The Temple of Lakle Building / Landmark in Mage Hunter | World Anvil
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The Temple of Lakle

Purpose / Function

The temple was built to worship the earth goddess, Lakle. It is the largest temple in existence, and it's construction is still a mystery. It also houses the Sage Council, the Library of Ruaj, and the Vaults.


The only alterations done are the addition of more guardian statues along the bridge.


The temple of Lakle is under the mountain. A giant subterrainian settlement, and partially cut, partally built out of the mountain. The main entrence to the temple is over a subterranian lake by bridge, decorated with statues of dead Majan heroes. The archetecture features numerous carvings, inscriptions, statues and arches. The rooms tend to be large and airy, with round pillars to support it. Though mostly made out of smooth marble, sometimes other kinds of stone are cut to make tiles and mosiacs.


The temple's first defence is it's secrecy. The location and existence of it is kept quiet until the oath is taken. After that, an individual is magically prevented from revealing it's location. The temple it'self is also partially sentient, and protects itself from hostile newcomers. The temple is accessed through many small caves systems, each of which can be collapsed to prevent anyone from getting through. Then, the bridge is guarded by enchanted statues, which defend the temple from invaders. Beyond that, each door to a major section is guarded with charms, and at least twenty trained Mages are dedicated to it's protection. Supplies of food are stored in case of a seige, and clean water comes from many underground springs.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Temple
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Materials


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