Allgathering Settlement in Mage Hunter | World Anvil
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The allgathering is a trading market by the great lake where people of all clans buy and sell. Only active in the summer, it is usually under the control of Haine people.


While the year round residents are mostly Haine, the outpost is also the home for merchants, treasure hunters, and craftsmen.


It has no clear government, though it belongs to the cheif of the Haine. It mostly functions from the understanding that everyone there wants to do business, and cooperation helps business along.


In order to protect the products for sale, a securaty force is established to keep the peace, and also mediate disputes. Besides this, the town is relatively unprotected, since any invasion by a clan, would result in immediete retaliation from the others for loosing their source of trade.

Industry & Trade

Trade itself is the largest industry. The summer market is the largest in the old country, and travelors from all the clans meet to buy and sell wares. Popular things sold in the market include cloth, expertly embroidered and woven by the Da'jarric people. Jewels from the mountains such as onyx from the onyx ravine, opals from Corre'nas Verai, precious stones such jasper, tourmaline, agate, malachite, and garnet from the lakes are sold for their magical proporties, as well as beauty. Stone and metal from Corre'Taneth are popular, such as bronze, silver, copper, jade, and amber. Herbs from Druidswood are prized for medicine and potions, especally Jekile Reeds, dried and woven into basketry, Mourning vines, known to make strong sleeping potions, roots for medicine such as Jinsor, and wood like boxwood, blackthorne and willow, shells and pearls from the Hirran, and even products from further away. Haine merchants, skilled in the art of smuggling and negotiating, even sometimes supply coffee beans, sugar, gold, and dye from Ajjar, and even steel, iron, wheat and grain, and more processed things from Lakloran. These items are shipped from Port Aire, through Sai Haine, and brought to the Allgathering for sale. With the raw materials, the guilds create more expensive wares.


The city is centered around the market, which is the largest in the old country. During the summer, the city doubles in size, so many guests residences are needed. Wagons and tents are set up in certain districts. The town also houses several guild headquarters. From the scholars guild, which buys and sells books and histories, to the jewel-merchants guild, to the weaponry guild, the enchanters guild, the alchemists guild, the charmers guild, and the Mage-warrior's guild, many organizations set up shop.


The residential district is full of homes for citizens who live full time, they form their own close-knit culture and society apart from the passersbye. The camp district is for those visiting to set up residence, either by parking their wagons, tents or others. For wealthier, inns and boardhouses are also an option. The Market district is where the main activity of the town takes place. For the dealings behind the scenes, the guild district holds many important buildings.


A great deal of wealth passes through the town, and thus the residents are usually well off, owning large houses to rent to guests, and expensive things. There is no nobility here, and class is determined directly by wealth.

Guilds and Factions

The guilds collect items and recycle them for cheaper prices. Old swords are polished and sharpened, armor is mended, and sheilds crafted in the weaponry guild. Charms can be bought and sold at the Charmers under their expertize. Enchantments can be comissioned or potions bought.


Though in the past markets were common throughout Majan, and cities such as Nourhera, and Estaire gathered many riches, these cities fell to ruin, and the clans grew seperate and suspicious of one another. The Haines, who were the only ones still able to buy products from Port Aire founded a city to supply the other clans with these products.
Founding Date
324 NE
Trade post
200 year round
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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