Canyon of Crying Birds Geographic Location in Mage Hunter | World Anvil
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Canyon of Crying Birds

Crying Bird Canyon is a large canyon running north/south with steep cliffs on either side.


Lying between Druidswood and the Hirran Coastal Plateu, it forms a barrior for travel between them.


The bottom of the canyon is lush and green because of runoff that flows through during the wet seasons. This also causes a thick mist to lie within the canyon most of the time. The cliffs are rocky and in places have an extensive caves where birds and bats like to roost, bringing the name. At the bottom of the canyon, a moss that grows on the rocks is known to have the effect of removing recent memories from someone who ingests it. Those who fall from the cliffs sometimes remain as sprits within the mist.

Localized Phenomena

The mist is the most famous feature of the canyon, but beneath the fog, there are many other creatures and phenomena. Within the caves, drips a highly acidic liquid that is green in color and can dissolve iron, but is harmless to skin. Bones can be found among the rocks, which are powerful talismens for the dead, and if one were to walk all the way from the south end of the canyon to the north, they would find themselves in the realm of Naldh.


Moist and cold, the canyon is generally temperate most times of year, but can get icy in winter.

Fauna & Flora

Aside from the bats and birds, not many creatures live inside the canyon. During spring, the basin can become marshy and reeds and mallow grow.

Natural Resources

The local people sometimes make the journey down to harvest a verity of herbs and plants such as the canyon moss, and the reeds, which are woven into baskets. However, the act of exploring the canyon is dangerous, making such activities rare. However, the most valuble resources are the white stones which lie in the basin and can be carved into tools or charms. They are commonly made into beads, because they grant the bearer protection against evil spirits.
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