Emerald Enclave Organization in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Emerald Enclave

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Изумрудный Анклав это группа жителей дикой природы, которая защищает естественный порядок вещей избавляясь от всех противоестественных угроз. Они стараются не дать цивилизации и природе уничтожить друг друга и помогают остальным выжить в опасных землях Дикого Порубежья.   Появления гигантов случаются все чаще и члены Изумрудного Анклава начинают понимать, что что-то случилось. Холмовые гиганты опустошают леса, каменные гиганты сравнивают фермы с землей, морозные гиганты стали угрозой на горных тропах, а огненные гиганты угоняют всех в рабство и поджигают равнины и леса. Этого достаточно, чтобы вызвать гнев анклава.   Менее похожий на круг друидов, и более на содружество кругов и их союзников Изумрудный Анклав занимается защитой оплотов цивилизации Севера от разрушения. В ином месте в мире Изумрудный Анклав будет следовать пути баланса, но большинство диких земель Севера представляют для людей опасность гораздо большую, чем они для неё.   Основанный в Вилхонской Протоке более тысячи лет назад, Изумрудный Анклав распространился по большей части Фаэруна. Членами организации являются друиды, следопыты и варвары, так же, как и все те, кто живут в диких землях, знают и уважают её законы. Они носят изумрудно-зелёные одежды как символ принадлежности к организации, часто с использованием эмблемы в виде головы оленя.   Eng   The Emerald Enclave is a far-ranging group that opposes threats to the natural world and helps others survive in the wilderness. Branches of the organization are scattered throughout Faerûn and often operate in isolation from the others. This existence teaches the Enclave’s members a fierce self-reliance and mastery of certain fighting and survival skills.   A ranger of the Enclave might be hired to lead a caravan through a treacherous mountain pass or the frozen tundra of Icewind Dale. A druid might volunteer to help a village prepare for a long, brutal winter. Barbarians and druids who live as hermits might appear from nowhere to help defend a town against marauding orcs.   Members of the Emerald Enclave know how to survive and, more importantly, to help others do the same. They are not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to keep it in balance with the wild. They restore and preserve the natural order, even as they root out and destroy all that is unnatural. They keep the elemental forces of the world in check and keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another.   Based on the island of Ilighôn off the Vilhon Reach, the Emerald Enclave is an organization of druids and other people who protect the natural resources of the Vilhon Reach and nearby lands. The members of the Enclave, known as the Caretakers, eschew good and evil to focus on the needs of the natural world and resist the encroachment of mankind. Founded in the Year of the Thoughtful Man (374 DR), the actions of the Enclave have influenced the lives of the high and the low. The Enclave is organized into a hierarchy of circles, each with a different responsibility. The three members of the Elder Circle are the Chosen of Eldath, Mielikki, and Silvanus. The group accepts new members as long as they do not serve good or evil, are not members of another organization (except the churches of the aforementioned deities), are innocent of any crimes against nature, and have performed a significant act that benefits nature in the Vilhon Reach. The tenets of the Caretakers are sixfold: preserve nature in all its forms, control human expansion, recognize that nature encompasses more than just forests, agree that magic should not be used for mass destruction, warn against the use of magic on a grand scale for fear of unexpected side effects, and present a united front to the outside world. Most members worship Eldath, Mielikki, or Silvanus, and all wear some sort of green symbol. They travel often, searching for threats to the natural resources in the Reach and potential allies in other lands. While the Emerald Enclave's primary goal is to preserve nature, its members are not direct opponents of progress. They prefer to work with civilized folk to promote the health of the natural world rather than using acts of violence to deter it. The druids have been known to allow woodcutters to work in areas of forests that need culling, although they still oppose indiscriminate logging. Recently the Enclave has started splinter cells in other areas that they believe may become threatened, such as the High Forest, Cormanthor, the Wealdath and the forests of the Great Dale. These cells are small, often consisting of only one or two people, but they keep a close eye on organizations dangerous to their aims, such as the Church of Talos or the People of the Black Blood. Emerald Enclave Based on the island of Ilighôn off the Vilhon Reach, the Emerald Enclave is an organization of druids and other people who protect the natural resources of the Vilhon Reach and nearby lands. The members of the Enclave, known as the Caretakers, eschew good and evil to focus on the needs of the natural world and resist the encroachment of mankind. Founded in the Year of the Thoughtful Man (374 DR), the actions of the Enclave have influenced the lives of the high and the low. The Enclave is organized into a hierarchy of circles, each with a different responsibility. The three members of the Elder Circle are the Chosen of Eldath, Mielikki, and Silvanus. The group accepts new members as long as they do not serve good or evil, are not members of another organization (except the churches of the aforementioned deities), are innocent of any crimes against nature, and have performed a significant act that benefits nature in the Vilhon Reach. The tenets of the Caretakers are sixfold: preserve nature in all its forms, control human expansion, recognize that nature encompasses more than just forests, agree that magic should not be used for mass destruction, warn against the use of magic on a grand scale for fear of unexpected side effects, and present a united front to the outside world. Most members worship Eldath, Mielikki, or Silvanus, and all wear some sort of green symbol. They travel often, searching for threats to the natural resources in the Reach and potential allies in other lands. While the Emerald Enclave's primary goal is to preserve nature, its members are not direct opponents of progress. They prefer to work with civilized folk to promote the health of the natural world rather than using acts of violence to deter it. The druids have been known to allow woodcutters to work in areas of forests that need culling, although they still oppose indiscriminate logging. Recently the Enclave has started splinter cells in other areas that they believe may become threatened, such as the High Forest, Cormanthor, the Wealdath and the forests of the Great Dale. These cells are small, often consisting of only one or two people, but they keep a close eye on organizations dangerous to their aims, such as the Church of Talos or the People of the Black Blood. “The Emerald Enclave exists as gatekeepers to that vast space beyond the city walls. We are the defenders of the wilderness and of the society that does not understand it. Most have forgotten that there is an ancient, natural order that existed long before our intellectual concepts of it. To come into contact with that primal order is to touch the power that guides all of life.
“Those who walk the way of the Emerald Enclave are infused with this power; we embody it, and it moves us to do our work. That is why we are never alone. Even in the midst of a noisy, crowded city we can feel the presence of the natural world inside us, fresh, strong, and alive. The Enclave seeks to make awareness of this power available to all. “Freedom. Is not this the highest of callings?”
— Delaan Winterhound
Base of operations Ilighôn   Leaders: The Elder Circle    


