The Seldarine

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The Seldarine is the Elven pantheon of gods that according to legends resided on the astral dominion of Arvandor under the leadership of Corellon Larethian. Gods and goddesses of the pantheon are worshipped by most of the elves of Melyria in some capacity. The Dark Seldarine is considered as a splinter group of the Seldarine pantheon, and often ties to the believes and attitudes of those who follow the gods of the pantheon.

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Mythology & Lore

The Seldarine has a long and rich mythology, that forms around the stories about Corellon Larethian and his comrades, believed to be born from his blood. The Seldarine also has fractured, and part of it is now know as independent pantheon, The Dark Seldarine.

Some of the myths include:

Battle of Corellon and Gruumsh

One of the most famous myths about elven god Corellon Larethian is about how he fought with orc god Gruumsh, and the elves were born from Corellon's blood. According to some tellings, this was also the battle where Gruumsh lost one of his eyes. Battle of Corellon and Gruumsh has an important place in both even and orc mythology, as it explains hatred between the races and orcish dislike of most magic.

Read full myth here.

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Divine Origins

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Cosmological Views

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Tenets of Faith

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Granted Divine Powers

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Political Influence & Intrigue

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