neverwinter movement. Lord Neverember invested a great deal of his own personal fortune to hire workers to help to rebuild the city's infrastructure, and Mintarn mercenaries to protect it from monsters and bandits; he also began a strong campaign to buy the interest of merchants to send their caravans again to Neverwinter, and even ensured Neverwintian survivors had enough food and gold in hand.[31] Unable to deal with the orc forces from Many-Arrows, Lord Neverember signed a peace treaty with them, declaring (The) Fallen Towereutral grounds and the River District off-limits to his forces.[29]   In the Year of the Fourth Circle, 1474 DR, The Sons of Alagondar emerged as an insurgent group that opposed the rule of Lord Neverember.[32]   In the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, the Harpers cell in Neverwinter suffered a devastating blow. One of their high-ranking members, Cymril, was helping The Sons of Alagondar to oppose the rule of Lord Neverember. However, an ambush by Mintarn mercenaries resulted in her dead, and in the revelation that she was also working for Neverember.[33] After her treachery was revealed, the reputation of the Harpers of Nevewinter was greatly damaged in the region, at least for a time.[34]   A cell of the Abolethic Sovereignty was also on the move, investing their efforts to thwart the New Neverwinter movement or to use it to advance their own agenda. Using the Chasm, the aboleths kidnapped many inhabitants of Neverwinter and nearby settlements for their ambitious experiments to improve the dreaded Symphony of Madness.   Likewise, merchants from the "new" continent of Laerakond began to trade with the Faerûrian cities of the Sword Coast. In Neverwinter, a group of traders from Tarmalune, one of the Windrise Ports of Laerakond, approached Lord Neverember in hopes to establish permanent trade routes between the two continents.   Despaired while seeing the evil forces surrounding Neverwinter, the goddess Selûne sent three shards to the city to warn her priesthood. Lady Jasmine, the head priestess, recognized the portents and asked a group of adventurers for help. The adventurers were able to retrieve the gems, exposing the evil forces in the city and recovering the Shard of Night in the process.  

The Siege of Neverwinter

  Willing to take advantage of the chaos, Valindra Shadowmantle and her forces launched an all-out attack to Neverwinter while soldiers and workers were building new grounds outside of the city as part of the rebuilding efforts. Valindra's actions sparked the Siege of Neverwinter. Several adventurers were thrust into battle as well, while trying to reach the relative safety of Neverwinter's walls, when their ship was sunk by a dracolich controlled by Valindra. The joined forces of defenders, adventurers and heroes were able to defeat Valindra's undead minions and force her to retreat.  

The Lost Heir of Neverwinter

During an attack of plaguechanged creatures to the Protector's Enclave, a presumed heir of the Alagondar royal family showed up and helped the defenders of the city to deal with the creatures. However, this act caused civil unrest, as The Sons of Alagondar and those who opposed Neverember's rule wanted him to dismiss his claim to the rulership of Neverwinter in favor of the presumed heir. Lord Neverember hired a group of adventurers to track down the so-called heir and discover his true intentions. The investigation uncovered a Plot devised by Seldra Tylmarande to unseat Lord Neverember. The adventurers were able to foil the Plot and dealt with Seldra and the Crown of Neverwinter as they saw fit.  

Storm over Neverwinter

  When Mordai Vell, an influential noble and a high ranking member of the Ashmadai, began to extort the wizard Elden Vargas, Elden started to kidnap people from Neverwinter in order to conduct experiments on them to find cure for his wife, Karis, who had lost her sanity and was interned in Helm's Hold years before. At the same time, Elden tried to frame Mordai's Ashmadai for the kidnappings. When the Ashmadai identified him, they sent a team to kill him, but Elden was unexpectedly saved by an adventuring party that was investigating the kidnapping incidents.   Elden eventually found a potential cure for his wife and invaded Helm's Hold with his mind-thrall minions, including the green dragon Chartilifax, to rescue her. Elden performed a ritual on top of Helm's Cathedral in order to cure Karis, but he was tracked down and defeated by the adventurers.For their services, the adventurers were publicly declared the "heroes of Neverwinter."  

Current events

Around the Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance, 1485 DR, Neverember's efforts to rebuild the city proved successful. He ordered the use of magical means to seal the Chasm, although at a huge expense to the city's coffers that other parts of the city were neglected for years. Trade with Waterdeep and other cities of the south was resumed, and Neverwinter was slowly being restored as a center of civilization in the North.


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  Castle Never   Hall of Justice   House of Knowledge   Moonstone Mask   Tarmalune Trade House   The Wall  

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  Beached Leviathan   Blacklake   Castle Never   Dannar's Mechanical Marvels   Driftwood Tavern   House of a Thousand Faces   Jaesor's Fineware Porcelain Works   Manycoins Moneylending   Starshine Academy   The Mute Lute   Vellgard Manor  


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