Initiates were required to serve neither good nor evil, to not serve any other organization (apart from the churches of Eldath, Mielikki, or Silvanus), to be innocent of crimes against nature, and to have performed at least one act that benefited nature in the Vilhon Reach area. The rites of initiation were held each full moon at the House of Silvanus.


  Depending on the situation, the Enclave was also known as the "Caretakers", "Nature's Chosen", the "Circle", and "the Chosen of Silvanus".


  The Enclave had the following ranks from lowest to highest: Springwarden, Summerstrider, Autumreaver, Winterstalker, and Master of the Wild.


  The Enclave was organized into a hierarchy of circles, each of which had a different responsibility:   Circle of Initiates   Circle of Earth   Circle of Air   Eldath's Circle   Planar Circle   The Elder Circle The three members of the Elder Circle were followers of Eldath, Mielikki, and Silvanus. They traveled often, hunting for threats to the natural resources of the Reach and seeking potential allies in other lands.

Notable members

  Lady Shadowmoon Crystalembers (later Cindermoon), Hierophant of the Emerald Enclave   Shinthala Deepcrest, Grand Cabal of the Enclave   Ashenford Torinbow, Elder of the Enclave   Delaan Winterhound   Rolen Naïlon, High Priest of Silvanus  




Founded on Ilighôn in 374 DR, the Enclave's initial goal was to protect the interests and resources of nature within the Vilhon Reach in the face of despoilers of nature. The House of Silvanus was completed a few years later. After a while, the Enclave began to concern themselves with preservation of nature throughout all of Faerûn. To accomplish this feat, they started splinter cells in other areas that it believed may become threatened, such as the High Forest, Cormanthor, the Wealdath, and the forests of the Great Dale. These cells were small, often consisting of only a few people keeping a close eye on organizations dangerous to their aims. Such groups were known to keep a watch on the Church of Talos and the People of the Black Blood.


