Session 72 - Wet and Wild Report in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Session 72 - Wet and Wild

General Summary

Our Misfits were separated in two! Hamilton and Eleanor went to speak with Samantha Wilcott in her new home, and see what information they could get on Reinard Barnette. When Hamilton entered the home, he found himself interrupting a meeting led by Samantha. She quickly cut it short and sent her men to the southern gate of Riverbend, then had a private conversation with Hamilton.
Samantha told Hamilton about her plans to expand Riverbend’s borders in response to the influx of new residents coming down from Remington Kingdom. However, she wanted to ensure the areas they would expand to were safe, and the only potential danger left was the very same reports on Reinard that Aldo told the party about.
Hamilton explained the party’s mission to Samantha, and she agreed to allow him to come along. Before they left, Hamilton attempted to convince Samantha to come with them back to Remington afterwards, but she didn’t seem interested.
Meanwhile, Sasha and Finn were floating down the river at an alarming rate. Finn was able to grab Sasha and float along the river long enough to catch his peg leg in the side of the dirt, anchoring him. From there, he quickly set about starting a fire and bandaging Sasha’s wound. He found a forest of pale trees, with high branches that wound around one another, providing ample protection from the elements.
After about 45 minutes of waiting by the fire, and several occasions of sounds of mysterious movement, Finn spotted a man in the distance. The man approached quickly, ignoring Finn’s protests, and suddenly stamped out the fire in a fit of rage.
The man introduced himself as Reinard Barnette, and offered to help Sasha. He was clearly not well in the head, but fearing for his life and Sasha’s, Finn accepted and the two went deeper into the woods.
As they traveled, Reinard told Finn about the Flabberghast: an enormous beast that skulks those very woods, killing all that set foot in it. He claimed this as the reason he stamped out the fire, so as not to attract the beast.
Finally, they arrived at a small cottage in the middle of the dark forest, and Reinard happily invited Finn and Sasha inside.
Back with the others, Samantha, Eleanor, and Hamilton, along with 6 of Samantha’s men, walked for about 30 minutes to their destination. On the walk, Hamilton and Samantha talked about Alice. Samantha showed a clear hatred for people like the Baron, and introduced the idea that the Baron was merely using Hamilton for his status, rather than out of any personal care for him.
When everyone arrived at the forest, Samantha explained the plan: the team would split off into two groups. Each group would follow the perimeter of the woods until they met on the opposite side, where they would cut through the middle of the woods together and regroup at the campsite. She stressed that the man they were looking for was unstable and dangerous, and was the prime suspect behind several disappearances.
Meanwhile, Finn saw what Reinard’s living situation was like. The cottage was filled with pelts of all kinds, handmade furniture, a station for butchering, and more. Glowing vines hung from the ceilings to create light. And a small Earth Kindred sat in a cage.
Reinard set about helping Sasha. He pulled out an Emberfang tooth, and drove it into Sasha’s chest, causing her to convulse and steam to pour from her nose and mouth. Finn had no choice but to hold her close as the venom warmed her up.
At the campsite, Hamilton attempted to convince Samantha to change her opinion of Sasha and Finn, but she wasn’t really budging. She split the group in two and headed out with Hamilton, Eleanor, and two of her men, and during that time she addressed being referred to as the Iron Maiden by her men, and admitting it wasn’t her idea. They traveled for a good bit, until Hamilton suddenly got his ankle caught in a bear trap! With Samantha’s help, the two of them pried the device open, and Eleanor quickly bandaged Hamilton’s new injury. Samantha warned everyone to watch their footing, in case of more traps in the future…
Meanwhile, Finn attempted to converse with Reinard. He informed him of Margaret Remington's death, to which he responded with jokes about women and his alcoholism. With a little coaxing, Reinard was convinced to tell the story of how he became Margaret's Kinbearer, teaching Finn terms such as “babe” and “smoking” in the process.
Hamilton and the others continued their trek through the darkness, only to suddenly set off a net trap, which fell on top of Eleanor and Samantha’s men. On top of that, a bell rang, alerting Reinard in his cottage.
Assuming it was the Flabberghast, Reinard grabbed his axe and rushed out the door. Not wanting to let Reinard go alone, Finn hurried out to travel with him. The two of them snuck through the darkness, and came upon an obscured Samantha. Hamilton was crouched, trying to cut the net that trapped the others.
Hamilton and Finn quickly recognized one another, but Reinard’s paranoia clashed with Samantha’s fear, and it wasn’t long before Reinard charged forward to strike at Samantha.
Finally, back at the cottage, Sasha Densharr awoke.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
15 May 2021
Primary Location

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