Margaret Remington Character in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Margaret Remington

"He liked to paint..."
— Margaret, referring to Blood-Crusher after his death
  Margaret Remington was the 4th and previous Queen of Remington Kingdom. She was kind, caring, and above all else, generous. During her rule, she was famous for the amount of wealth and goods she would share with factions outside of her own, despite protests by some. In the later years of her life, she suffered from memory loss.  


Margaret was a Human woman. She was far below average height, and had dark blonde hair with hints of gray throughout. She still retained the features her family is famous for, although the signs of age had become more and more apparent as time goes on, only being hidden with the application of makeup. Margaret's attire consisted of large, poofy dresses in bright colors.


Margaret was a bubbly, kind-hearted person through and through. She dealt with difficult situations with the same optimism she usually did. Margaret seemed to have a knack for handling intense situations with relative ease, and almost seemed to seek out high-pressure situations. While her mind wasn't the same later in life, she still held on to that care for those around her, stranger or not.


Margaret's background is unknown, but it can be assumed she grew up within Remington's borders, until she took control of the Kingdom. She ruled for many years, until she stepped down to allow her daughter, Elysia Remington, to take over. Since then, she remains in the castle, typically being looked after by Remington's guard.
Margaret was first met by the Misfits when she impersonated her daughter. After that, she begged them to retrieve Oscar Barnette, for her daughter's sake. Margaret wasn't spoken to again until recently, where she was brought along on several visits, per her daughter's order.
During the Nevurdul Festival, Margaret was taken upstairs with Aldo and Elysia, and was somehow separated. She was found dead by Hamilton Caldwell shortly after.


  • Killed by The Stranger (Presumably)
During the Nevurdul Festival, Margaret was separated from Aldo and Elysia, and when she was found shortly after by Hamilton, she had already been killed. The exact source of the assassination is still unknown. She was honored at her funeral less than a week later.


  • Elysia Remington: Margaret obviously cared very much for her daughter, although the feeling never seemed to be mutual. She made many requests for the sake of her daughter, and knew her very well.
  • Reinard Barnette: Margaret and Reinard were married, and cared very deeply for each other. In their later years, they grew apart and ultimately never got the chance to reconcile.
  • Hamilton Caldwell: Margaret and Hamilton hadn't spoken much, but he did save her from some bears, and she seemed to regard him as a gentleman, especially after he was the only one to push for the party to investigate Burksley.


  • Margaret's favorite place in Remington Kingdom is a gazebo by the lake.

Character Information

  Name: Margaret Remington   Age: 55   Occupation: Former Queen of Remington Kingdom   Creature Type: Humanoid   Race: Human   Alignment: Neutral Good   Languages: Common   Status: Deceased

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