  After the Spellplague of 1385 DR, much of the order died or left for Gulthandor. The remaining druids, led by the increasingly mad female eladrin Cindermoon (formerly Shadowmoon Crystalembers), were less capable and experienced, and harbored a deep hatred of the spellscarred.   Several agents were sent to the plaguelands south of Turmish, and the organization also tried to stop the scar pilgrimages that passed through, usually by violent means.

The Sundering

  The Enclave was revitalized in 1486 DR when the Chosen of Lathander, Stedd Whitehorn, cured Cindermoon of a Shar-induced madness and the Great Rains refilled the Sea of Fallen Stars.   Along with other factions, the Enclave rose up to oppose a Plot by the Cult of the Dragon to return Tiamat to the mortal realm. В местах, где угрожают почитанию дикой природы (особенно лесам), друиды работают для очистки живых существ от болезней, защиты их размножения и роста и замедления или остановки вырубки лесов, их сжигания и роста дорог. Друиды часто встречаются или живут на расчищенных полянах, и от этой трад иции пришло название и привычка к работе в кругах.   Друидские круги можно найти даже в Уотердипе и в других больших городах, встречающиеся в храмах, парках или подвалах, если они могут найти водовод или естественный питаемый источниками пруд или водоем, или земляной этаж, или то и другое. Некоторые круги очень редко полностью собираются в одном месте, но связываются магически или посредством одного или более членов, широко путешествующих, служа посредниками для своих товарищей.   Концепция круга относится также к естественным циклам и к тому факту, что существа различных рас, рангов и способностей могут и должны работать вместе. Круги не имеют никаких официальных рангов, кроме Спикера («Говорящего»), хотя члены всегда имеют неофициальную иерархию, основанную на возрасте, мудрости и друидский силе. Люди могут покидать круг, если они не согласны с его политикой, но круг в целом останавливается на своих действиях. Многие круги имеют в своих рядах рейнджеров, лесных эльфов и даже дриад и треантов. Большинство насчитывает меньше дюжины друидов.   Охотники, лесорубы и землепользователи, предполагающие расчищать землю или расширять существующие поселения, предпочитают консультироваться с местным духовенством Сильвануса, Эльдат, Милики и подобных божеств или с рейнджерами, чтобы узнать, активен ли круг в местном масштабе. Лучше работать с этим кругом, чем пересечь ему дорогу и закончить войной с ним.   Острова Муншае и земли Изумрудного Анклава близ устья Вилона содержат самые сильные концентрации друидов. В обоих местах друиды действуют открыто, владея большой властью правления, также как и влиянием, и встречаются в священных рощах. Для контраста, друидская мощь была в значительной степени разрушена в Долинах, где Круг Шэдоудейла и Семерка Бэтлдейла были уничтожены в недавние десятилетия, а Круг Иевен пал давно.   Я знаю лишь о нескольких активных кругах. Наблюдатели Севрелда, встречающиеся в Старой Грибной Роще в Высоком Лесу к северо-востоку от Секомбера, работают, чтобы предотвратить вырубку дорог в лесу. Высокий Танец, друиды которого живут в скрытых высоких долинах Громовых Пиков и блуждают там, помогая сильванским существам, охраняющим Место Танца. Недавно основанное Кольцо Мечей работает, чтобы очистить и омолодить Лес Невервинтер, вытеснить гноллские, багбирские и хобгоблинские банды, защищающиеся там, и не допустить поисков могил и руин в покрытом листвой сердце леса. Флеймнар ("Руки Против Пламени") работает в Амне, украваясь в его холмистой местности, высаживая новые деревья и отводя пылевые штормы, которые опустошили з емлю к востоку от Криммора и Пурскула. Звездная Вода Шести (названная по имени спокойного водоема, где они часто встречаются) теперь работает в северном Лесу Мир, где волны монстров и странных искривленных животных совершают набеги на страны к югу от Реки Ит.   Они - всего лишь горстка среди многих, многих кругов.   Некоторые отвергают их, глумясь как над "любителями цветов", но я предупреждаю таких насмешников, что немногие из трав или растительных лекарств, помогающих нам сегодня, происходят не от знаний и работы друидских кругов Фаэруна.- Белдрит Тарлелнтар, Мудрец Старых Путей, Дом Наклоняющихся Врат, Скорнубел Наблюдатели Севрелда Высокий Танец   Кольцо Мечей   Флеймнар   Звездная Вода Шести  


  • Restore and preserve the natural order.
  • Destroy all that is unnatural.
  • Keep the elemental forces of the world in check.
  • Keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying each other.  


