Reinard Barnette Character in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Reinard Barnette

"How's about one last bad idea?"
— Reinard's offer to Margaret at the Kinbearer ceremony
  Reinard Barnette is the Kinbearer for Margaret Remington, and thus the father of Elysia Remington. He is also the uncle of Oscar Barnette and brother of Reginald Barnette and Roswell Barnette. He has lived out in the Dead Wood for the past 10+ years.  


Reinard is an older Human male with grayish-blonde hair. Having lived out in the wilderness for some time, he has grown a full, disheveled beard and matted, long hair. Underneath it all, Reinard is a handsome, well-built person. He currently wears many dark clothes, mostly animal pelts and skins.


Reinard's personality is very charismatic and laidback. He clearly has a good sense of humor, even at the worst of times. This attitude of his has been muddled over the years by paranoia and, potentially, insanity. He is quick to temper these days, and has shown he changes moods very quickly.


Reinard was a member of the Barnette family, and eventually became Margaret Remington's Kinbearer and gave birth to Elysia. Sometime after that, Reinard grew insane and went into hiding in the Dead Wood, where he now hunts the elusive Flabberghast. According to reports from Riverbend, he may be responsible for several disappearances.


  • Margaret Remington: Reinard speaks of Margaret with nothing but love and affection. Though they've never been seen together, when Reinard told the story of how they fell in love, it was clear he cares deeply for her.


  • Reinard has a pet Earth Kindred he keeps in a birdcage.

Character Information

  Name: Reinard Barnette   Age: 50s-60s   Occupation: None   Creature Type: Humanoid   Race: Human   Alignment: ???   Languages: Common   Status: Alive

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