Crestguard Organization in World of Naru | World Anvil


The Crestguard are an elite military force serving and protecting the region of Talia under the command of King Gelraak Cazir. They are renowned for their formidable strength and strategy in combat, utilising a unique blend of traditional techniques and magical prowess to dominate their opponents.   A high concentration of dragonborn can be found throughout the ranks, making up a little over half of the entire guard force. They generally possess a natural talent towards the hybrid fighting styles employed by the Crestguard and often excel at their training from a young age. Many dragonborn families view joining the guard as a rite of passage, honour and tradition to be passed down through generations.   The most senior, skilled and responsible members have the rank of commander and are tasked with maintaining their own divisions within the guard as well as a selection of trainees that will one day join the ranks. They ensure rigorous training regiments are adhered to, the day-to-day operations run smoothly and in times of war - they lead their troops into battle. A member must have served for at least twenty years before they can be considered for this position, it is of the very highest honour to achieve this rank.   Below the commanders are the generals, a chosen few who aid the commanders in their duties. The divisions of the Crestguard are usually split into much smaller, informal segments with generals being in charge of their own groups. Unlike commanders, there are no precursors or requisites for members to be promoted to the rank of general. Most high ranking members have specially trained exotic mounts which serve as powerful aids in battle with such creatures as hippogriffs, griffons and dragonnels among the most common.   The bulk of the guards are simply known as warriors, working together to form a tight unit, keeping order in the city, protecting the other settlements and patrolling the trade routes connecting them.
Parent Region
Military Force
Gelraak Cazir
Crimson Citadel
Related Locations
Azari Training Grounds
Training Commander
Erekaz Morrithir
Combat Commander
Tyallia Verentide
Arcane Commander
Quarion Keenh
Engineering Commander
Orianna Kapetach


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