Corre’nas Verai Geographic Location in Mage Hunter | World Anvil
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Corre’nas Verai


In a northern climate, the land is heated by underground thermal hotspots which keep the area warmer than usual. Covered in rich forests, green meadows and and sparkling lakes, this land looks like a paradise. At twilight, millions of Maia Mothes rise into the air, which is known as the Grayshade. These mothes are known to emit sounds at a frequency that induces euphoria on humans. During the summer, Starseeds rise into the air during the dark moon. These are little hard seeds that float up to five feet in the air and glow, catching unfiltered starlight. They then grow roots the rest of the year.

Ecosystem Cycles

Summer is the most active time, when it reaches a moderately warm tempurture. Winter is also mild, since the earth is warmer than what is natural, so many plants continue to grow through the winter, such as the Fandronde Tree, which requires frost to ripen it's fruit.

Localized Phenomena

Countless mineral springs can be found. Most are hidden underground, or are overgrown, but every settlement as at least one community bath. The land is not without it's dangers, as some springs have been known to have adverse effects.

Fauna & Flora

The minerals feed plant life there, such as ënmear trees and more. Hidden springs are often marked by the presence of Riona flowers, which cluster around water springs and take on different colors depending on the minerals there. The Springborne birds, who feed on Starseeds, build their own eggs in the fall, cacooning themselves in hibernation before they break out in spring. These creatures never die, and always reborn in spring, leaving behind their eggshells. Known for vibrant green and brown feathers, these creatures mark the first day of spring when the rise into the air. In some mineral pools, Götfish spend their entire lives. With many trailing fins, this fish can blend in with water plants and hide in shadows. They're harmless to humans, and a delicasy to eat. They eat moths that drown in the water, and minerals build up on their skin. Snails like to hitch a ride on the Götfish in a symbiotic relationship. The snails eat the minerals, keeping the fish clean.

Natural Resources

The ecosystem of the valley is carefully maintained so that the envirnment is not destroyed for agriculture. Herds wander free in the feilds and forests, often belonging to an entire village, rather than one farmer. Mainly, these herds are made up of dairy cows and sheep. Meat is usually taken from wild animals through controlled hunting. The rich mineral soil makes it easy to grow crops such as berries, fruits, nuts and the occasional grain.


The valley was formed when the Great Dragon came from the north, and settled there. When the Mages fought him, he tore up the ground in fury and made hills and mountains. His burning breath now keeps the earth warm, and his dissolved bones become minerals.
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Inhabiting Species


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