Bloodbane Character in Minelara | World Anvil


The Famed Bloodbane Bolthaven (a.k.a. Little Bolty)

At 47 years old, Bloodbane "The Famed" is one of the older half-orcs that one will ever meet. But he fights with the ferocity and vigor of a much younger warrior.   Bloodbane was raised in Sunhall by his mother and his uncle who worked a ship's captain. He never knew his father, an orc, but he inherited his axe from him.   He carries an amulet with him, given to him by his uncle. It bears the insignia of the Blackwater Naval Guild and the phrase "We sail in silence" written in Dwarvish.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Bloodbane wears a goblin acorn necklace as a bracelet. He keeps a sack around his waist that he uses to keep his skull trophies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Around 1417, Bloodbane ran with Jencerys Paren's crew in the city of Elderburgh, in The Tuvocan Empire.   As a child, Bloodbane survived an attack on his hometown by a rampaging orc tribe. He was forced to leave his home as an adolescent when he could no longer hide his orcish heritage.


Bloodbane has operated as a sell-sword for most of his life as an attempt to escape his past.

Mental Trauma

As a child, he watched his island home get burned during an orc raid lead by his father. His mother put him on a ship and sent him away for safety.

Personality Characteristics


Perhaps it is a desire for treasure, or perhaps it is a desire for one final adventure before crossing the River Styx that drives him. Whatever Bloodbane's motivations are, he keeps them to himself.

Likes & Dislikes

Bloodbane enjoys axes and axe art. He actually carries an artbook with paintings and drawings of axes.


Bloodbane has noticeable body odor issues.


Family Ties

Bloodbane's father was an orc who was not a part of his life. Therefore, he was was raised by his mother and his uncle and was a bit of an outcast due to his orcish heritage.

Religious Views

His specific religious views are unclear, but Bloodbane places immense value on valor in battle and pays respect to those who fall. In 1427, Bloodbane and his companions traveled to the Hollow Mountain where they encountered the remains of King Thodir Hammersmith wielding the legendary battleaxe, Ravager. Bloodbane knelt before the fallen warrior, muttered a prayer, and took the king's axe. He replaced it with his own, refusing to leave the noble lord defenseless in the afterlife.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1380 TAA 48 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Forest green
375 lbs
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: Orcs in Skyrim by FafnirTargaryen


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