Corellon Larethian
Corellon Larethian is the head deity of the elven pantheon, The Seldarine. His sphere involves things like magic, magic, music, arts, crafts, poetry, and warfare. He is considered as a shapechanger with no fixed form, but in most depictions, he is shown as an elven male.
Divine Domains
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Corellon was originally a wild and lively spirit, that would travel across planes, enjoying their existence. This mutable being with no one true form took a form of beings, things and powers to see and experience it all, before becoming the creator of elves. They were a star of many myths.
Some of the myths from Corellon include:
Battle of Corellon and Gruumsh
One of the most famous myths about elven god Corellon Larethian is about how he fought with orc god Gruumsh, and the elves were born from Corellon's blood. According to some tellings, this was also the battle where Gruumsh lost one of his eyes. Battle of Corellon and Gruumsh has an important place in both even and orc mythology, as it explains hatred between the races and orcish dislike of most magic.
Read full myth here.
Family Ties
Creator of the Elves
First of the Seldarine
Preserver of Life
The Protector
Ruler of All Elves