  • The natural order must be respected and preserved.
  • Forces that upset the natural order must be destroyed.
  • Civilization and the wilderness must learn to coexist peacefully.
  • Member Traits

      Members of the Emerald Enclave are spread far and wide, and usually operate in isolation. They learn to depend on themselves more than others. Survival in a harsh world also demands great fortitude and mastery of certain fighting and survival skills. Members of the Enclave who dedicate themselves to helping others survive the perils of the wilderness are more social than others who are charged with defending sacred glades and preserving the natural balance.  


      Springwarden   Summerstrider   Autumnreaver   Winterstalker   Master of the Wild   Magic items  


      Ring of Animal Influence  


      Cloak of the Manta Ray  

    Secondary skills mentors

  • Herbalism Kit
  • Woodcarver’s tools
  • Cartographer's tools
  • Известные члены организации

    Klarz: A hobgoblin who owes his life to an Enclave ranger. He is repaying his debt. Captain of the Koalinth.   Abbot Elardin Darovik: Ruler of Goldenfields.   Sevembra Tumbleleaf: Halfling druid who sells seeds in Goldenfields.   Tharra Shyndle: Half-elf druid, friends with a treant named Turlang.   Zindra Winterbow: A guide who is noticing lots of giant activity.   Dasharra Keldabar: A dwarf who teaches people to ride griffons.   Quinn Jalanthar: Runs Jalanthar, part of his ear bitten off by a barbarian.   Turlang: Treant, primary caretaker of Shadowtop.   Ghalvin Dragonmoor: Half-elf scout, imprisoned at Grudd Haug, reports to the Abbot of Goldenfields..   Reidoth the Druid (LMoP)   Seranolla the Whisperer (DDEX1-3, DDEX1-12)   Delaan Winterhound (RoT)           Buhrell Caah (DDEX1-1.4)   Ellardin Darovik (PotA)   Yavendel (DDEX2-1.3)   Haeleeya Hanadroum (PotA)   Hendle (half-elven Rashemi druid, DDEP11   Morista Malkin: She is an advisor to King Bruenor. She is stern and stubborn. She can give the heroes giant lizard mounts and 3 NPC dwarf scouts.   Sladis Vadir   Ghalvin Dragonmoor   Brim Coppervein   Amarith Coppervein   Screaming Wind

    A typical Emerald Enclave cache

      Often hidden in den or nest of natural, but dangerous creature  
  • 2 mundane melee weapons (nonmetallic)
  • 2 mundane ranged weapons (nonmetallic)
  • 2 pieces of natural light armour (nonmetallic)
  • 40 pieces of ammunition (Flint-tipped)
  • 1 shield (nonmetallic)
  • a barrel of water
  • a clay bottle of wine (unlabelled, but high quality)
  • - a clay bottle of mead (unlabelled, but high quality) - a crate of dried nuts and fruit - 6 natural salves of healing (Equivalent to potion of healing, but slower acting) - A level 2 spell scroll[/quote]


    Faction Ranks

    Members of the Emerald Enclave are spread far and wide, and usually operate in isolation. They learn to depend on themselves more than others. Survival in a harsh world also demands great fortitude and mastery of certain fighting and survival skills. Members of the Enclave who dedicate themselves to helping others survive the perils of the wilderness are more social than others who are charged with defending sacred glades and preserving the natural balance.  

