The Thean Building / Landmark in Mage Hunter | World Anvil
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The Thean

Write about a huge building in your world. Who built it and why? The Thean is a large arena that contained the Drac, a beast, descendent of the old dragons, that had massive claws and jaws and could burn the ground. Warriors and mages could enter the arena and try to slay the beast. If they succeeded, he swore to give over his throne to them. It was captured by him when he was a young man, and his royal mage, by the name of Illen, became keeper of the monster and master of the arena. People came from all around to see the fights. Every time, the warrior failed. Only after he died, and his kingdom fell into ruin, was the monster slain, by his daughter Hett, who then claimed his birthright.

Purpose / Function

To contain the monster Drac.


The building is round with many seats for an audience and a highly guarded iron barrior between the audience and the arena itself. In the center is the building that contains the monster itself, and it is then let out when there is a battle. It's simple in design, meant to be obviously massive. It is decorated with many collums and arches and a separate hall to display the relics of fallen heroes and tell the story of the king who captured the Drac. It was designed by the magical architect, Raend, who designed to it contain the monster and it's powers. To do this, he created a special iron alloy that could withstand impact spells and dampen magic. It was nearly unbreakable, and it was used to contain it. It's called Raendic Iron. It was built with stone from a quarry in Hwene Hill and dragged hundreds of miles to Imicea. Each brick was carved with a ward to bind evil inside.


After the monster was slain by Hett, many people came to collect the bones of the animal to make powerful spells and artifacts. Hett herself made a bone hilt for her sword, and made a helmet from the scales of the creature, banded by a strip of Raendic Iron. That helm became the offical crown for the city of Imicea, but it too, was lost. It became a ruin in 3100, because it was said that the Drac had spawned children there, that infested the whole city. They were small, lizard like creatures the size of a dog, with a venemous bite. A flood also contributed the to cities decline, and so the arena too was ruined.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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