Fandrorsën Geographic Location in Mage Hunter | World Anvil
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The Island of the Hain. Located in the far north, it is under the control of the Hain king. It's thought to be the birth-place of Isolde.


It's located north of the old country, off the coast of the Hain clan.


The southern half of the island is open tundra. Permafrost lingers under the ground year round even if snow is rare due to the sea winds. This prevents trees from growing, but plants like sage, Chatha grass, and other low growing bushes. In the northern areas, large rocky outcrops and hills rise up, and are covered in glaciers. This island is the home of few animals, but many sea birds like to roost there for the summer, laying eggs. Fandrosen Goats are native to the area, and survive on Chatha grass alongside a breed of wild ponies. Hares, foxes, minxes, and fowl live throughout the island. Seals take refuge along the coastline, and whales can be seen out to sea. In the mountains, the Great Bear lives. This creature is is nearly nine feet tall, with powerful jaws and strong arms.

Ecosystem Cycles

Spring is dry and mild, but very windy. Summer gets up to fifty degrees fahrenheit. Fall is also dry, but suffers a series of flash freezes before winter sets in. Winter is incredibly cold, with tempurtures of -80 degrees or less and searing wind. The cold has been known to freeze saliva in the mouth and frost over eyes.

Localized Phenomena

Gyzers emite a magical substance that, when absorbed can make a human turn to stone, while other springs can be incredibly healing. Those who regularly soak in such springs are known to have increased strength and stamina, and are less effected by the cold. A Mineral that can be found in the mountains causes ice to form in a person's throat and lungs, freezing blood and covering the eyes in frost, eventually killing them. Sea spray can freeze in the air, and then cut human skin on contact.

Fauna & Flora

Spring brings many wildflowers to the tundra, creating a beautiful landscape. Flocks of thousands of birds arrive to make nests either on the cliffs or the grasslands. Smaller animals emerge from their burrows. The Hainor Rose blooms delicate white buds. Over the summer, as offspring grow, the bears come down into the tundra to hunt. Seals beach themselves to mate, and butterflies polinate the flowers. In fall, mushrooms grow among the grass, and the birds migrate south again. The winter is harsh and cold. This is when rumors of the Icemen circle.

Natural Resources

Besides the difficult conditions, the island has many resources. Fishing provides a great deal of abundence, and the locals sell furs for a high prince.


The island was discovered by the Hain, and settled by them. No one disputed it, since no one wanted to brave such bad conditions, but the Hain thrive.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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