    Springwarden (Rank 1)

    Prerequisite: Emerald Enclave renown 1+   Sponsor: You have a sponsor in the Emerald Enclave to whom you report. They are likely to assign you any faction missions, and are responsible for the imparting of Enclave renown when appropriate. Insignia: You receive an insignia in the shape of a copper leaf stamped with the stag symbol of the Emerald Enclave. Magics are worked into it which allow Enclave members to identify if it is a real insignia by touch. Animals trained to do so can also identify real clasps by smell or taste. Druidic Secrets: You can understand the secret language of druids. If you already have this from a class ability, you instead gain the druidcraft cantrip.

    Summerstrider (Rank 2)

    Prerequisite: Rank 1 and Emerald Enclave renown 3+   Natural Introductions: Upon arriving in a new area, it is customary for Enclave members to introduce themselves to their faction-mates who are already there. Once per day, you can cast animal messenger without expending any spell slots or material components. This message is carried to the highest ranking member of the Enclave in the spell's range automatically. You regain this ability when you complete a long rest. Tool Training: You may go to the faction for training in useful tools. When you take the Training downtime action to gain proficiency with the herbalism kit, woodcarver's tools, or cartographer's tools, you may do so at half the time and cost. At Home in Nature: Emerald Enclave learn to work in natural environs comfortably. You become proficient in the Nature or Survival skill. If you are already proficient in both, choose another skill from your class list options instead. Magic Access: You can get access to Common potions and scrolls at half the cost it takes to create those items, and have them within one day. You can get access to Uncommon potions and scrolls at the cost it takes to create those items, and have them within 1d6 days.

    Autumnreaver (Rank 3)

    Prerequisite: Rank 2 and Emerald Enclave renown 10+   Companions: You gain companions which are either humanoids or beasts, gaining either two CR 1/4 companions, or one CR 1/2. Humanoids are apprentices, junior Enclave members, or just folk aligned with the philosophy of the Enclave who have come to aid you. Beasts are animals who sense in you an alignment to the natural order and wish to accompany you. You gain the same number of new companions for each 3 full points of renown you gain beyond 2. These companions are loyal to you; if they die, they are replaced by other companions within the next tenday. Item Procurement: Though an expenditure of time and coin, you can secure access to magic items the Emerald Enclave find particularly useful. For 5 tendays and 500 gp, you can secure a +1 weapon, a +1 shield, or cloak of the manta ray. For 10 tendays and 5000 gp, you can secure +1 armor or a ring of animal influence. Tool Training: Your cost to train proficiency in an herbalism kit, woodcarver's tools, or cartographer's tools is now free, though you must still spend half the time to do so.

    Winterstalker (Rank 4)

    Prerequisite: Rank 3 and Emerald Enclave renown 25+   xxx

    Master of the Wild (Rank 5)

    Prerequisite: Rank 4 and Emerald Enclave renown 50+   xxx

    Faction Roles

    There are three primary roles within the Emerald Enclave.  


    The least numerous of the Enclave are its cityspeakers, members of the Enclave who focus on the faction's missions within the towns and cities of the Realms. They familiarize themselves with the customs and power structures of civilized areas, in order to better engage with its people to convince them to keep the natural balance in mind even within walls. Cityspeakers often find their task difficult: their fellow Enclave members often blame them when they "fail to keep settled folk in line," and to settled folk they represent a faction that will use whatever means necessary to maintain balance.  


    Greenwardens focus on the protection of specific areas of wilderness, choosing a single geographical feature (such as a forest or swath of hills) as their warded area. They come to know that are incredibly well, and can often identify imbalances to them early, allowing them to take steps to repair such imbalance before it becomes damage. Greenwardens occasionally get to know the peoples who live within their warded areas, although they tend to leave anything larger than a small village to the care of the faction's cityspeakers. Still, nomadic tribes, solitary foresters and trappers, settlements of elves, and others who make that wilderness their home tend to be on good terms with the greenwarden there. Greenwardens often use subtle signs and markings in their territory to mark the fact that it is protected.  


    Wildwalkers are roamers first and foremost. Nomadic by nature, they travel both wildways and highways, and tend to have the best idea of how seemingly solitary events fit into the bigger picture. They are comfortable in both civilized and wild areas, and they often are in good standing with other traveling folk, such as the nomadic Uthgardt or bands of wild elves.  

    Faction Titles

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