Ruler of Islenor

Emperor, protector of the realm

Empire of Islenor is most powerful nation in the continent of Umeros. Once just another small elven kingdom in the north, it has grown into a powerful empire. And empires build on legends of beloved kings require powerful leaders.

Prince walked the steps calmly, too calmly, some would say. Like his heart was made of ice, rumors would say, just like his eyes. He wore the blue cape and his golden hair had been braided for the occasion, but beneath one could see the black velvet of his funeral dress. Like a puppet, he would follow his uncle, while all eyes were measuring him. He might have lived a human lifetime, but among his own, he was still a boy.

He sat down on the white throne, barely cold after his brother. And for a moment, some would swear, he looked like he wanted to flee. But the high priest of Corellon stepped forward, in his hands the Arrow Crown.

"I shall crown you, Alathar Thelirme, son of Farynis, grandson of Caelathel the third, as the emperor Alathar, first of his name. High king of Islenor, protector of the realm. Will the Seldarine bless your rule, will your days be many and prosperous."

The crowd would cheer and chant:

"Long live the Boy King,
Long live the Emperor!"

Arrow crown was heavy on Alathar's brow.


The Emperor of Islenor has all the power when it comes to choosing their successor. This has been true since the time of the first kings. Ruler of Islenor has always chosen who follows in their footsteps, many times training their successor themselves so they are ready for their mantle. There or other methods to choose the ruler as well, and usually, the ruler's appointment follows the same guidelines.

Typical guidelines on choosing successor

If a successor is not named before the emperor has died or otherwise become incapable to rule, first considered inheritor is in order either their son, grandson, brother, uncle or male cousin who carries the name of the ruling house. If there is any reason for debate about the next emperor, members of the ruling house are summoned to vote on the matter with some of the trusted families and other nobility. If the ruler's rule has been long, there are often several other complications. Some complications include:

  1. Age of the successor. While some of the rulers of Islenor have been just little more than 70-years-old while stepping to their throne, preference is on successors that are at least 100-year-old. The preferred age for a ruler is 120-240 if they do not have their own successor yet, but anyone up to 500-yers-old with children of their own is also considered. Older successors than 500 years are not preferred, as longer rules are preferred for nations stability.
  2. Lifetime achievements. The new ruler is expected to have some competence in their position, and if the resume and potential of the successor don't envoke trust or if they're past action bring out discomfort, it's very likely that the successor is simply skipped.
  3. Reaction of the public. Being a ruler of an empire requires certain stage charisma to keep everything in order. Mousey and unlikable candidates are easily dismissed.
  4. Lack of successors. Technically speaking, both males and females are able to inherit, but in practice, females are almost always skipped as they are traditionally wed so that they become part of another house, though some matrilineal marriages do occur. Combine this with the relatively slow breeding rate of elves and it might be the case that there just isn't enough available successors to choose from.

This will cause even more relatives to be considered to take the throne. The order of consideration is first the family members were not closely enough related but still hold the name of the ruling house. After that, consideration goes to those relatives who had one parent that held the name of the ruling house but was married away from the family. Their offspring can claim the name of the said parent, but to keep the balance between the Old families, they must give up their rights to whatever they would have inherited from their other side of the family. After that, consideration goes to their children and grandchildren, that carry still a name that the parent first took when they were first married off from the ruling family.

Naturally, other nobles and trusted advisors can be considered.


The ruler is the ultimate authority on all political matters of the realm and supreme judge of their people. Often this means assigning people to help in the rule and supervise. Emperor and emperor only can give a title of Archduke for a noble that works as their eyes and ears in one of the 4 regions of the nation. Emperor will always hold an open court to hear the most important goings of their realm and decide on political relations, military actions, and taxations, as well as the infrastructure of the empire in all fields.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If the ruler is unable to rule their nation, they can be dismissed from the task by their selected successor, or by nobility vote. Many kings and emperors have left the position from their own initiative, after a certain age or simply when feeling that their successor is competent enough to take the mantel to themselves.

Emperor must step down from their throne willingly; otherwise, they will stay on their position to their death, unless the title gets usurped or deteriorating health has made the ruler unable to function at all.


Starting from king Vasandor I, from the house of Ralonsalor, the small kingdom in very northern edge of Umeros has slowly become massive world power it is today. Rulers that have ruled over the Islenor have been from the Ralonsalor, Venramoir and Thelirme families, but it wasn't before Thelirme rule, that the title turned from "King/Queen" to "Emperor/Empress".

There have only been 2 ruling queens in Islenor's known history. First queen Cailynn, who ruled until her brother came of age as a regent, and late queen Nirine, who had a long and prosperous rule. Since Islenor became and empire, there has not been female rulers on the throne.

Notable Holders

Among the youth of the Empire it is customary to make the younglings learn all names of the rulers old, and some of their achievements.

Full list of past rulers
#TitleNameHouseRuled betweenLenght of rule
1.KingVasandor IRalonsalor-4118 to -3823 TbS295 years
2.KingVineirosRalonsalor-3823 to -3686 TbS137 years
3.KingKeltoris IRalonsalor-3686 to -3581 TbS105 years
4.KingVasandor IIRalonsalor-3581 to -2935 TbS646 years
5.KingKeltoris IIRalonsalor-2935 to -2638 TbS297 years
6.QueenCailynnRalonsalor-2638 to -2586 TbS52 years
7.KingTherisRalonsalor-2586 to -2161 TbS425 years
8.KingElnorilRalonsalor-2161 to -1886 TbS275 years
9.KingLeolarRalonsalor-1886 to -1854 TbS32 years
10.KingLuzeirosVenramoir-1854 to -1628 TbS226 years
11.QueenNirineVenramoir-1628 to -1156 TbS472 years
12.KingRolaninVenramoir-1156 to -708 TbS448 years
13.KingElephonVenramoir-708 to -237 TbS471 years
14.KingRennyn IThelirme-237 to -22 TbS215 years
15.KingPeteirysThelirme-22 TbS to 271 AoS293 years
16.King/EmperorCaelathel IThelirme271 to 1089 AoS381 years
17.EmperorArrananThelirme1089 to 1296 AoS207 years
18.EmperorVasandor IIIThelirme1296 to 1526 AoS230 years
19.EmperorCaelathel IIThelirme1526 to 1555 AoS29 years
20.EmperorFarrenThelirme1555 to 1829 AoS274 years
21.EmperorRennyn IIThelirme1829 to 2187 AoS358 years
22.EmperorElephon IIThelirme2187 to 2497 AoS310 years
23.EmperorCaelathel IIIThelirme2497 to 2789 AoS292 years
24.EmperorVethrionThelirme2789 to 3120 AoS331 years
25.EmperorFarynisThelirme3120 to 3302 AoS182 years
26.EmperorRennyn IIIThelirme3302 to 3302 AoS3 months
27.EmperorAlatharThelirme3302 AoS to this dayOn going


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